Commit 9dae3eac authored by Bastien Brunnenstein's avatar Bastien Brunnenstein Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Fix error in ConCatPathFileName (#4575)

parent 99a8a68a
......@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ namespace flatbuffers {
// Retrieve ::back() from a string in a way that is compatible with pre C++11
// STLs (e.g stlport).
inline char& string_back(std::string &value) {
return value[value.length() - 1];
inline char string_back(const std::string &value) {
return value[value.length() - 1];
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ inline std::string ConCatPathFileName(const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) {
std::string filepath = path;
if (filepath.length()) {
char filepath_last_character = string_back(filepath);
char &filepath_last_character = string_back(filepath);
if (filepath_last_character == kPathSeparatorWindows) {
filepath_last_character = kPathSeparator;
} else if (filepath_last_character != kPathSeparator) {
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