Commit c9198dbb authored by Shuhei Tanuma's avatar Shuhei Tanuma

(PHP) fixes getting indirect table, also fixes getInt method on 32bit machine.

parent b974e95c
......@@ -399,8 +399,13 @@ class ByteBuffer
$sign = $index + (ByteBuffer::isLittleEndian() ? 3 : 0);
$issigned = isset($this->_buffer[$sign]) && ord($this->_buffer[$sign]) & 0x80;
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
// 4294967296 = 1 << 32 = Maximum unsigned 32-bit int
return $issigned ? $result - 4294967296 : $result;
} else {
// 32bit / Windows treated number as signed integer.
return $result;
......@@ -249,7 +249,13 @@ namespace php {
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : ";
code += "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init(";
if (field.value.type.struct_def->fixed)
code += "$o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : ";
} else {
code += "$this->__indirect($o + $this->bb_pos), $this->bb) : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class Monster extends Table
$obj = new Monster();
$o = $this->__offset(28);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__indirect($o + $this->bb_pos), $this->bb) : 0;
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class Monster extends Table
$obj = new Stat();
$o = $this->__offset(32);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__indirect($o + $this->bb_pos), $this->bb) : 0;
..\flatc.exe -c -j -n -g -b -p --php -s --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
..\flatc.exe -b --schema monster_test.fbs
..\flatc.exe -b .\monster_test.fbs .\monsterdata_indirect.json
\ No newline at end of file
../flatc --cpp --java --csharp --go --binary --python --js --php --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
../flatc --binary --schema monster_test.fbs
../flatc --binary monster_test.fbs monsterdata_indirect.json
\ No newline at end of file
"name": "Gob",
"enemy": {
"name": "Awk"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ function main()
// testUnicode($assert);
echo 'FlatBuffers php test: completed successfully' . PHP_EOL;
......@@ -587,7 +590,15 @@ function testByteBuffer(Assert $assert) {
$assert->Equal(0x0D0C0B0A, $uut->readLittleEndian(0, 4, true));
function testIndirectBuffer(Assert $assert)
$js = json_decode(file_get_contents('monsterdata_indirect.json'), true);
$data = file_get_contents('monsterdata_indirect.mon');
$bb = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($data);
$mons = \MyGame\Example\Monster::getRootAsMonster($bb);
$assert->Equal($js["name"], $mons->getName());
$assert->Equal($js["enemy"]["name"], $mons->getEnemy()->getName());
class Assert {
public function ok($result, $message = "") {
if (!$result){
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