Commit edd77ae2 authored by Wouter van Oortmerssen's avatar Wouter van Oortmerssen Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4010 from rgilles/master

Isolate the complied Java classes into a target folder.
parents 8e3fa336 582fd90c
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
......@@ -16,14 +16,29 @@
echo Compile then run the Java test.
java -version
testdir=$(readlink -fn `dirname $0`)
thisdir=$(readlink -fn `pwd`)
if [[ "$testdir" != "$thisdir" ]]; then
echo error: must be run from inside the ${testdir} directory
echo you ran it from ${thisdir}
exit 1
javac -classpath ${testdir}/../java:${testdir}:${testdir}/namespace_test
java -classpath ${testdir}/../java:${testdir}:${testdir}/namespace_test JavaTest
find .. -type f -name "*.class" -exec rm {} \;
if [[ -e "${targetdir}" ]]; then
echo "clean target"
rm -rf ${targetdir}
mkdir ${targetdir}
javac -d ${targetdir} -classpath ${testdir}/../java:${testdir}:${testdir}/namespace_test
java -classpath ${targetdir} JavaTest
rm -rf ${targetdir}
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