Fixed various compiler warnings (most related to a 64bit size_t).

Change-Id: Ic2e0565ebc5243fc0be780bfbcb221d5170569fd
Tested: on VS2010
parent 66583e8a
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ struct String : public Vector<char> {
// in the lowest address in the vector.
class vector_downward {
explicit vector_downward(uoffset_t initial_size)
explicit vector_downward(size_t initial_size)
: reserved_(initial_size),
buf_(new uint8_t[reserved_]),
cur_(buf_ + reserved_) {
......@@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ class vector_downward {
void clear() { cur_ = buf_ + reserved_; }
uoffset_t growth_policy(uoffset_t size) {
size_t growth_policy(size_t size) {
return (size / 2) & ~(sizeof(largest_scalar_t) - 1);
uint8_t *make_space(uoffset_t len) {
uint8_t *make_space(size_t len) {
if (buf_ > cur_ - len) {
auto old_size = size();
reserved_ += std::max(len, growth_policy(reserved_));
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class vector_downward {
uint8_t *data() const { return cur_; }
uint8_t *data_at(uoffset_t offset) { return buf_ + reserved_ - offset; }
uint8_t *data_at(size_t offset) { return buf_ + reserved_ - offset; }
// push() & fill() are most frequently called with small byte counts (<= 4),
// which is why we're using loops rather than calling memcpy/memset.
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class vector_downward {
void pop(size_t bytes_to_remove) { cur_ += bytes_to_remove; }
uoffset_t reserved_;
size_t reserved_;
uint8_t *buf_;
uint8_t *cur_; // Points at location between empty (below) and used (above).
......@@ -282,10 +282,10 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder {
flatbuffer_version_string =
"FlatBuffers "
"FlatBuffers "
// Reset all the state in this FlatBufferBuilder so it can be reused
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ void TestEq(T expval, U val, const char *exp, const char *file, int line) {
#define TEST_EQ(exp, val) TestEq( exp, val, #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define TEST_NOTNULL(exp) TestEq(!exp, false, #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define TEST_EQ(exp, val) TestEq(exp, val, #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define TEST_NOTNULL(exp) TestEq(exp == NULL, false, #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Include simple random number generator to ensure results will be the
// same cross platform.
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