Fixed up with rpc's and new scalar types.

Change-Id: Ie2965f48810bf24cccf098b69a9d471583efc3bf
parent 801e1b76
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Grammar of the schema language {#flatbuffers_grammar}
schema = include*
( namespace\_decl | type\_decl | enum\_decl | root\_decl |
file_extension_decl | file_identifier_decl |
attribute\_decl | object )*
attribute\_decl | rpc\_decl | object )*
include = `include` string\_constant `;`
......@@ -21,9 +21,15 @@ root\_decl = `root_type` ident `;`
field\_decl = ident `:` type [ `=` scalar ] metadata `;`
rpc\_decl = `rpc_service` ident `{` rpc\_method+ `}`
rpc\_method = ident `(` ident `)` `:` ident metadata `;`
type = `bool` | `byte` | `ubyte` | `short` | `ushort` | `int` | `uint` |
`float` | `long` | `ulong` | `double`
| `string` | `[` type `]` | ident
`float` | `long` | `ulong` | `double` |
`int8` | `uint8` | `int16` | `uint16` | `int32` | `uint32`| `int64` | `uint64` |
`float32` | `float64` |
`string` | `[` type `]` | ident
enumval\_decl = ident [ `=` integer\_constant ]
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