Commit fb25eb87 authored by Björn Harrtell's avatar Björn Harrtell Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Doc typo fixes (#5505)

parent cb35d3a0
......@@ -1132,9 +1132,9 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
/// @brief Get the released pointer to the serialized buffer.
/// @param The size of the memory block containing
/// @param size The size of the memory block containing
/// the serialized `FlatBuffer`.
/// @param The offset from the released pointer where the finished
/// @param offset The offset from the released pointer where the finished
/// `FlatBuffer` starts.
/// @return A raw pointer to the start of the memory block containing
/// the serialized `FlatBuffer`.
......@@ -1167,12 +1167,12 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
/// @brief In order to save space, fields that are set to their default value
/// don't get serialized into the buffer.
/// @param[in] bool fd When set to `true`, always serializes default values that are set.
/// @param[in] fd When set to `true`, always serializes default values that are set.
/// Optional fields which are not set explicitly, will still not be serialized.
void ForceDefaults(bool fd) { force_defaults_ = fd; }
/// @brief By default vtables are deduped in order to save space.
/// @param[in] bool dedup When set to `true`, dedup vtables.
/// @param[in] dedup When set to `true`, dedup vtables.
void DedupVtables(bool dedup) { dedup_vtables_ = dedup; }
......@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
/// @brief Serialize an array of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// @tparam T The data type of the struct array elements.
/// @param[in] f A function that takes the current iteration 0..vector_size-1
/// @param[in] filler A function that takes the current iteration 0..vector_size-1
/// and a pointer to the struct that must be filled.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
......@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
/// @brief Serialize a `std::vector` of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` struct elements.
/// @param[in]] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// @param[in] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// serialize into the buffer as a `vector`.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
......@@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
/// @brief Serialize a `std::vector` of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`
/// in sorted order.
/// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` struct elements.
/// @param[in]] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// @param[in] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// serialize into the buffer as a `vector`.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
......@@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
/// `vector` in sorted order.
/// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` struct elements.
/// @tparam S The data type of the `std::vector` native struct elements.
/// @param[in]] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// @param[in] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// serialize into the buffer as a `vector`.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
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