Commit dfe68566 authored by Andrew Gunnerson's avatar Andrew Gunnerson Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Add char * overload for FlatBufferBuilder::CreateString() (#4583)

Without this change, the compiler tries to select the following overload
when CreateString is passed a `char *`:

    template<typename T>
    Offset<String> CreateString(const T &str) {
      return CreateString(str.c_str(), str.length());

which is not valid since char pointers don't have methods.

(Fixes #4579)
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAndrew Gunnerson <>
parent 0aa36101
......@@ -1001,6 +1001,13 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
return CreateString(str, strlen(str));
/// @brief Store a string in the buffer, which is null-terminated.
/// @param[in] str A char pointer to a C-string to add to the buffer.
/// @return Returns the offset in the buffer where the string starts.
Offset<String> CreateString(char *str) {
return CreateString(str, strlen(str));
/// @brief Store a string in the buffer, which can contain any binary data.
/// @param[in] str A const reference to a std::string to store in the buffer.
/// @return Returns the offset in the buffer where the string starts.
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