Commit aac6be11 authored by Wouter van Oortmerssen's avatar Wouter van Oortmerssen Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

First attempt at SchemaLess FlatBuffers.

Change-Id: I86b9d002f3441ef9efdb70e059b8530ab2d74bb8
Tested: on Linux.
parent dabe0308
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ set(FlatBuffers_Library_SRCS
......@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ inefficiency, but also forces you to write *more* code to access data
In this context, it is only a better choice for systems that have very
little to no information ahead of time about what data needs to be stored.
If you do need to store data that doesn't fit a schema, FlatBuffers also
offers a schema-less (self-describing) version!
Read more about the "why" of FlatBuffers in the
[white paper](@ref flatbuffers_white_paper).
......@@ -138,6 +141,8 @@ sections provide a more in-depth usage guide.
using FlatBuffers.
- A [white paper](@ref flatbuffers_white_paper) explaining the "why" of
- How to use the [schema-less](@ref flexbuffers) version of
- A description of the [internals](@ref flatbuffers_internals) of FlatBuffers.
- A formal [grammar](@ref flatbuffers_grammar) of the schema language.
FlexBuffers {#flexbuffers}
FlatBuffers was designed around schemas, because when you want maximum
performance and data consistency, strong typing is helpful.
There are however times when you want to store data that doesn't fit a
schema, because you can't know ahead of time what all needs to be stored.
For this, FlatBuffers has a dedicated format, called FlexBuffers.
This is a binary format that can be used in conjunction
with FlatBuffers (by storing a part of a buffer in FlexBuffers
format), or also as its own independent serialization format.
While it loses the strong typing, you retain the most unique advantage
FlatBuffers has over other serialization formats (schema-based or not):
FlexBuffers can also be accessed without parsing / copying / object allocation.
This is a huge win in efficiency / memory friendly-ness, and allows unique
use cases such as mmap-ing large amounts of free-form data.
FlexBuffers design and implementation allows for a very compact encoding,
combining automatic pooling of strings with automatic sizing of containers to
their smallest possible representation (8/16/32/64 bits). Many values and
offsets can be encoded in just 8 bits. While a schema-less representation is
usually more bulky because of the need to be self-descriptive, FlexBuffers
generates smaller binaries for many cases than regular FlatBuffers.
FlexBuffers is still slower than regular FlatBuffers though, so we recommend to
only use it if you need it.
# Usage
This is for C++, other languages may follow.
Include the header `flexbuffers.h`, which in turn depends on `flatbuffers.h`
and `util.h`.
To create a buffer:
flexbuffers::Builder fbb;
You create any value, followed by `Finish`. Unlike FlatBuffers which requires
the root value to be a table, here any value can be the root, including a lonely
int value.
You can now access the `std::vector<uint8_t>` that contains the encoded value
as `fbb.GetBuffer()`. Write it, send it, or store it in a parent FlatBuffer. In
this case, the buffer is just 3 bytes in size.
To read this value back, you could just say:
auto root = flexbuffers::GetRoot(my_buffer);
int64_t i = root.AsInt64();
FlexBuffers stores ints only as big as needed, so it doesn't differentiate
between different sizes of ints. You can ask for the 64 bit version,
regardless of what you put in. In fact, since you demand to read the root
as an int, if you supply a buffer that actually contains a float, or a
string with numbers in it, it will convert it for you on the fly as well,
or return 0 if it can't. If instead you actually want to know what is inside
the buffer before you access it, you can call `root.GetType()` or `root.IsInt()`
Here's a slightly more complex value you could write instead of `fbb.Int` above:
fbb.Map([&]() {
fbb.Vector("vec", [&]() {
fbb.UInt("foo", 100);
This stores the equivalent of the JSON value
`{ vec: [ -100, "Fred", 4.0 ], foo: 100 }`. The root is a dictionary that has
just two key-value pairs, with keys `vec` and `foo`. Unlike FlatBuffers, it
actually has to store these keys in the buffer (which it does only once if
you store multiple such objects, by pooling key values), but also unlike
FlatBuffers it has no restriction on the keys (fields) that you use.
The map constructor uses a C++11 Lambda to group its children, but you can
also use more conventional start/end calls if you prefer.
The first value in the map is a vector. You'll notice that unlike FlatBuffers,
you can use mixed types. There is also a `TypedVector` variant that only
allows a single type, and uses a bit less memory.
`IndirectFloat` is an interesting feature that allows you to store values
by offset rather than inline. Though that doesn't make any visible change
to the user, the consequence is that large values (especially doubles or
64 bit ints) that occur more than once can be shared. Another use case is
inside of vectors, where the largest element makes up the size of all elements
(e.g. a single double forces all elements to 64bit), so storing a lot of small
integers together with a double is more efficient if the double is indirect.
Accessing it:
auto map = flexbuffers::GetRoot(my_buffer).AsMap();
map.size(); // 2
auto vec = map["vec"].AsVector();
vec.size(); // 3
vec[0].AsInt64(); // -100;
vec[1].AsString().c_str(); // "Fred";
vec[1].AsInt64(); // 0 (Number parsing failed).
vec[2].AsDouble(); // 4.0
vec[2].AsString().IsTheEmptyString(); // true (Wrong Type).
vec[2].AsString().c_str(); // "" (This still works though).
vec[2].ToString().c_str(); // "4" (Or have it converted).
map["foo"].AsUInt8(); // 100
map["unknown"].IsNull(); // true
# Binary encoding
A description of how FlexBuffers are encoded is in the
[internals](@ref flatbuffers_internals) document.
# Efficiency tips
* Vectors generally are a lot more efficient than maps, so prefer them over maps
when possible for small objects. Instead of a map with keys `x`, `y` and `z`,
use a vector. Better yet, use a typed vector. Or even better, use a fixed
size typed vector.
* Maps are backwards compatible with vectors, and can be iterated as such.
You can iterate either just the values (`map.Values()`), or in parallel with
the keys vector (`map.Keys()`). If you intend
to access most or all elements, this is faster than looking up each element
by key, since that involves a binary search of the key vector.
* When possible, don't mix values that require a big bit width (such as double)
in a large vector of smaller values, since all elements will take on this
width. Use `IndirectDouble` when this is a possibility. Note that
integers automatically use the smallest width possible, i.e. if you ask
to serialize an int64_t whose value is actually small, you will use less
bits. Doubles are represented as floats whenever possible losslessly, but
this is only possible for few values.
Since nested vectors/maps are stored over offsets, they typically don't
affect the vector width.
* To store large arrays of byte data, use a blob. If you'd use a typed
vector, the bit width of the size field may make it use more space than
expected, and may not be compatible with `memcpy`.
Similarly, large arrays of (u)int16_t may be better off stored as a
binary blob if their size could exceed 64k elements.
Construction and use are otherwise similar to strings.
......@@ -292,4 +292,148 @@ flexibility in which of the children of root object to write first (though in
this case there's only one string), and what order to write the fields in.
Different orders may also cause different alignments to happen.
# FlexBuffers
The [schema-less](@ref flexbuffers) version of FlatBuffers have their
own encoding, detailed here.
It shares many properties mentioned above, in that all data is accessed
over offsets, all scalars are aligned to their own size, and
all data is always stored in little endian format.
One difference is that FlexBuffers are built front to back, so children are
stored before parents, and the root of the data starts at the last byte.
Another difference is that scalar data is stored with a variable number of bits
(8/16/32/64). The current width is always determined by the *parent*, i.e. if
the scalar sits in a vector, the vector determines the bit width for all
elements at once. Selecting the minimum bit width for a particular vector is
something the encoder does automatically and thus is typically of no concern
to the user, though being aware of this feature (and not sticking a double in
the same vector as a bunch of byte sized elements) is helpful for efficiency.
Unlike FlatBuffers there is only one kind of offset, and that is an unsigned
integer indicating the number of bytes in a negative direction from the address
of itself (where the offset is stored).
### Vectors
The representation of the vector is at the core of how FlexBuffers works (since
maps are really just a combination of 2 vectors), so it is worth starting there.
As mentioned, a vector is governed by a single bit width (supplied by its
parent). This includes the size field. For example, a vector that stores the
integer values `1, 2, 3` is encoded as follows:
uint8_t 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4
The first `3` is the size field, and is placed before the vector (an offset
from the parent to this vector points to the first element, not the size
field, so the size field is effectively at index -1).
Since this is an untyped vector `SL_VECTOR`, it is followed by 3 type
bytes (one per element of the vector), which are always following the vector,
and are always a uint8_t even if the vector is made up of bigger scalars.
### Types
A type byte is made up of 2 components (see flexbuffers.h for exact values):
* 2 lower bits representing the bit-width of the child (8, 16, 32, 64).
This is only used if the child is accessed over an offset, such as a child
vector. It is ignored for inline types.
* 6 bits representing the actual type (see flexbuffers.h).
Thus, in this example `4` means 8 bit child (value 0, unused, since the value is
in-line), type `SL_INT` (value 1).
### Typed Vectors
These are like the Vectors above, but omit the type bytes. The type is instead
determined by the vector type supplied by the parent. Typed vectors are only
available for a subset of types for which these savings can be significant,
namely inline signed/unsigned integers (`TYPE_VECTOR_INT` / `TYPE_VECTOR_UINT`),
floats (`TYPE_VECTOR_FLOAT`), and keys (`TYPE_VECTOR_KEY`, see below).
Additionally, for scalars, there are fixed length vectors of sizes 2 / 3 / 4
that don't store the size (`TYPE_VECTOR_INT2` etc.), for an additional savings
in space when storing common vector or color data.
### Scalars
FlexBuffers supports integers (`TYPE_INT` and `TYPE_UINT`) and floats
(`TYPE_FLOAT`), available in the bit-widths mentioned above. They can be stored
both inline and over an offset (`TYPE_INDIRECT_*`).
The offset version is useful to encode costly 64bit (or even 32bit) quantities
into vectors / maps of smaller sizes, and to share / repeat a value multiple
### Blobs, Strings and Keys.
A blob (`TYPE_BLOB`) is encoded similar to a vector, with one difference: the
elements are always `uint8_t`. The parent bit width only determines the width of
the size field, allowing blobs to be large without the elements being large.
Strings (`TYPE_STRING`) are similar to blobs, except they have an additional 0
termination byte for convenience, and they MUST be UTF-8 encoded (since an
accessor in a language that does not support pointers to UTF-8 data may have to
convert them to a native string type).
A "Key" (`TYPE_KEY`) is similar to a string, but doesn't store the size
field. They're so named because they are used with maps, which don't care
for the size, and can thus be even more compact. Unlike strings, keys cannot
contain bytes of value 0 as part of their data (size can only be determined by
`strlen`), so while you can use them outside the context of maps if you so
desire, you're usually better off with strings.
### Maps
A map (`TYPE_MAP`) is like an (untyped) vector, but with 2 prefixes before the
size field:
| index | field |
| ----: | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| -3 | An offset to the keys vector (may be shared between tables). |
| -2 | Byte width of the keys vector. |
| -1 | Size (from here on it is compatible with `TYPE_VECTOR`) |
| 0 | Elements. |
| Size | Types. |
Since a map is otherwise the same as a vector, it can be iterated like
a vector (which is probably faster than lookup by key).
The keys vector is a typed vector of keys. Both the keys and corresponding
values *have* to be stored in sorted order (as determined by `strcmp`), such
that lookups can be made using binary search.
The reason the key vector is a seperate structure from the value vector is
such that it can be shared between multiple value vectors, and also to
allow it to be treated as its own indivual vector in code.
An example map { foo: 13, bar: 14 } would be encoded as:
0 : uint8_t 'f', 'o', 'o', 0
4 : uint8_t 'b', 'a', 'r', 0
8 : uint8_t 2 // key vector of size 2
// key vector offset points here
9 : uint8_t 9, 6 // offsets to foo_key and bar_key
11: uint8_t 3, 1 // offset to key vector, and its byte width
13: uint8_t 2 // value vector of size
// value vector offset points here
14: uint8_t 13, 14 // values
16: uint8_t 4, 4 // types
### The root
As mentioned, the root starts at the end of the buffer.
The last uint8_t is the width in bytes of the root (normally the parent
determines the width, but the root has no parent). The uint8_t before this is
the type of the root, and the bytes before that are the root value (of the
number of bytes specified by the last byte).
So for example, the integer value `13` as root would be:
uint8_t 13, 4, 1 // Value, type, root byte width.
......@@ -759,6 +759,7 @@ INPUT = "" \
"" \
"" \
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"../../" \
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
title="Use in PHP"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_python"
title="Use in Python"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref flexbuffers"
title="Schema-less version"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_support"
title="Platform / Language / Feature support"/>
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include <random>
#include "flatbuffers/flexbuffers.h"
using namespace MyGame::Example;
#ifdef __ANDROID__
......@@ -491,8 +493,6 @@ void ReflectionTest(uint8_t *flatbuf, size_t length) {
TEST_EQ_STR(pos_table_ptr->name()->c_str(), "MyGame.Example.Vec3");
// Now use it to dynamically access a buffer.
auto &root = *flatbuffers::GetAnyRoot(flatbuf);
......@@ -1360,6 +1360,66 @@ void ConformTest() {
test_conform("enum E:byte { B, A }", "values differ for enum");
void FlexBuffersTest() {
flexbuffers::Builder slb(512,
// Write the equivalent of:
// { vec: [ -100, "Fred", 4.0 ], bar: [ 1, 2, 3 ], foo: 100 }
slb.Map([&]() {
slb.Vector("vec", [&]() {
slb += -100; // Equivalent to slb.Add(-100) or slb.Int(-100);
slb += "Fred";
std::vector<int> ints = { 1, 2, 3 };
slb.Add("bar", ints);
slb.FixedTypedVector("bar3",, ints.size()); // Static size.
slb.Double("foo", 100);
slb.Map("mymap", [&]() {
slb.String("foo", "Fred"); // Testing key and string reuse.
for (size_t i = 0; i < slb.GetBuffer().size(); i++)
printf("%d ", slb.GetBuffer().data()[i]);
auto map = flexbuffers::GetRoot(slb.GetBuffer()).AsMap();
TEST_EQ(map.size(), 5);
auto vec = map["vec"].AsVector();
TEST_EQ(vec.size(), 3);
TEST_EQ(vec[0].AsInt64(), -100);
TEST_EQ_STR(vec[1].AsString().c_str(), "Fred");
TEST_EQ(vec[1].AsInt64(), 0); // Number parsing failed.
TEST_EQ(vec[2].AsDouble(), 4.0);
TEST_EQ(vec[2].AsString().IsTheEmptyString(), true); // Wrong Type.
TEST_EQ_STR(vec[2].AsString().c_str(), ""); // This still works though.
TEST_EQ_STR(vec[2].ToString().c_str(), "4"); // Or have it converted.
auto tvec = map["bar"].AsTypedVector();
TEST_EQ(tvec.size(), 3);
TEST_EQ(tvec[2].AsInt8(), 3);
auto tvec3 = map["bar3"].AsFixedTypedVector();
TEST_EQ(tvec3.size(), 3);
TEST_EQ(tvec3[2].AsInt8(), 3);
TEST_EQ(map["foo"].AsUInt8(), 100);
TEST_EQ(map["unknown"].IsNull(), true);
auto mymap = map["mymap"].AsMap();
// These should be equal by pointer equality, since key and value are shared.
TEST_EQ(mymap.Keys()[0].AsKey(), map.Keys()[2].AsKey());
TEST_EQ(mymap.Values()[0].AsString().c_str(), vec[1].AsString().c_str());
// We can mutate values in the buffer.
TEST_EQ(vec[0].MutateInt(-99), true);
TEST_EQ(vec[0].AsInt64(), -99);
TEST_EQ(vec[1].MutateString("John"), true); // Size must match.
TEST_EQ_STR(vec[1].AsString().c_str(), "John");
TEST_EQ(vec[1].MutateString("Alfred"), false); // Too long.
TEST_EQ(vec[2].MutateFloat(2.0f), true);
TEST_EQ(vec[2].AsFloat(), 2.0f);
TEST_EQ(vec[2].MutateFloat(3.14159), false); // Double does not fit in float.
int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
// Run our various test suites:
......@@ -1399,6 +1459,8 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
if (!testing_fails) {
return 0;
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