Make it an error if a field has the same name as a table.

Change-Id: Ie5a3bb5a3643cd48e1cc75fe170a7b8a7c2cc8ed
Tested: on Linux.
parent 8dc1641c
......@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ CheckedError Parser::AddField(StructDef &struct_def, const std::string &name,
CheckedError Parser::ParseField(StructDef &struct_def) {
std::string name = attribute_;
if (name ==
if (structs_.Lookup(name))
return Error("field name can not be the same as table/struct name");
std::vector<std::string> dc = doc_comment_;
......@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ void ErrorTest() {
TestError("table X { Y:[[int]]; }", "nested vector");
TestError("table X { Y:1; }", "illegal type");
TestError("table X { Y:int; Y:int; }", "field already");
TestError("table X { X:int; }", "same as table");
TestError("table Y {} table X { Y:int; }", "same as table");
TestError("struct X { Y:string; }", "only scalar");
TestError("struct X { Y:int (deprecated); }", "deprecate");
TestError("union Z { X } table X { Y:Z; } root_type X; { Y: {}, A:1 }",
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