Commit cb7b2bf8 authored by jean-airoldie's avatar jean-airoldie Committed by Robert

[Rust] Fixed codegen documentation for Tables (#5227)

parent bfa43030
......@@ -1150,8 +1150,6 @@ class RustGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
// Generate an accessor struct, builder struct, and create function for a
// table.
void GenTable(const StructDef &struct_def) {
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME", Name(struct_def));
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_TYPELABEL", Name(struct_def) + "Offset");
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE", MakeSnakeCase(Name(struct_def)));
......@@ -1161,6 +1159,9 @@ class RustGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
code_ += "pub enum {{OFFSET_TYPELABEL}} {}";
code_ += "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "";
code_ += "pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += " pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,";
code_ += "}";
......@@ -920,10 +920,10 @@ impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ReferrableBuilder<'a, 'b> {
/// an example documentation comment: monster object
pub enum MonsterOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// an example documentation comment: monster object
pub struct Monster<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
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