1. 19 Nov, 2015 3 commits
  2. 18 Nov, 2015 3 commits
  3. 17 Nov, 2015 3 commits
    • Johan Euphrosine's avatar
      flatbuffers/cmake: move build_flatbuffers to a standalone file · 331d2d83
      Johan Euphrosine authored
      So that it could be included from both flatbuffers CMakeLists.txt and
      Change-Id: Ie16a879beef9367cd6fd9b2d2157044841a7cdbc
    • Shuhei Taunma's avatar
      (PHP) add experimental support for PHP language. · 5ce86826
      Shuhei Taunma authored
      * codegen for all basic features: WIP (probably implemented all basic feature)
      * JSON parsing: NO
      * Simple mutation: NO
      * Reflection: NO
      * Buffer verifier: NO (will be add later)
      * Testing: basic: Yes
      * Testing: fuzz: Yes
      * Performance: Not bad
      * Platform: Supported Linux, OS X, Windows (has 32bit integer limitation)
      * Engine Unity: No
      flatc --php monster_test.fbs
        //include neccessary files.
        $fbb = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
        $str = $fbb->createString("monster");
        \MyGame\Example\Monster::addHp($fbb, 80);
        \MyGame\Example\Monster::addName($fbb, $str);
        $mon = \MyGame\Example\Monster::endMonster($fbb);
        echo $fbb->sizedByteArray();
      PHP 5.4 higher
      Currently, we do not register this library to packagist as still experimental and versioning problem.
      If you intended to use flatbuffers with composer. add repostiories section to composer.json like below.
        "repositories": [{
          "type": "vcs",
          "url": "https://github.com/google/flatbuffers"
       and just put google/flatbuffers.
        "require": {
          "google/flatbuffers": "*"
      * PHP's integer is platform dependant. we strongly recommend use 64bit machine
        and don't use uint, ulong types as prevent overflow issue.
        ref: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.integer.php
      * php don't support float type. floating point numbers are always parsed as double precision internally.
        ref: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
      * ByteBuffer is little bit slow implemnentation due to many chr/ord function calls. Especially encoding objects.
        This is expected performance as PHP5 has parsing arguments overhead. probably we'll add C-extension.
      Basically, PHP implementation respects Java and C# implementation.
      Note: ByteBuffer and FlatBuffersBuilder class are not intended to use other purposes.
            we may change internal API foreseeable future.
      PSR-2, PSR-4 standards.
      Implemented simple assertion class (respect JavaScript testcase implementation) as we prefer small code base.
      this also keeps CI iteration speed.
      we'll choose phpunit or something when the test cases grown.
    • Shuhei Tanuma's avatar
      C# Unity can't cast integer represented enum value. · 37e28d98
      Shuhei Tanuma authored
      namespace MyGame;
      enum CommandType : byte {
      	None = 0,
      table Command {
      then generate c# files. it'll output compile error like these.
      Assets/MyGame/Command.cs(18,39): error CS1041: Identifier expected
      Assets/MyGame/Command.cs(18,39): error CS1737: Optional parameter cannot precede required parameters
      16:   public static Offset<Command> CreateCommand(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
      17:   int id = 0,
      18:   CommandType type = (CommandType)0) {
  4. 16 Nov, 2015 3 commits
  5. 14 Nov, 2015 2 commits
    • Jon Simantov's avatar
      Store the dirs you pass into build_flatbuffers as properties. · 65c9b355
      Jon Simantov authored
      This allows you to query the generated target for those properties
      later, so dependent modules can refer to the directories to, for example,
      add them to the include_directories.
      Change-Id: I7a6bd34c5c1d08e2ea69b5ad845223297cad1159
    • Jon Simantov's avatar
      Added build_flatbuffers function to CMake. · f2949c3f
      Jon Simantov authored
      This function is designed to be called by projects that use FlatBuffers.
      It takes a list of FlatBuffers schemas and a list of schema include
      directories, and generates build rules to create generated headers
      and/or binary schemas for those files, as well as optionally copying
      all of the text schemas into a directory for your use (for example if
      you need to parse text schemas within your app).
      See function comments for more details.
      Change-Id: I181684b916e91d965e14849d8f83ec2c83e9a4a4
  6. 13 Nov, 2015 2 commits
    • Stewart Miles's avatar
      Expand local file path to allow users to fix ndk-build · ef53aebf
      Stewart Miles authored
      local-source-file-path does not expand to correct file paths in
      some circumstances so some users override it.  Therefore
      flatbuffers_header_build_rules has been modified to generate rules
      that expand LOCAL_SRC_FILES values with flatbuffers_header_build_rules.
      Also, this overrides local-source-file-path to allow nest projects
      to build when NDK_OUT is set.
      Verified a dependent project continues to build.
      Bug: 25673744
      Change-Id: Ic90186fe96d6e4533f9f3b7ca9ef78084de08a7e
    • Stewart Miles's avatar
      Pass job server arguments (-jX) to make. · 4f96603e
      Stewart Miles authored
      When $(MAKE) is expanded via a macro "make" doesn't know whether
      $(MAKE) refers to an instance of the make app and therefore doesn't
      pass job server arguments down.  This change adds the + prefix to the
      command in the receipe in order to indicate $(MAKE) is another instance of
      Verified flatc builds in parallel from Android builds.
      Change-Id: I9f2f4f9680b818fdda7420a75a8bfa995b4644db
  7. 12 Nov, 2015 2 commits
    • rw's avatar
      Python: Improve Builder user interface. · 3232727a
      rw authored
      + Add state to the Builder object to track if we are inside a table,
        and if we are finished building the buffer.
      + Use this data to check that a buffer is being built correctly.
      + Raise an exception if a buffer is not being built correctly.
      + Test that the exceptions happen as expected.
      Based on d236dea1.
    • rw's avatar
      Improve Builder user interface. · 2dfff15a
      rw authored
      + Add state to the Builder object to track if we are inside a table,
        and if we are finished building the buffer.
      + Use this data to check that a buffer is being built correctly.
      + Panic if a buffer is not being built correctly.
      + Test that the panics happen as expected.
      Based on d236dea1.
  8. 11 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  9. 10 Nov, 2015 2 commits
  10. 09 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  11. 07 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  12. 06 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  13. 29 Oct, 2015 2 commits
  14. 28 Oct, 2015 2 commits
  15. 22 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Stewart Miles's avatar
      Improved build rule generation for Android flatbuffer headers. · ed88f7de
      Stewart Miles authored
      * Added the ability to create a build target for generated headers.
      * Made it possible for generated header targets to depend upon each
        other or arbitrary build targets.
      Verified some pretty complex libraries with numerous flatbuffer schema
      dependencies build using this macro on Linux with the NDK.
      Bug: 25188384
      Change-Id: I846855a50808e58c34cdf7086e93e7ea0df69e0d
  16. 20 Oct, 2015 3 commits
  17. 19 Oct, 2015 6 commits
  18. 18 Oct, 2015 2 commits