• Michael Holler's avatar
    Add support for Python lib continuous deployment. · 0c8b4c76
    Michael Holler authored
    Use a combination of travis and twine to publish to PyPI. New
    publications will be made:
    * When `master` is updated. This will trigger the publication of a
      the Python artifact versioned an iso-compliant build datetime. In this
      way, the cutting edge version will always be available via PyPI.
    * When a new git tag is pushed. Tag pushes trigger the publication of
      a python artifact with the same version as the git tag, with the
      leading `v` stripped if present (`v1.2.3` becomes `1.2.3`).
    Publications rely on Travis having a PYPI_PASSWORD environment set in
    the project settings. See the Travis CI documentation for information on
    [setting environment variables which containing sensitive data][1]. Make
    extra sure the "Display value in build log" switch is OFF.
    In addition to setting the previously mentioned `PYPI_PASSWORD`
    environment variable, the owner of the PyPI `flatbuffers` repository
    should, after merging this commit into master, add his own commit to
    change `mikeholler` in `.travis/deploy-python.sh` to his username. It's
    also recommended that the owner of `flatbuffers` use a separate account
    in the unlikely event that the environment variable somehow becomes
    compromised. Again, this is very unlikely, since the environment
    variable is only set for "safe" builds approved by maintainers (not on
    random pull requests).
    [1]: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Defining-Variables-in-Repository-Settings
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