Commit ef53aebf authored by Stewart Miles's avatar Stewart Miles

Expand local file path to allow users to fix ndk-build

local-source-file-path does not expand to correct file paths in
some circumstances so some users override it.  Therefore
flatbuffers_header_build_rules has been modified to generate rules
that expand LOCAL_SRC_FILES values with flatbuffers_header_build_rules.

Also, this overrides local-source-file-path to allow nest projects
to build when NDK_OUT is set.

Verified a dependent project continues to build.

Bug: 25673744
Change-Id: Ic90186fe96d6e4533f9f3b7ca9ef78084de08a7e
parent 4f96603e
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ $(foreach schema,$(1),\
$(call flatbuffers_header_build_rule,\
$(schema),$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(strip $(4))))\
$(foreach src,$(strip $(5)),\
$(eval $(PORTABLE_LOCAL_PATH)$$(src): \
$(eval $(call local-source-file-path,$(src)): \
$(foreach schema,$(strip $(1)),\
$(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(schema)))))\
$(if $(6),\
......@@ -201,11 +201,18 @@ $(if $(6),\
$(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(schema)))),)\
$(if $(7),\
$(foreach src,$(strip $(5)),\
$(eval $(PORTABLE_LOCAL_PATH)$$(src): $(strip $(7)))),)\
$(eval $(call local-source-file-path,$(src)): $(strip $(7)))),)\
$(if $(7),\
$(foreach dependency,$(strip $(7)),\
$(eval $(6): $(dependency))),)
# TODO: Remove when the LOCAL_PATH expansion bug in the NDK is fixed.
# Override the default behavior of local-source-file-path to workaround
# a bug which prevents the build of deeply nested projects when NDK_OUT is
# set.
local-source-file-path = \
$(if $(call host-path-is-absolute,$1),$1,$(realpath $(LOCAL_PATH)/$1))
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