Commit f2949c3f authored by Jon Simantov's avatar Jon Simantov

Added build_flatbuffers function to CMake.

This function is designed to be called by projects that use FlatBuffers.
It takes a list of FlatBuffers schemas and a list of schema include
directories, and generates build rules to create generated headers
and/or binary schemas for those files, as well as optionally copying
all of the text schemas into a directory for your use (for example if
you need to parse text schemas within your app).

See function comments for more details.

Change-Id: I181684b916e91d965e14849d8f83ec2c83e9a4a4
parent ef53aebf
......@@ -129,6 +129,105 @@ function(compile_flatbuffers_schema_to_binary SRC_FBS)
DEPENDS flatc)
# General function to create FlatBuffer build rules for the given list of
# schemas.
# flatbuffers_schemas: A list of flatbuffer schema files to process.
# schema_include_dirs: A list of schema file include directories, which will be
# passed to flatc via the -I parameter.
# custom_target_name: The generated files will be added as dependencies for a
# new custom target with this name. You should add that target as a dependency
# for your main target to ensure these files are built.
# additional_dependencies: A list of additional dependencies that you'd like
# all generated files to depend on. Pass in a blank string if you have none.
# generated_includes_dir: Where to generate the C++ header files for these
# schemas. The generated includes directory will automatically be added to
# CMake's include directories, and will be where generated header files are
# placed. This parameter is optional; pass in empty string if you don't want to
# generate include files for these schemas.
# binary_schemas_dir: If you specify an optional binary schema directory, binary
# schemas will be generated for these schemas as well, and placed into the given
# directory.
# copy_text_schemas_dir: If you want all text schemas (including schemas from
# all schema include directories) copied into a directory (for example, if you
# need them within your project to build JSON files), you can specify that
# folder here. All text schemas will be copied to that folder.
# IMPORTANT: Make sure you quote all list arguments you pass to this function!
# Otherwise CMake will only pass in the first element.
# Example: build_flatbuffers("${fb_files}" "${include_dirs}" target_name ...)
function(build_flatbuffers flatbuffers_schemas
set(schema_glob "*.fbs")
# Generate the include files parameters.
set(include_params "")
set(all_generated_files "")
foreach (include_dir ${schema_include_dirs})
set(include_params -I ${include_dir} ${include_params})
if (NOT ${copy_text_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "")
# Copy text schemas from dependent folders.
file(GLOB_RECURSE dependent_schemas ${include_dir}/${schema_glob})
foreach (dependent_schema ${dependent_schemas})
file(COPY ${dependent_schema} DESTINATION ${copy_text_schemas_dir})
# Register the include directory we are using.
if (NOT ${generated_includes_dir} STREQUAL "")
foreach(schema ${flatbuffers_schemas})
get_filename_component(filename ${schema} NAME_WE)
# For each schema, do the things we requested.
if (NOT ${generated_includes_dir} STREQUAL "")
set(generated_include ${generated_includes_dir}/${filename}_generated.h)
OUTPUT ${generated_include}
COMMAND flatc --gen-mutable
-o ${generated_includes_dir}
-c ${schema}
DEPENDS flatc ${schema} ${additional_dependencies})
list(APPEND all_generated_files ${generated_include})
if (NOT ${binary_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "")
set(binary_schema ${binary_schemas_dir}/${filename}.bfbs)
OUTPUT ${binary_schema}
COMMAND flatc -b --schema
-o ${binary_schemas_dir}
DEPENDS flatc ${schema} ${additional_dependencies})
list(APPEND all_generated_files ${binary_schema})
if (NOT ${copy_text_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "")
file(COPY ${schema} DESTINATION ${copy_text_schemas_dir})
# Create a custom target that depends on all the generated files.
# This is the target that you can depend on to trigger all these
# to be built.
DEPENDS ${all_generated_files} ${additional_dependencies})
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