This is a minimal amount of #ifdef's to make stlport work.

Minimal, in the sense that this will only allow flatbuffers.h +
generated code to work. Everything else (tests, parsing, reflection
etc.) may still not compile with stlport.

Functionality has been reduced, some utility functions are not

Tested: on Linux (no stlport), Android (stlport).

Change-Id: I3f8b6a88258c07d78964dd455fb9f99f65266301
parent 3101e327
......@@ -24,13 +24,20 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L && \
(!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1600) && \
......@@ -123,9 +130,11 @@ typedef uintmax_t largest_scalar_t;
// In 32bits, this evaluates to 2GB - 1
#define FLATBUFFERS_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ((1ULL << (sizeof(soffset_t) * 8 - 1)) - 1)
// Pointer to relinquished memory.
typedef std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, std::function<void(uint8_t * /* unused */)>>
// Wrapper for uoffset_t to allow safe template specialization.
template<typename T> struct Offset {
......@@ -234,23 +243,19 @@ template<typename T> struct IndirectHelper<const T *> {
// An STL compatible iterator implementation for Vector below, effectively
// calling Get() for every element.
template<typename T, bool bConst>
struct VectorIterator : public
std::iterator < std::input_iterator_tag,
typename std::conditional < bConst,
const typename IndirectHelper<T>::return_type,
typename IndirectHelper<T>::return_type > ::type, uoffset_t > {
typedef std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag,
typename std::conditional<bConst,
const typename IndirectHelper<T>::return_type,
typename IndirectHelper<T>::return_type>::type, uoffset_t> super_type;
template<typename T, typename IT>
struct VectorIterator
: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, IT, uoffset_t> {
typedef std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, IT, uoffset_t> super_type;
VectorIterator(const uint8_t *data, uoffset_t i) :
data_(data + IndirectHelper<T>::element_stride * i) {};
VectorIterator(const VectorIterator &other) : data_(other.data_) {}
VectorIterator(VectorIterator &&other) : data_(std::move(other.data_)) {}
VectorIterator &operator=(const VectorIterator &other) {
data_ = other.data_;
......@@ -301,8 +306,10 @@ private:
// Vector::data() assumes the vector elements start after the length field.
template<typename T> class Vector {
typedef VectorIterator<T, false> iterator;
typedef VectorIterator<T, true> const_iterator;
typedef VectorIterator<T, typename IndirectHelper<T>::mutable_return_type>
typedef VectorIterator<T, typename IndirectHelper<T>::return_type>
uoffset_t size() const { return EndianScalar(length_); }
......@@ -471,6 +478,7 @@ class vector_downward {
cur_ = buf_ + reserved_;
// Relinquish the pointer to the caller.
unique_ptr_t release() {
// Actually deallocate from the start of the allocated memory.
......@@ -486,6 +494,7 @@ class vector_downward {
return retval;
size_t growth_policy(size_t bytes) {
return (bytes / 2) & ~(sizeof(largest_scalar_t) - 1);
......@@ -562,6 +571,10 @@ inline voffset_t FieldIndexToOffset(voffset_t field_id) {
inline size_t PaddingBytes(size_t buf_size, size_t scalar_size) {
return ((~buf_size) + 1) & (scalar_size - 1);
template <typename T> const T* data(const std::vector<T> &v) {
return v.empty() ? nullptr : &v.front();
/// @endcond
/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_cpp_api
......@@ -627,6 +640,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
/// @return Returns a `uint8_t` pointer to the unfinished buffer.
uint8_t *GetCurrentBufferPointer() const { return; }
/// @brief Get the released pointer to the serialized buffer.
/// @warning Do NOT attempt to use this FlatBufferBuilder afterwards!
/// @return The `unique_ptr` returned has a special allocator that knows how
......@@ -637,6 +651,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
return buf_.release();
void Finished() const {
......@@ -674,11 +689,13 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
void PopBytes(size_t amount) { buf_.pop(amount); }
template<typename T> void AssertScalarT() {
// The code assumes power of 2 sizes and endian-swap-ability.
// The Offset<T> type is essentially a scalar but fails is_scalar.
|| sizeof(T) == sizeof(Offset<void>),
"T must be a scalar type");
// Write a single aligned scalar to the buffer
......@@ -981,7 +998,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
template<typename T> Offset<Vector<T>> CreateVector(const std::vector<T> &v) {
return CreateVector(, v.size());
return CreateVector(data(v), v.size());
// vector<bool> may be implemented using a bit-set, so we can't access it as
......@@ -995,6 +1012,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
return Offset<Vector<uint8_t>>(EndVector(v.size()));
/// @brief Serialize values returned by a function into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// This is a convenience function that takes care of iteration for you.
/// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` elements.
......@@ -1006,8 +1024,9 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
const std::function<T (size_t i)> &f) {
std::vector<T> elems(vector_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) elems[i] = f(i);
return CreateVector(, elems.size());
return CreateVector(elems);
/// @brief Serialize a `std::vector<std::string>` into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// This is a convenience function for a common case.
......@@ -1019,7 +1038,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
const std::vector<std::string> &v) {
std::vector<Offset<String>> offsets(v.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) offsets[i] = CreateString(v[i]);
return CreateVector(, offsets.size());
return CreateVector(offsets);
/// @brief Serialize an array of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
......@@ -1044,7 +1063,7 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
/// where the vector is stored.
template<typename T> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfStructs(
const std::vector<T> &v) {
return CreateVectorOfStructs(, v.size());
return CreateVectorOfStructs(data(v), v.size());
......@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ uint8_t *ResizeAnyVector(const reflection::Schema &schema, uoffset_t newsize,
uoffset_t elem_size, std::vector<uint8_t> *flatbuf,
const reflection::Object *root_table = nullptr);
template <typename T>
void ResizeVector(const reflection::Schema &schema, uoffset_t newsize, T val,
const Vector<T> *vec, std::vector<uint8_t> *flatbuf,
......@@ -391,6 +392,7 @@ void ResizeVector(const reflection::Schema &schema, uoffset_t newsize, T val,
// Adds any new data (in the form of a new FlatBuffer) to an existing
// FlatBuffer. This can be used when any of the above methods are not
......@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
#include "namespace_test/namespace_test1_generated.h"
#include "namespace_test/namespace_test2_generated.h"
#include <random>
#include <random>
using namespace MyGame::Example;
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