Commit da67c0a7 authored by Lawrence Chan's avatar Lawrence Chan Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

[C++] Improve flatbuffers + gRPC integration (#4310)

* Rework flatbuffers + gRPC integration

- Introduce `flatbuffers::grpc::Message<T>`, a `grpc_slice`-backed
message buffer that handles refcounting and allows flatbuffers to
transfer ownership to gRPC efficiently. This replaces
`flatbuffers::BufferRef<T>`, which required a copy call and was also
unsafe w.r.t. buffer lifetime.
- Introduce `flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder`, a gRPC-specific builder
that forces a `grpc_slice`-backed allocator and also adds some helpful
`Message<T>`-related methods.
- Update serializers accordingly (now zero-copy between flatbuffers and

* gRPC: verify messages by default, but allow user to override

* gRPC: fix some formatting issues

* Disable verification by default, but add helper method

* Make FlatBufferBuilder fields protected + remove vec accessor

* Use bool add_ref parameter to toggle refcount incr

* Remove unnecessary inline specifiers

* Fix formatting

* Use auto

* Remove empty lines

* Use grpc_slice helper macros

* Simplify reset code

* Disable Message copy ctor and assignment by default

* Remove unused member

* Enable gRPC verification by default

* Use auto

* Bake in message verification (remove template specialization)

* Add RoundUp func

* Consolidate gRPC message copy flag

* Make vector_downward allocations fully lazy

* Test message verification failure code/message

* Add grpctest verification test comments

* Simplify reallocate implementation

* Make initial_size a size_t

* Use ternary op for growth_policy

* Use truthiness rather than dont explicit nullptr check

* Indent preprocessor directives

* Remove grpc message copy/assignment

* Fix a few bugs

* Add gRPC example

* Add basic gRPC docs

* Use doxygen EXAMPLE_PATH + @include

* Reference example fbs in grpc docs

* Move gRPC examples into grpc/samples

* Fix pointer/reference formatting

* Use std::function rather than templated callback func

* Create fresh message builder for each request

* Use Clear() in Reset() impl

parent dadd1a92
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ endif()
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-unused-parameter")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-shadow")
add_executable(grpctest ${FlatBuffers_GRPCTest_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(grpctest grpc++_unsecure pthread dl)
......@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ INPUT = "" \
"../../" \
"" \
"" \
"gRPC/" \
"groups" \
"../../java/com/google/flatbuffers" \
"../../python/flatbuffers/" \
......@@ -883,21 +884,21 @@ EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS =
# that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include
# command).
EXAMPLE_PATH = "GoApi_generated.txt"
EXAMPLE_PATH = "GoApi_generated.txt" "../../grpc/samples"
# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and
# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank all
# files are included.
EXAMPLE_PATTERNS = *.cpp *.h *.txt *.fbs
# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be
# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude commands
# irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag.
# The default value is: NO.
# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories
# that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the
......@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
title="Use in Python"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref flexbuffers"
title="Schema-less version"/>
<tab type="usergroup" url="" title="gRPC">
<tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_grpc_guide_use_cpp"
title="Use in C++"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_support"
title="Platform / Language / Feature support"/>
Use in C++ {#flatbuffers_grpc_guide_use_cpp}
## Before you get started
Before diving into the FlatBuffers gRPC usage in C++, you should already be
familiar with the following:
- FlatBuffers as a serialization format
- [gRPC]( usage
## Using the FlatBuffers gRPC C++ library
NOTE: The examples below are also in the `grpc/samples/greeter` directory.
We will illustrate usage with the following schema:
@include grpc/samples/greeter/greeter.fbs
When we run `flatc`, we pass in the `--grpc` option and generage an additional
`greeter.grpc.fb.h` and ``.
Example server code looks like this:
@include grpc/samples/greeter/server.cpp
Example client code looks like this:
@include grpc/samples/greeter/client.cpp
CXXFLAGS ?= -I../../../include
.PHONY: all
all: server client
greeter_generated.h: greeter.fbs
flatc --grpc --cpp $<
server: server.cpp greeter_generated.h greeter.grpc.fb.h
g++ -std=c++11 -O2 $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -lgpr -lgrpc -lgrpc++ server.cpp -o $@
client: client.cpp greeter_generated.h greeter.grpc.fb.h
g++ -std=c++11 -O2 $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -lgpr -lgrpc -lgrpc++ client.cpp -o $@
#include "greeter.grpc.fb.h"
#include "greeter_generated.h"
#include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
class GreeterClient {
GreeterClient(std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel)
: stub_(Greeter::NewStub(channel)) {}
std::string SayHello(const std::string &name) {
flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder mb;
auto name_offset = mb.CreateString(name);
auto request_offset = CreateHelloRequest(mb, name_offset);
auto request_msg = mb.ReleaseMessage<HelloRequest>();
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<HelloReply> response_msg;
grpc::ClientContext context;
auto status = stub_->SayHello(&context, request_msg, &response_msg);
if (status.ok()) {
const HelloReply *response = response_msg.GetRoot();
return response->message()->str();
} else {
std::cerr << status.error_code() << ": " << status.error_message()
<< std::endl;
return "RPC failed";
void SayManyHellos(const std::string &name, int num_greetings,
std::function<void(const std::string &)> callback) {
flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder mb;
auto name_offset = mb.CreateString(name);
auto request_offset =
CreateManyHellosRequest(mb, name_offset, num_greetings);
auto request_msg = mb.ReleaseMessage<ManyHellosRequest>();
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<HelloReply> response_msg;
grpc::ClientContext context;
auto stream = stub_->SayManyHellos(&context, request_msg);
while (stream->Read(&response_msg)) {
const HelloReply *response = response_msg.GetRoot();
auto status = stream->Finish();
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cerr << status.error_code() << ": " << status.error_message()
<< std::endl;
callback("RPC failed");
std::unique_ptr<Greeter::Stub> stub_;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::string server_address("localhost:50051");
auto channel =
grpc::CreateChannel(server_address, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
GreeterClient greeter(channel);
std::string name("world");
std::string message = greeter.SayHello(name);
std::cerr << "Greeter received: " << message << std::endl;
int num_greetings = 10;
greeter.SayManyHellos(name, num_greetings, [](const std::string &message) {
std::cerr << "Greeter received: " << message << std::endl;
return 0;
table HelloReply {
table HelloRequest {
table ManyHellosRequest {
rpc_service Greeter {
SayManyHellos(ManyHellosRequest):HelloReply (streaming: "server");
#include "greeter.grpc.fb.h"
#include "greeter_generated.h"
#include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
class GreeterServiceImpl final : public Greeter::Service {
virtual grpc::Status SayHello(
grpc::ServerContext *context,
const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<HelloRequest> *request_msg,
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<HelloReply> *response_msg) override {
// flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder mb_;
// We call GetRoot to "parse" the message. Verification is already
// performed by default. See the notes below for more details.
const HelloRequest *request = request_msg->GetRoot();
// Fields are retrieved as usual with FlatBuffers
const std::string &name = request->name()->str();
// `flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder` is a `FlatBufferBuilder` with a
// special allocator for efficient gRPC buffer transfer, but otherwise
// usage is the same as usual.
auto msg_offset = mb_.CreateString("Hello, " + name);
auto hello_offset = CreateHelloReply(mb_, msg_offset);
// The `ReleaseMessage<T>()` function detaches the message from the
// builder, so we can transfer the resopnse to gRPC while simultaneously
// detaching that memory buffer from the builer.
*response_msg = mb_.ReleaseMessage<HelloReply>();
// Return an OK status.
return grpc::Status::OK;
virtual grpc::Status SayManyHellos(
grpc::ServerContext *context,
const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<ManyHellosRequest> *request_msg,
grpc::ServerWriter<flatbuffers::grpc::Message<HelloReply>> *writer)
override {
// The streaming usage below is simply a combination of standard gRPC
// streaming with the FlatBuffers usage shown above.
const ManyHellosRequest *request = request_msg->GetRoot();
const std::string &name = request->name()->str();
int num_greetings = request->num_greetings();
for (int i = 0; i < num_greetings; i++) {
auto msg_offset = mb_.CreateString("Many hellos, " + name);
auto hello_offset = CreateHelloReply(mb_, msg_offset);
return grpc::Status::OK;
flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder mb_;
void RunServer() {
std::string server_address("");
GreeterServiceImpl service;
grpc::ServerBuilder builder;
builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials());
std::unique_ptr<grpc::Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart());
std::cerr << "Server listening on " << server_address << std::endl;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
return 0;
......@@ -27,24 +27,21 @@ using namespace MyGame::Example;
// code. It implements all rpcs specified in the FlatBuffers schema.
class ServiceImpl final : public MyGame::Example::MonsterStorage::Service {
virtual ::grpc::Status Store(::grpc::ServerContext* context,
const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster> *request,
flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat> *response)
const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster> *request,
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat> *response)
override {
// Create a response from the incoming request name.
auto stat_offset = CreateStat(fbb_, fbb_.CreateString("Hello, " +
// Since we keep reusing the same FlatBufferBuilder, the memory it owns
// remains valid until the next call (this BufferRef doesn't own the
// memory it points to).
*response = flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>(fbb_.GetBufferPointer(),
// Transfer ownership of the message to gRPC
*response = fbb_.ReleaseMessage<Stat>();
return grpc::Status::OK;
virtual ::grpc::Status Retrieve(::grpc::ServerContext *context,
const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat> *request,
::grpc::ServerWriter< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>* writer)
const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat> *request,
::grpc::ServerWriter< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>* writer)
override {
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
......@@ -55,17 +52,16 @@ class ServiceImpl final : public MyGame::Example::MonsterStorage::Service {
request->GetRoot()->id()->str() + " No." + std::to_string(i)));
flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster> monsterRef(
fbb_.GetBufferPointer(), fbb_.GetSize()
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster> monster = fbb_.ReleaseMessage<Monster>();
// Send monster to client using streaming.
return grpc::Status::OK;
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb_;
flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder fbb_;
// Track the server instance, so we can terminate it later.
......@@ -108,15 +104,14 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
auto stub = MyGame::Example::MonsterStorage::NewStub(channel);
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
flatbuffers::grpc::MessageBuilder fbb;
grpc::ClientContext context;
// Build a request with the name set.
auto monster_offset = CreateMonster(fbb, 0, 0, 0, fbb.CreateString("Fred"));
auto request = flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>(fbb.GetBufferPointer(),
flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat> response;
auto request = fbb.ReleaseMessage<Monster>();
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat> response;
// The actual RPC.
auto status = stub->Store(&context, request, &response);
......@@ -133,11 +128,9 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
auto stat_offset = CreateStat(fbb, fbb.CreateString("Fred"));
auto request = flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>(
auto request = fbb.ReleaseMessage<Stat>();
flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster> response;
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster> response;
auto stream = stub->Retrieve(&context, request);
while (stream->Read(&response)) {
auto resp = response.GetRoot()->name();
......@@ -145,6 +138,21 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
// Test that an invalid request errors out correctly
grpc::ClientContext context;
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster> request; // simulate invalid message
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat> response;
auto status = stub->Store(&context, request, &response);
// The rpc status should be INTERNAL to indicate a verification error. This
// matches the protobuf gRPC status code for an unparseable message.
assert(status.error_code() == ::grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL);
assert(strcmp(status.error_message().c_str(), "Message verification failed") == 0);
......@@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ inline size_t PaddingBytes(size_t buf_size, size_t scalar_size) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ template<typename T> T EndianSwap(T t) {
template<typename T> size_t AlignOf() {
template<typename T> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR size_t AlignOf() {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
return __alignof(T);
......@@ -451,27 +451,27 @@ class DetachedBuffer {
~DetachedBuffer() {
if (buf_ != nullptr) {
assert(allocator_ != nullptr);
if (buf_) {
allocator_->deallocate(buf_, reserved_);
if (own_allocator_ && allocator_ != nullptr) {
if (own_allocator_ && allocator_) {
delete allocator_;
const uint8_t *data() const {
assert(cur_ != nullptr);
return cur_;
uint8_t *data() {
assert(cur_ != nullptr);
return cur_;
size_t size() const {
assert(cur_ != nullptr);
return size_;
......@@ -516,29 +516,39 @@ class vector_downward {
Allocator *allocator = nullptr,
bool own_allocator = false)
: allocator_(allocator ? allocator : &DefaultAllocator::instance()),
reserved_((initial_size + sizeof(largest_scalar_t) - 1) &
~(sizeof(largest_scalar_t) - 1)),
buf_(allocator_->allocate(reserved_)), cur_(buf_ + reserved_) {
own_allocator_(own_allocator), initial_size_(initial_size), reserved_(0),
buf_(nullptr), cur_(nullptr) {
~vector_downward() {
if (buf_ != nullptr) {
assert(allocator_ != nullptr);
if (buf_) {
allocator_->deallocate(buf_, reserved_);
if (own_allocator_ && allocator_ != nullptr) {
if (own_allocator_ && allocator_) {
delete allocator_;
void reset() {
if (buf_) {
allocator_->deallocate(buf_, reserved_);
reserved_ = 0;
buf_ = nullptr;
cur_ = nullptr;
void clear() {
if (buf_ == nullptr) {
assert(allocator_ != nullptr);
buf_ = allocator_->allocate(reserved_);
if (buf_) {
cur_ = buf_ + reserved_;
} else {
reserved_ = 0;
buf_ = nullptr;
cur_ = nullptr;
cur_ = buf_ + reserved_;
// Relinquish the pointer to the caller.
......@@ -554,10 +564,12 @@ class vector_downward {
size_t growth_policy(size_t bytes) {
return (bytes / 2) & ~(sizeof(largest_scalar_t) - 1);
return (bytes == 0) ? initial_size_
: ((bytes / 2) & ~(AlignOf<largest_scalar_t>() - 1));
uint8_t *make_space(size_t len) {
assert(cur_ >= buf_);
if (len > static_cast<size_t>(cur_ - buf_)) {
......@@ -568,13 +580,23 @@ class vector_downward {
return cur_;
Allocator &get_allocator() { return *allocator_; }
uoffset_t size() const {
assert(cur_ != nullptr && buf_ != nullptr);
return static_cast<uoffset_t>(reserved_ - (cur_ - buf_));
uoffset_t capacity() const {
return reserved_;
uint8_t *buf() const {
return buf_;
uint8_t *data() const {
assert(cur_ != nullptr);
return cur_;
......@@ -613,18 +635,23 @@ class vector_downward {
Allocator *allocator_;
bool own_allocator_;
size_t initial_size_;
size_t reserved_;
uint8_t *buf_;
uint8_t *cur_; // Points at location between empty (below) and used (above).
void reallocate(size_t len) {
size_t old_reserved = reserved_;
auto old_reserved = reserved_;
auto old_size = size();
auto largest_align = AlignOf<largest_scalar_t>();
reserved_ += (std::max)(len, growth_policy(reserved_));
// Round up to avoid undefined behavior from unaligned loads and stores.
reserved_ = (reserved_ + (largest_align - 1)) & ~(largest_align - 1);
buf_ = allocator_->reallocate_downward(buf_, old_reserved, reserved_);
reserved_ += (std::max)(len, growth_policy(old_reserved));
FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR size_t alignment = AlignOf<largest_scalar_t>();
reserved_ = (reserved_ + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
if (buf_) {
buf_ = allocator_->reallocate_downward(buf_, old_reserved, reserved_);
} else {
buf_ = allocator_->allocate(reserved_);
cur_ = buf_ + reserved_ - old_size;
......@@ -655,9 +682,6 @@ template <typename T> T* data(std::vector<T> &v) {
/// `CreateVector` functions. Do this is depth-first order to build up a tree to
/// the root. `Finish()` wraps up the buffer ready for transport.
class FlatBufferBuilder
/// @endcond
/// @brief Default constructor for FlatBufferBuilder.
......@@ -667,7 +691,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
/// a `DefaultAllocator`.
/// @param[in] own_allocator Whether the builder/vector should own the
/// allocator. Defaults to / `false`.
explicit FlatBufferBuilder(uoffset_t initial_size = 1024,
explicit FlatBufferBuilder(size_t initial_size = 1024,
Allocator *allocator = nullptr,
bool own_allocator = false)
: buf_(initial_size, allocator, own_allocator), nested(false),
......@@ -682,6 +706,11 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
if (string_pool) delete string_pool;
void Reset() {
Clear(); // clear builder state
buf_.reset(); // deallocate buffer
/// @brief Reset all the state in this FlatBufferBuilder so it can be reused
/// to construct another buffer.
void Clear() {
......@@ -1392,7 +1421,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
Finish(root.o, file_identifier, true);
// You shouldn't really be copying instances of this class.
FlatBufferBuilder(const FlatBufferBuilder &);
FlatBufferBuilder &operator=(const FlatBufferBuilder &);
......@@ -23,50 +23,225 @@
#include "grpc++/support/byte_buffer.h"
#include "grpc/byte_buffer_reader.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace grpc {
// Message is a typed wrapper around a buffer that manages the underlying
// `grpc_slice` and also provides flatbuffers-specific helpers such as `Verify`
// and `GetRoot`. Since it is backed by a `grpc_slice`, the underlying buffer
// is refcounted and ownership is be managed automatically.
template <class T>
class SerializationTraits<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<
flatbuffers::BufferRefBase, T>::value>::type> {
class Message {
// The type we're passing here is a BufferRef, which is already serialized
// FlatBuffer data, which then gets passed to GRPC.
static grpc::Status Serialize(const T& msg,
grpc_byte_buffer **buffer,
bool *own_buffer) {
// TODO(wvo): make this work without copying.
auto slice = gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(msg.buf), msg.len);
*buffer = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(&slice, 1);
Message() : slice_(grpc_empty_slice()) {}
Message(grpc_slice slice, bool add_ref)
: slice_(add_ref ? grpc_slice_ref(slice) : slice) {}
Message &operator=(const Message &other) = delete;
Message(Message &&other) : slice_(other.slice_) {
other.slice_ = grpc_empty_slice();
Message(const Message &other) = delete;
Message &operator=(Message &&other) {
slice_ = other.slice_;
other.slice_ = grpc_empty_slice();
return *this;
~Message() { grpc_slice_unref(slice_); }
const uint8_t *mutable_data() const { return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_); }
const uint8_t *data() const { return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_); }
size_t size() const { return GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice_); }
bool Verify() const {
Verifier verifier(data(), size());
return verifier.VerifyBuffer<T>(nullptr);
T *GetMutableRoot() { return flatbuffers::GetMutableRoot<T>(mutable_data()); }
const T *GetRoot() const { return flatbuffers::GetRoot<T>(data()); }
// This is only intended for serializer use, or if you know what you're doing
const grpc_slice &BorrowSlice() const { return slice_; }
grpc_slice slice_;
class MessageBuilder;
// SliceAllocator is a gRPC-specific allocator that uses the `grpc_slice`
// refcounted slices to manage memory ownership. This makes it easy and
// efficient to transfer buffers to gRPC.
class SliceAllocator : public Allocator {
SliceAllocator() : slice_(grpc_empty_slice()) {}
SliceAllocator(const SliceAllocator &other) = delete;
SliceAllocator &operator=(const SliceAllocator &other) = delete;
virtual ~SliceAllocator() { grpc_slice_unref(slice_); }
virtual uint8_t *allocate(size_t size) override {
slice_ = grpc_slice_malloc(size);
return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_);
virtual void deallocate(uint8_t *p, size_t size) override {
assert(p == GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_));
assert(size == GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice_));
slice_ = grpc_empty_slice();
virtual uint8_t *reallocate_downward(uint8_t *old_p, size_t old_size,
size_t new_size) override {
assert(old_p == GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_));
assert(old_size == GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice_));
assert(new_size > old_size);
grpc_slice old_slice = slice_;
grpc_slice new_slice = grpc_slice_malloc(new_size);
uint8_t *new_p = GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(new_slice);
memcpy(new_p + (new_size - old_size), old_p, old_size);
slice_ = new_slice;
return new_p;
grpc_slice &get_slice(uint8_t *p, size_t size) {
assert(p == GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_));
assert(size == GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice_));
return slice_;
grpc_slice slice_;
friend class MessageBuilder;
// SliceAllocatorMember is a hack to ensure that the MessageBuilder's
// slice_allocator_ member is constructed before the FlatBufferBuilder, since
// the allocator is used in the FlatBufferBuilder ctor.
namespace detail {
struct SliceAllocatorMember {
SliceAllocator slice_allocator_;
// MessageBuilder is a gRPC-specific FlatBufferBuilder that uses SliceAllocator
// to allocate gRPC buffers.
class MessageBuilder : private detail::SliceAllocatorMember,
public FlatBufferBuilder {
explicit MessageBuilder(uoffset_t initial_size = 1024)
: FlatBufferBuilder(initial_size, &slice_allocator_, false) {}
MessageBuilder(const MessageBuilder &other) = delete;
MessageBuilder &operator=(const MessageBuilder &other) = delete;
~MessageBuilder() {}
// GetMessage extracts the subslice of the buffer corresponding to the
// flatbuffers-encoded region and wraps it in a `Message<T>` to handle buffer
// ownership.
template <class T>
Message<T> GetMessage() {
auto buf_data = buf_.buf(); // pointer to memory
auto buf_size = buf_.capacity(); // size of memory
auto msg_data =; // pointer to msg
auto msg_size = buf_.size(); // size of msg
// Do some sanity checks on data/size
assert(msg_data >= buf_data);
assert(msg_data + msg_size <= buf_data + buf_size);
// Calculate offsets from the buffer start
auto begin = msg_data - buf_data;
auto end = begin + msg_size;
// Get the slice we are working with (no refcount change)
grpc_slice slice = slice_allocator_.get_slice(buf_data, buf_size);
// Extract a subslice of the existing slice (increment refcount)
grpc_slice subslice = grpc_slice_sub(slice, begin, end);
// Wrap the subslice in a `Message<T>`, but don't increment refcount
Message<T> msg(subslice, false);
return msg;
template <class T>
Message<T> ReleaseMessage() {
Message<T> msg = GetMessage<T>();
return msg;
// SliceAllocator slice_allocator_; // part of SliceAllocatorMember
} // namespace grpc
} // namespace flatbuffers
namespace grpc {
template <class T>
class SerializationTraits<flatbuffers::grpc::Message<T>> {
static grpc::Status Serialize(const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<T> &msg,
grpc_byte_buffer **buffer, bool *own_buffer) {
// We are passed in a `Message<T>`, which is a wrapper around a
// `grpc_slice`. We extract it here using `BorrowSlice()`. The const cast
// is necesary because the `grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create` func expects
// non-const slices in order to increment their refcounts.
grpc_slice *slice = const_cast<grpc_slice *>(&msg.BorrowSlice());
// Now use `grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create` to package the single slice into a
// `grpc_byte_buffer`, incrementing the refcount in the process.
*buffer = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(slice, 1);
*own_buffer = true;
return grpc::Status();
// There is no de-serialization step in FlatBuffers, so we just receive
// the data from GRPC.
static grpc::Status Deserialize(grpc_byte_buffer *buffer, T *msg) {
// TODO(wvo): make this more efficient / zero copy when possible.
auto len = grpc_byte_buffer_length(buffer);
if(msg->buf != nullptr){
msg->buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(len));
msg->len = static_cast<flatbuffers::uoffset_t>(len);
msg->must_free = true;
uint8_t *current = msg->buf;
grpc_byte_buffer_reader reader;
grpc_byte_buffer_reader_init(&reader, buffer);
gpr_slice slice;
while (grpc_byte_buffer_reader_next(&reader, &slice)) {
memcpy(current, GPR_SLICE_START_PTR(slice), GPR_SLICE_LENGTH(slice));
current += GPR_SLICE_LENGTH(slice);
// Deserialize by pulling the
static grpc::Status Deserialize(grpc_byte_buffer *buffer,
flatbuffers::grpc::Message<T> *msg) {
// Check if this is a single uncompressed slice.
if ((buffer->type == GRPC_BB_RAW) &&
(buffer->data.raw.compression == GRPC_COMPRESS_NONE) &&
(buffer->data.raw.slice_buffer.count == 1)) {
// If it is, then we can reference the `grpc_slice` directly.
grpc_slice slice = buffer->data.raw.slice_buffer.slices[0];
// We wrap a `Message<T>` around the slice, incrementing the refcount.
*msg = flatbuffers::grpc::Message<T>(slice, true);
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to use `grpc_byte_buffer_reader_readall` to read
// `buffer` into a single contiguous `grpc_slice`. The gRPC reader gives
// us back a new slice with the refcount already incremented.
grpc_byte_buffer_reader reader;
grpc_byte_buffer_reader_init(&reader, buffer);
grpc_slice slice = grpc_byte_buffer_reader_readall(&reader);
// We wrap a `Message<T>` around the slice, but dont increment refcount
*msg = flatbuffers::grpc::Message<T>(slice, false);
GPR_ASSERT(current == msg->buf + msg->len);
return grpc::Status();
return ::grpc::Status::OK;
if (msg->Verify()) {
return ::grpc::Status::OK;
} else {
return ::grpc::Status(::grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL,
"Message verification failed");
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class FlatBufMethod : public grpc_generator::Method {
std::string name() const { return method_->name; }
std::string GRPCType(const StructDef &sd) const {
return "flatbuffers::BufferRef<" + + ">";
return "flatbuffers::grpc::Message<" + + ">";
std::string get_input_type_name() const {
......@@ -31,46 +31,46 @@ MonsterStorage::Stub::Stub(const std::shared_ptr< ::grpc::ChannelInterface>& cha
, rpcmethod_Retrieve_(MonsterStorage_method_names[1], ::grpc::RpcMethod::SERVER_STREAMING, channel)
::grpc::Status MonsterStorage::Stub::Store(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>& request, flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>* response) {
::grpc::Status MonsterStorage::Stub::Store(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>& request, flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>* response) {
return ::grpc::BlockingUnaryCall(channel_.get(), rpcmethod_Store_, context, request, response);
::grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>>* MonsterStorage::Stub::AsyncStoreRaw(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>& request, ::grpc::CompletionQueue* cq) {
return ::grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>>::Create(channel_.get(), cq, rpcmethod_Store_, context, request);
::grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>>* MonsterStorage::Stub::AsyncStoreRaw(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>& request, ::grpc::CompletionQueue* cq) {
return ::grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>>::Create(channel_.get(), cq, rpcmethod_Store_, context, request);
::grpc::ClientReader< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>* MonsterStorage::Stub::RetrieveRaw(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>& request) {
return new ::grpc::ClientReader< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>(channel_.get(), rpcmethod_Retrieve_, context, request);
::grpc::ClientReader< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>* MonsterStorage::Stub::RetrieveRaw(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>& request) {
return new ::grpc::ClientReader< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>(channel_.get(), rpcmethod_Retrieve_, context, request);
::grpc::ClientAsyncReader< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>* MonsterStorage::Stub::AsyncRetrieveRaw(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>& request, ::grpc::CompletionQueue* cq, void* tag) {
return ::grpc::ClientAsyncReader< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>::Create(channel_.get(), cq, rpcmethod_Retrieve_, context, request, tag);
::grpc::ClientAsyncReader< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>* MonsterStorage::Stub::AsyncRetrieveRaw(::grpc::ClientContext* context, const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>& request, ::grpc::CompletionQueue* cq, void* tag) {
return ::grpc::ClientAsyncReader< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>::Create(channel_.get(), cq, rpcmethod_Retrieve_, context, request, tag);
MonsterStorage::Service::Service() {
AddMethod(new ::grpc::RpcServiceMethod(
new ::grpc::RpcMethodHandler< MonsterStorage::Service, flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>, flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>>(
new ::grpc::RpcMethodHandler< MonsterStorage::Service, flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>, flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>>(
std::mem_fn(&MonsterStorage::Service::Store), this)));
AddMethod(new ::grpc::RpcServiceMethod(
new ::grpc::ServerStreamingHandler< MonsterStorage::Service, flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>, flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>(
new ::grpc::ServerStreamingHandler< MonsterStorage::Service, flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>, flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>(
std::mem_fn(&MonsterStorage::Service::Retrieve), this)));
MonsterStorage::Service::~Service() {
::grpc::Status MonsterStorage::Service::Store(::grpc::ServerContext* context, const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>* request, flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>* response) {
::grpc::Status MonsterStorage::Service::Store(::grpc::ServerContext* context, const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>* request, flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>* response) {
(void) context;
(void) request;
(void) response;
return ::grpc::Status(::grpc::StatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED, "");
::grpc::Status MonsterStorage::Service::Retrieve(::grpc::ServerContext* context, const flatbuffers::BufferRef<Stat>* request, ::grpc::ServerWriter< flatbuffers::BufferRef<Monster>>* writer) {
::grpc::Status MonsterStorage::Service::Retrieve(::grpc::ServerContext* context, const flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Stat>* request, ::grpc::ServerWriter< flatbuffers::grpc::Message<Monster>>* writer) {
(void) context;
(void) request;
(void) writer;
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