Commit c8f1682e authored by Zach Reizner's avatar Zach Reizner

Use std::bsearch in LookupByKey for binary search

parent f64e0408
......@@ -305,28 +305,17 @@ public:
template<typename K> return_type LookupByKey(K key) const {
auto span = size();
uoffset_t start = 0;
// Perform binary search for key.
while (span) {
// Compare against middle element of current span.
auto middle = span / 2;
auto table = Get(start + middle);
auto comp = table->KeyCompareWithValue(key);
if (comp > 0) {
// Greater than. Adjust span and try again.
span = middle;
} else if (comp < 0) {
// Less than. Adjust span and try again.
start += middle;
span -= middle;
} else {
// Found element.
return table;
std::size_t count = size();
void *search_result = std::bsearch(&key, Data(), count,
IndirectHelper<T>::element_stride, KeyCompare<K>);
if (!search_result) {
return nullptr; // Key not found.
return nullptr; // Key not found.
const uint8_t *data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(search_result);
return IndirectHelper<T>::Read(data, 0);
......@@ -335,6 +324,17 @@ protected:
uoffset_t length_;
template<typename K> static int KeyCompare(const void *ap, const void *bp) {
const K *key = reinterpret_cast<const K *>(ap);
const uint8_t *data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(bp);
auto table = IndirectHelper<T>::Read(data, 0);
// std::bsearch compares with the operands transposed, so we negate the
// result here.
return -table->KeyCompareWithValue(*key);
// Convenient helper function to get the length of any vector, regardless
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