Commit a4e3ad80 authored by Derek Bailey's avatar Derek Bailey Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Fix for Boolean types (#5379) (#5466)

The packing/unpacking steps for Boolean values was failing because the
code expected numerical values. I overrode the functions for the Boolean
metatable to account for this. I also had to exclude the Boolean
metatable from the GenerateTypes helper function, as that was overriding
the Pack/Unpack functions defined in its metatable.

Added Linux bash script to run Lua tests from the command line.

Bug: google/flatbuffers#5379

Tested: Added Lua tests that were failing and are now fixed with the
code changes.
parent c953fa57
......@@ -53,7 +53,12 @@ local bool_mt =
max_value = true,
lua_type = type(true),
name = "bool",
packFmt = "<b"
packFmt = "<I1",
Pack = function(self, value) return value and "1" or "0" end,
Unpack = function(self, buf, pos) return buf[pos] == "1" end,
ValidNumber = function(self, n) return true end, -- anything is a valid boolean in Lua
EnforceNumber = function(self, n) end, -- anything is a valid boolean in Lua
EnforceNumberAndPack = function(self, n) return self:Pack(value) end,
local uint8_mt =
......@@ -170,7 +175,6 @@ setmetatable(float32_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(float64_mt, {__index = type_mt})
m.Bool = bool_mt
m.Uint8 = uint8_mt
m.Uint16 = uint16_mt
m.Uint32 = uint32_mt
......@@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ m.UOffsetT = uint32_mt
m.VOffsetT = uint16_mt
m.SOffsetT = int32_mt
function GenerateTypes(listOfTypes)
local GenerateTypes = function(listOfTypes)
for _,t in pairs(listOfTypes) do
t.Pack = function(self, value) return bpack(self.packFmt, value) end
t.Unpack = function(self, buf, pos) return bunpack(self.packFmt, buf, pos) end
......@@ -195,4 +199,6 @@ end
-- explicitly execute after GenerateTypes call, as we don't want to define a Pack/Unpack function for it.
m.Bool = bool_mt
return m
#!/bin/bash -eu
# Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
pushd "$(dirname $0)" >/dev/null
${test_dir}/../flatc --lua -I include_test monster_test.fbs
lua5.3 luatest.lua
......@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ local function checkReadBuffer(buf, offset, sizePrefix)
if sizePrefix then
local size = flatbuffers.N.Int32:Unpack(buf, offset)
-- no longer matches python tests, but the latest 'monsterdata_test.mon'
-- is 448 bytes, minus 4 to arrive at the 444
assert(size == 444)
assert(size == #buf - offset - 4)
offset = offset + flatbuffers.N.Int32.bytewidth
......@@ -136,6 +134,10 @@ local function generateMonster(sizePrefix)
monster.AddTestType(b, 1)
monster.AddTest(b, mon2)
monster.AddTest4(b, test4)
monster.AddTestbool(b, true)
monster.AddTestbool(b, false)
monster.AddTestbool(b, null)
monster.AddTestarrayofstring(b, testArrayOfString)
monster.AddVectorOfLongs(b, vectorOfLongs)
monster.AddVectorOfDoubles(b, vectorOfDoubles)
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