Added min/max values for enums/unions.

Bug: 21642898
Change-Id: Ifaf0b3c4274fe30ef29507ba1c1216d700efe85b
Tested: on Linux.
parent f8c1980f
......@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ struct Monster;
enum Color {
Color_Red = 0,
Color_Green = 1,
Color_Blue = 2
Color_Blue = 2,
Color_MIN = Color_Red,
Color_MAX = Color_Blue
inline const char **EnumNamesColor() {
......@@ -27,7 +29,9 @@ inline const char *EnumNameColor(Color e) { return EnumNamesColor()[static_cast<
enum Any {
Any_NONE = 0,
Any_Monster = 1
Any_Monster = 1,
Any_MIN = Any_NONE,
Any_MAX = Any_Monster
inline const char **EnumNamesAny() {
......@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ static std::string GenEnumDecl(const EnumDef &enum_def,
return (opts.scoped_enums ? "enum class " : "enum ") +;
static std::string GenEnumVal(const EnumDef &enum_def, const EnumVal &enum_val,
static std::string GenEnumVal(const EnumDef &enum_def,
const std::string &enum_val,
const IDLOptions &opts) {
return opts.prefixed_enums ? + "_" +
return opts.prefixed_enums ? + "_" + enum_val : enum_val;
static std::string GetEnumVal(const EnumDef &enum_def, const EnumVal &enum_val,
......@@ -159,15 +159,22 @@ static void GenEnum(const Parser &parser, EnumDef &enum_def,
if (parser.opts.scoped_enums)
code += " : " + GenTypeBasic(parser, enum_def.underlying_type, false);
code += " {\n";
EnumVal *minv = nullptr, *maxv = nullptr;
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
GenComment(ev.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr, " ");
code += " " + GenEnumVal(enum_def, ev, parser.opts) + " = ";
code += NumToString(ev.value);
code += (it + 1) != enum_def.vals.vec.end() ? ",\n" : "\n";
code += " " + GenEnumVal(enum_def,, parser.opts) + " = ";
code += NumToString(ev.value) + ",\n";
minv = !minv || minv->value > ev.value ? &ev : minv;
maxv = !maxv || maxv->value < ev.value ? &ev : maxv;
assert(minv && maxv);
code += " " + GenEnumVal(enum_def, "MIN", parser.opts) + " = ";
code += GenEnumVal(enum_def, minv->name, parser.opts) + ",\n";
code += " " + GenEnumVal(enum_def, "MAX", parser.opts) + " = ";
code += GenEnumVal(enum_def, maxv->name, parser.opts) + "\n";
code += "};\n\n";
// Generate a generate string table for enum values.
......@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ struct Monster;
enum Color {
Color_Red = 1,
Color_Green = 2,
Color_Blue = 8
Color_Blue = 8,
Color_MIN = Color_Red,
Color_MAX = Color_Blue
inline const char **EnumNamesColor() {
......@@ -36,7 +38,9 @@ inline const char *EnumNameColor(Color e) { return EnumNamesColor()[static_cast<
enum Any {
Any_NONE = 0,
Any_Monster = 1,
Any_TestSimpleTableWithEnum = 2
Any_TestSimpleTableWithEnum = 2,
Any_MIN = Any_NONE,
Any_MAX = Any_TestSimpleTableWithEnum
inline const char **EnumNamesAny() {
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class TableInFirstNS extends Table
$obj = new TableInNestedNS();
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__indirect($o + $this->bb_pos), $this->bb) : 0;
......@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ struct StructInNestedNS;
enum EnumInNestedNS {
EnumInNestedNS_A = 0,
EnumInNestedNS_B = 1,
EnumInNestedNS_C = 2
EnumInNestedNS_C = 2,
EnumInNestedNS_MIN_VAL = EnumInNestedNS_A,
EnumInNestedNS_MAX_VAL = EnumInNestedNS_C
inline const char **EnumNamesEnumInNestedNS() {
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