Commit a3a2bf89 authored by lakedaemon's avatar lakedaemon

Better C++ namespace management

parent a9194c4c
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
if (num_includes) code += "\n";
// Generate forward declarations for all structs/tables, since they may
// have circular references.
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &struct_def = **it;
if (!struct_def.generated) {
CheckNameSpace(struct_def, &code);
CheckNameSpace(struct_def.defined_namespace, &code);
code += "struct " + + ";\n\n";
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
++it) {
auto &enum_def = **it;
if (!enum_def.generated) {
CheckNameSpace(**it, &code);
CheckNameSpace((**it).defined_namespace, &code);
GenEnum(**it, &code);
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &struct_def = **it;
if (struct_def.fixed && !struct_def.generated) {
CheckNameSpace(struct_def, &code);
CheckNameSpace(struct_def.defined_namespace, &code);
GenStruct(struct_def, &code);
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &struct_def = **it;
if (!struct_def.fixed && !struct_def.generated) {
CheckNameSpace(struct_def, &code);
CheckNameSpace(struct_def.defined_namespace, &code);
GenTable(struct_def, &code);
......@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
++it) {
auto &enum_def = **it;
if (enum_def.is_union && !enum_def.generated) {
CheckNameSpace(enum_def, &code);
CheckNameSpace(enum_def.defined_namespace, &code);
GenEnumPost(enum_def, &code);
// Generate convenient global helper functions:
if (parser_.root_struct_def_) {
CheckNameSpace(*parser_.root_struct_def_, &code);
CheckNameSpace((*parser_.root_struct_def_).defined_namespace, &code);
auto &name = parser_.root_struct_def_->name;
std::string qualified_name =
......@@ -195,25 +195,23 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
code += "); }\n\n";
CloseNestedNameSpaces(code_generator_cur_name_space, &code);
code_generator_cur_name_space = nullptr;
CheckNameSpace(nullptr, &code);
// Close the include guard.
code += "\n#endif // " + include_guard + "\n";
code += "#endif // " + include_guard + "\n";
return SaveFile(GeneratedFileName(path_, file_name_).c_str(), code, false);
// This tracks the current namespace so we can insert namespace declarations.
const Namespace *code_generator_cur_name_space = nullptr;
const Namespace *cur_name_space_ = nullptr;
// Ensure that a type is prefixed with its namespace whenever it is used
// outside of its namespace.
std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Namespace *ns, const std::string &name) {
if (code_generator_cur_name_space != ns) {
if (cur_name_space_ != ns) {
std::string qualified_name;
for (auto it = ns->components.begin(); it != ns->components.end(); ++it) {
qualified_name += *it + "::";
......@@ -863,33 +861,25 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
code += NumToString(struct_def.bytesize) + ");\n\n";
void GenerateNestedNameSpaces(const Namespace *ns, std::string *code_ptr) {
for (auto it = ns->components.begin(); it != ns->components.end(); ++it) {
*code_ptr += "namespace " + *it + " {\n";
void CloseNestedNameSpaces(const Namespace *ns, std::string *code_ptr) {
for (auto it = ns->components.rbegin(); it != ns->components.rend(); ++it) {
*code_ptr += "} // namespace " + *it + "\n";
void CheckNameSpace(const Definition &def, std::string *code_ptr) {
// Set up the correct namespace. Only open a namespace if
// the existing one is different.
// TODO: this could be done more intelligently, by sorting to
// namespace path and only opening/closing what is necessary, but that's
// quite a bit more complexity.
if (code_generator_cur_name_space != def.defined_namespace) {
if (code_generator_cur_name_space) {
CloseNestedNameSpaces(code_generator_cur_name_space, code_ptr);
if (code_generator_cur_name_space->components.size()) *code_ptr += "\n";
GenerateNestedNameSpaces(def.defined_namespace, code_ptr);
code_generator_cur_name_space = def.defined_namespace;
if (code_generator_cur_name_space->components.size()) *code_ptr += "\n";
// Set up the correct namespace. Only open a namespace if
// the existing one is different (opening/closing only what is necessary)
// the file must start and end with an empty namespace
void CheckNameSpace(const Namespace *ns, std::string *code_ptr) {
if (cur_name_space_ == ns) return;
auto s1 = cur_name_space_ == nullptr ? 0 : cur_name_space_->components.size();
auto s2 = ns == nullptr ? 0 : ns->components.size();
std::vector<std::string>::size_type limit = 0;
while (limit < s1 && limit < s2 &&
ns->components[limit] == cur_name_space_->components[limit])
for (auto j = s1; j > limit; --j)
*code_ptr +=
"} // namespace " + cur_name_space_->components[j - 1] + "\n";
if (s1 != limit) *code_ptr += "\n";
for (auto j = limit; j != s2; ++j)
*code_ptr += "namespace " + ns->components[j] + " {\n";
if (s2 != limit) *code_ptr += "\n";
cur_name_space_ = ns;
} // namespace cpp
......@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ namespace NamespaceA {
struct SecondTableInA;
} // namespace NamespaceA
namespace NamespaceA {
struct TableInFirstNS FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS : private flatbuffers::Table {
enum {
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