• Wouter van Oortmerssen's avatar
    More native code gen functionality. · 3f936c56
    Wouter van Oortmerssen authored
    Allow tables to be mapped to native types directly.  For example, a table
    representing a vector3 (eg. table Vec3 { x:float; y:float; z:float; }) can
    be mapped to a "mathfu::vec3" native type in NativeTables.  This requires
    users to provide Pack and UnPack functions that convert between the
    Table and native types.  This is done by adding the "native_type" attribute
    to the table definition.
    To support user-defined flatbuffers::Pack and flatbuffers::UnPack functions,
    support a "native_include" markup that will generate a corresponding
    Also add an UnPackTo function which allows users to pass in a pointer to
    a NativeTable object into which to UnPack the Table.  The existing UnPack
    function is now simply:
      NativeTable* UnPack() {
        NativeTable* obj = new NativeTable();
        return obj;
    Finally, allow native types to be given a default value as well which are
    set in the NativeTable constructor.  This is done by providing a
    "native_default" attribute to the member of a table.
    Change-Id: Ic45cb48b0e6d7cfa5734b24819e54aa96d847cfd
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