Commit b5560fcd authored by Paulo Pinheiro's avatar Paulo Pinheiro Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

[Java][FlexBuffers] Improve documentation for FlexBuffers in Java. (#5506)

Also add a FlexBuffer constructor to simplify usage
parent 782b865c
......@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ FlexBuffers is still slower than regular FlatBuffers though, so we recommend to
only use it if you need it.
# Usage
This is for C++, other languages may follow.
# Usage in C++
Include the header `flexbuffers.h`, which in turn depends on `flatbuffers.h`
and `util.h`.
......@@ -122,6 +120,46 @@ map["unknown"].IsNull(); // true
# Usage in Java
Java implementation follows the C++ one, closely.
For creating the equivalent of the same JSON `{ vec: [ -100, "Fred", 4.0 ], foo: 100 }`,
one could use the following code:
FlexBuffersBuilder builder = new FlexBuffersBuilder(ByteBuffer.allocate(512),
int smap = builder.startMap();
int svec = builder.startVector();
builder.endVector("vec", svec, false, false);
builder.putInt("foo", 100);
builder.endMap(null, smap);
ByteBuffer bb = builder.finish();
Similarly, to read the data, just:
FlexBuffers.Map map = FlexBuffers.getRoot(bb).asMap();
map.size(); // 2
FlexBuffers.Vector vec = map.get("vec").asVector();
vec.size(); // 3
vec.get(0).asLong(); // -100;
vec.get(1).asString(); // "Fred";
vec.get(1).asLong(); // 0 (Number parsing failed).
vec.get(2).asFloat(); // 4.0
vec.get(2).asString().isEmpty(); // true (Wrong Type).
vec.get(2).asString(); // "" (This still works though).
vec.get(2).toString(); // "4.0" (Or have it converted).
map.get("foo").asUInt(); // 100
map.get("unknown").isNull(); // true
# Binary encoding
A description of how FlexBuffers are encoded is in the
......@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ INPUT = "" \
"../../php/FlatbufferBuilder.php" \
"../../net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs" \
"../../include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" \
"../../go/builder.go" \
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_rust"
title="Use in Rust"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref flexbuffers"
title="Schema-less version"/>
title="FlexBuffers (Schema-less version)"/>
<tab type="usergroup" url="" title="gRPC">
<tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_grpc_guide_use_cpp"
title="Use in C++"/>
......@@ -25,37 +25,61 @@ import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
/// @file
/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_java_api
/// @{
* This class can be used to parse FlexBuffer messages.
* <p>
* For generating FlexBuffer messages, use {@link FlexBuffersBuilder}.
* <p>
* Example of usage:
* <pre>
* ByteBuffer bb = ... // load message from file or network
* FlexBuffers.Reference r = FlexBuffers.getRoot(bb); // Reads the root element
* FlexBuffers.Map map = r.asMap(); // We assumed root object is a map
* System.out.println(map.get("name").asString()); // prints element with key "name"
* </pre>
public class FlexBuffers {
// These are used as the upper 6 bits of a type field to indicate the actual
// type.
/** Represent a null type */
public static final int FBT_NULL = 0;
/** Represent a signed integer type */
public static final int FBT_INT = 1;
/** Represent a unsigned type */
public static final int FBT_UINT = 2;
/** Represent a float type */
public static final int FBT_FLOAT = 3; // Types above stored inline, types below store an offset.
/** Represent a key to a map type */
public static final int FBT_KEY = 4;
/** Represent a string type */
public static final int FBT_STRING = 5;
/** Represent a indirect signed integer type */
public static final int FBT_INDIRECT_INT = 6;
/** Represent a indirect unsigned integer type */
public static final int FBT_INDIRECT_UINT = 7;
/** Represent a indirect float type */
public static final int FBT_INDIRECT_FLOAT = 8;
/** Represent a map type */
public static final int FBT_MAP = 9;
/** Represent a vector type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR = 10; // Untyped.
/** Represent a vector of signed integers type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_INT = 11; // Typed any size = stores no type table).
/** Represent a vector of unsigned integers type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_UINT = 12;
/** Represent a vector of floats type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_FLOAT = 13;
/** Represent a vector of keys type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_KEY = 14;
/** Represent a vector of strings type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_STRING = 15;
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_INT2 = 16; // Typed tuple = no type table; no size field).
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_UINT2 = 17;
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_FLOAT2 = 18;
......@@ -65,9 +89,15 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_INT4 = 22; // Typed quad = no type table; no size field).
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_UINT4 = 23;
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_FLOAT4 = 24;
/** Represent a blob type */
public static final int FBT_BLOB = 25;
/** Represent a boolean type */
public static final int FBT_BOOL = 26;
/** Represent a vector of booleans type */
public static final int FBT_VECTOR_BOOL = 36; // To Allow the same type of conversion of type to vector type
private static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BB = ByteBuffer.allocate(0).asReadOnlyBuffer();
......@@ -98,7 +128,7 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Return a vector type our of a original element type
* @param type element type
* @param fixedLength size of elment
* @param fixedLength size of element
* @return typed vector type
static int toTypedVector(int type, int fixedLength) {
......@@ -120,7 +150,7 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
// return position of the element that the offset is pointing to
private static int indirect(ByteBuffer bb, int offset, int byteWidth) {
//TODO: we assume all offset fits on a int, since ByteBuffer operates with that assumption
// we assume all offset fits on a int, since ByteBuffer operates with that assumption
return (int) (offset - readUInt(bb, offset, byteWidth));
......@@ -175,6 +205,9 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
return new Reference(buffer, end, byteWidth, packetType);
* Represents an generic element in the buffer.
public static class Reference {
private static final Reference NULL_REFERENCE = new Reference(EMPTY_BB, 0, 1, 0);
......@@ -196,63 +229,127 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
this.type = type;
* Return element type
* @return element type as integer
public int getType() {
return type;
* Checks whether the element is null type
* @return true if null type
public boolean isNull() {
return type == FBT_NULL;
* Checks whether the element is boolean type
* @return true if boolean type
public boolean isBoolean() {
return type == FBT_BOOL;
* Checks whether the element type is numeric (signed/unsigned integers and floats)
* @return true if numeric type
public boolean isNumeric() {
return isIntOrUInt() || isFloat();
* Checks whether the element type is signed or unsigned integers
* @return true if an integer type
public boolean isIntOrUInt() {
return isInt() || isUInt();
* Checks whether the element type is float
* @return true if a float type
public boolean isFloat() {
return type == FBT_FLOAT || type == FBT_INDIRECT_FLOAT;
* Checks whether the element type is signed integer
* @return true if a signed integer type
public boolean isInt() {
return type == FBT_INT || type == FBT_INDIRECT_INT;
* Checks whether the element type is signed integer
* @return true if a signed integer type
public boolean isUInt() {
return type == FBT_UINT || type == FBT_INDIRECT_UINT;
* Checks whether the element type is string
* @return true if a string type
public boolean isString() {
return type == FBT_STRING;
* Checks whether the element type is key
* @return true if a key type
public boolean isKey() {
return type == FBT_KEY;
* Checks whether the element type is vector
* @return true if a vector type
public boolean isVector() {
return type == FBT_VECTOR || type == FBT_MAP;
* Checks whether the element type is typed vector
* @return true if a typed vector type
public boolean isTypedVector() {
return (type >= FBT_VECTOR_INT && type <= FBT_VECTOR_STRING) ||
* Checks whether the element type is a map
* @return true if a map type
public boolean isMap() {
return type == FBT_MAP;
* Checks whether the element type is a blob
* @return true if a blob type
public boolean isBlob() {
return type == FBT_BLOB;
* Returns element as 32-bit integer.
* <p> For vector element, it will return size of the vector</p>
* <p> For String element, it will type to be parsed as integer</p>
* <p> Unsigned elements will become negative</p>
* <p> Float elements will be casted to integer </p>
* @return 32-bit integer or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public int asInt() {
if (type == FBT_INT) {
// A fast path for the common case.
......@@ -274,6 +371,14 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as unsigned 64-bit integer.
* <p> For vector element, it will return size of the vector</p>
* <p> For String element, it will type to be parsed as integer</p>
* <p> Negative signed elements will become unsigned counterpart</p>
* <p> Float elements will be casted to integer </p>
* @return 64-bit integer or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public long asUInt() {
if (type == FBT_UINT) {
// A fast path for the common case.
......@@ -295,6 +400,14 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as 64-bit integer.
* <p> For vector element, it will return size of the vector</p>
* <p> For String element, it will type to be parsed as integer</p>
* <p> Unsigned elements will become negative</p>
* <p> Float elements will be casted to integer </p>
* @return 64-bit integer or 0 if fail to convert element to long.
public long asLong() {
if (type == FBT_INT) {
// A fast path for the common case.
......@@ -322,6 +435,12 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as 64-bit integer.
* <p> For vector element, it will return size of the vector</p>
* <p> For String element, it will type to be parsed as integer</p>
* @return 64-bit integer or 0 if fail to convert element to long.
public double asFloat() {
if (type == FBT_FLOAT) {
// A fast path for the common case.
......@@ -344,6 +463,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as a {@link Key}
* @return key or {@link Key#empty()} if element is not a key
public Key asKey() {
if (isKey()) {
return new Key(bb, indirect(bb, end, parentWidth), byteWidth);
......@@ -352,6 +475,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as a `String`
* @return element as `String` or empty `String` if fail
public String asString() {
if (isString()) {
int start = indirect(bb, end, byteWidth);
......@@ -370,6 +497,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as a {@link Map}
* @return element as {@link Map} or empty {@link Map} if fail
public Map asMap() {
if (isMap()) {
return new Map(bb, indirect(bb, end, parentWidth), byteWidth);
......@@ -378,6 +509,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as a {@link Vector}
* @return element as {@link Vector} or empty {@link Vector} if fail
public Vector asVector() {
if (isVector()) {
return new Vector(bb, indirect(bb, end, parentWidth), byteWidth);
......@@ -388,6 +523,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as a {@link Blob}
* @return element as {@link Blob} or empty {@link Blob} if fail
public Blob asBlob() {
if (isBlob() || isString()) {
return new Blob(bb, indirect(bb, end, parentWidth), byteWidth);
......@@ -396,6 +535,11 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Returns element as a boolean
* <p>If element type is not boolean, it will be casted to integer and compared against 0</p>
* @return element as boolean
public boolean asBoolean() {
if (isBoolean()) {
return bb.get(end) != 0;
......@@ -403,11 +547,18 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
return asUInt() != 0;
* Returns text representation of the element (JSON)
* @return String containing text representation of the element
public String toString() {
return toString(new StringBuilder(128)).toString();
* Appends a text(JSON) representation to a `StringBuilder`
StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) {
//TODO: Original C++ implementation escape strings.
// probably we should do it as well.
......@@ -493,6 +644,13 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Represents a array of bytes element in the buffer
* <p>It can be converted to `ByteBuffer` using {@link data()},
* copied into a byte[] using {@link getBytes()} or
* have individual bytes accessed individually using {@link get(int)}</p>
public static class Blob extends Sized {
static final Blob EMPTY = new Blob(EMPTY_BB, 0, 1);
......@@ -500,12 +658,14 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
super(buff, end, byteWidth);
/** Return an empty {@link Blob} */
public static Blob empty() {
return EMPTY;
* @return blob as a {@link ByteBuffer}
* Return {@link Blob} as `ByteBuffer`
* @return blob as `ByteBuffer`
public ByteBuffer data() {
ByteBuffer dup = bb.duplicate();
......@@ -515,7 +675,8 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* @return blob as a byte array
* Copy blob into a byte[]
* @return blob as a byte[]
public byte[] getBytes() {
int size = size();
......@@ -526,16 +687,26 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
return result;
* Return individual byte at a given position
* @param pos position of the byte to be read
public byte get(int pos) {
assert pos >=0 && pos <= size();
return bb.get(end + pos);
* Returns a text(JSON) representation of the {@link Blob}
public String toString() {
return Utf8.getDefault().decodeUtf8(bb, end, size());
* Append a text(JSON) representation of the {@link Blob} into a `StringBuilder`
public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) {
......@@ -544,6 +715,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
* Represents a key element in the buffer. Keys are
* used to reference objects in a {@link Map}
public static class Key extends Object {
private static final Key EMPTY = new Key(EMPTY_BB, 0, 0);
......@@ -552,10 +727,17 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
super(buff, end, byteWidth);
* Return an empty {@link Key}
* @return empty {@link Key}
* */
public static Key empty() {
return Key.EMPTY;
* Appends a text(JSON) representation to a `StringBuilder`
public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) {
int size;
......@@ -590,6 +772,11 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
return c1 - c2;
* Compare keys
* @param obj other key to compare
* @return true if keys are the same
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Key))
......@@ -609,6 +796,10 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
super(bb, end, byteWidth);
* Returns an empty {@link Map}
* @return an empty {@link Map}
public static Map empty() {
return EMPTY_MAP;
......@@ -710,14 +901,25 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
super(bb, end, byteWidth);
* Returns an empty {@link Map}
* @return an empty {@link Map}
public static Vector empty() {
* Checks if the vector is empty
* @return true if vector is empty
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this == EMPTY_VECTOR;
* Appends a text(JSON) representation to a `StringBuilder`
public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append("[ ");
......@@ -833,6 +1035,9 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
return vec.size();
* Returns a text(JSON) representation
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
......@@ -867,3 +1072,4 @@ public class FlexBuffers {
/// @}
......@@ -30,34 +30,26 @@ import static;
import static;
import static;
/// @file
/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_java_api
/// @{
* A class that generates FlexBuffers
* <p>
* This class presents all necessary APIs to create FlexBuffers. The {@link ByteBuffer } buffer used to store the
* data can be created internally, or passed down in the constructor.
* <p>
* Because it uses {@link ByteBuffer} internally, this impose some limitations in generating FlexBuffers. Mostly noted,
* the maximum size limitation on FlexBuffer message, which is {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
* Helper class that builds FlexBuffers
* <p> This class presents all necessary APIs to create FlexBuffers. A `ByteBuffer` will be used to store the
* data. It can be created internally, or passed down in the constructor.</p>
* <p>There is also some differences from the original implementation in C++. It can changed in future updates.
* <p>There are some limitations when compared to original implementation in C++. Most notably:
* <ul>
* <li><p>No support for mutations (might change in the future).</p></li>
* <li><p>Size of message limited to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}</p></li>
* <li><p>Since Java does not support unsigned type, all unsigned operations accepts a immediate higher representation
* of similar type. Unsigned long is not supported</p></li>
* <li><p> No support for mutations (might change in the future).</p></li>
* <li><p> Buffer size limited to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}</p></li>
* <li><p> Since Java does not support unsigned type, all unsigned operations accepts an immediate higher representation
* of similar type.</p></li>
* </ul>
* </p>
public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
private static final int WIDTH_8 = 0;
private static final int WIDTH_16 = 1;
private static final int WIDTH_32 = 2;
private static final int WIDTH_64 = 3;
* No keys or strings will be shared
......@@ -86,6 +78,11 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
public static final int BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_ALL = 7;
private static final int WIDTH_8 = 0;
private static final int WIDTH_16 = 1;
private static final int WIDTH_32 = 2;
private static final int WIDTH_64 = 3;
private final ByteBuffer bb;
private final ArrayList<Value> stack = new ArrayList<>();
private final HashMap<String, Integer> keyPool = new HashMap<>();
......@@ -93,7 +90,8 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
private final int flags;
private boolean finished = false;
private Comparator<Value> valueComparator = new Comparator<Value>() {
// A lambda to sort map keys
private Comparator<Value> keyComparator = new Comparator<Value>() {
public int compare(Value o1, Value o2) {
int ia = o1.key;
......@@ -111,18 +109,27 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
return c1 - c2;
/// @endcond
* Constructs a newly allocated {@code FlexBuffersBuilder} with {@link #BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_KEYS} set.
* @param bufSize size of buffer in bytes.
public FlexBuffersBuilder(int bufSize) {
this(ByteBuffer.allocate(bufSize), BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_KEYS);
* Constructs a newly allocated {@code FlexBuffersBuilder} with {@link #BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_KEYS} set.
public FlexBuffersBuilder() {
this(ByteBuffer.allocate(256), BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_KEYS);
* Constructs a newly allocated {@code FlexBuffersBuilder}.
* @param bb ByteBuffer that will hold the message
* @param bb `ByteBuffer` that will hold the message
* @param flags Share flags
public FlexBuffersBuilder(ByteBuffer bb, int flags) {
......@@ -134,18 +141,18 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
* Constructs a newly allocated {@code FlexBuffersBuilder}.
* @param bb ByteBuffer that will hold the message
* By default same keys will be serialized only once
* @param bb `ByteBuffer` that will hold the message
public FlexBuffersBuilder(ByteBuffer bb) {
* Return {@code ByteBuffer} containing FlexBuffer message. {@code #finish()} must be called before calling this
* Return `ByteBuffer` containing FlexBuffer message. {@code #finish()} must be called before calling this
* function otherwise an assert will trigger.
* @return {@code ByteBuffer} with finished message
* @return `ByteBuffer` with finished message
public ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
assert (finished);
......@@ -160,6 +167,11 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
putBoolean(null, val);
* Insert a single boolean into the buffer
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param val true or false
public void putBoolean(String key, boolean val) {
stack.add(Value.bool(putKey(key), val));
......@@ -193,10 +205,20 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
putInt(null, val);
* Adds a integer into the buff
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param val integer
public void putInt(String key, int val) {
putInt(key, (long) val);
* Adds a integer into the buff
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param val 64-bit integer
public void putInt(String key, long val) {
int iKey = putKey(key);
if (Byte.MIN_VALUE <= val && val <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
......@@ -273,6 +295,11 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
putFloat(null, value);
* Adds a 32-bit float into the buff.
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param value float representing value
public void putFloat(String key, float val) {
stack.add(Value.float32(putKey(key), val));
......@@ -285,6 +312,11 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
putFloat(null, value);
* Adds a 64-bit float into the buff.
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param value float representing value
public void putFloat(String key, double val) {
stack.add(Value.float64(putKey(key), val));
......@@ -298,6 +330,12 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
return putString(null, value);
* Adds a String into the buffer
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param value string
* @return start position of string in the buffer
public int putString(String key, String val) {
int iKey = putKey(key);
if ((flags & FlexBuffersBuilder.BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_STRINGS) != 0) {
......@@ -371,6 +409,12 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
return putBlob(null, value);
* Adds a byte array into the message
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param value byte array
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public int putBlob(String key, byte[] val) {
int iKey = putKey(key);
Value value = writeBlob(iKey, val, FBT_BLOB);
......@@ -378,10 +422,23 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
return (int) value.iValue;
* Start a new vector in the buffer.
* @return a reference indicating position of the vector in buffer. This
* reference must be passed along when the vector is finished using endVector()
public int startVector() {
return stack.size();
* Finishes a vector, but writing the information in the buffer
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param start reference for begining of the vector. Returned by {@link startVector()}
* @param typed boolean indicating wether vector is typed
* @param fixed boolean indicating wether vector is fixed
* @return Reference to the vector
public int endVector(String key, int start, boolean typed, boolean fixed) {
int iKey = putKey(key);
Value vec = createVector(iKey, start, stack.size() - start, typed, fixed, null);
......@@ -397,7 +454,7 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
* Finish writing the message into the buffer. After that no other element must
* be inserted into the buffer. Also, you must call this function before start using the
* FlexBuffer message
* @return ByteBuffer containing the FlexBuffer message
* @return `ByteBuffer` containing the FlexBuffer message
public ByteBuffer finish() {
// If you hit this assert, you likely have objects that were never included
......@@ -420,12 +477,12 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
* Create a vector based on the elements stored in the stack
* @param key reference to its key
* @param key reference to its key
* @param start element in the stack
* @param length size of the vector
* @param typed whether is TypedVector or not
* @param fixed whether is Fixed vector or not
* @param keys Value representing key vector
* @param keys Value representing key vector
* @return Value representing the created vector
private Value createVector(int key, int start, int length, boolean typed, boolean fixed, Value keys) {
......@@ -514,14 +571,25 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
* Start a new map in the buffer.
* @return a reference indicating position of the map in buffer. This
* reference must be passed along when the map is finished using endMap()
public int startMap() {
return stack.size();
* Finishes a map, but writing the information in the buffer
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @param start reference for begining of the map. Returned by {@link startMap()}
* @return Reference to the map
public int endMap(String key, int start) {
int iKey = putKey(key);
Collections.sort(stack.subList(start, stack.size()), valueComparator);
Collections.sort(stack.subList(start, stack.size()), keyComparator);
Value keys = createKeyVector(start, stack.size() - start);
Value vec = createVector(iKey, start, stack.size() - start, false, false, keys);
......@@ -557,7 +625,7 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
return new Value(-1, FlexBuffers.toTypedVector(FBT_KEY,0), bitWidth, vloc);
public static class Value {
private static class Value {
final int type;
// for scalars, represents scalar size in bytes
// for vectors, represents the size
......@@ -690,3 +758,5 @@ public class FlexBuffersBuilder {
/// @}
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