Updated docs to point to benchmark source code location.

Change-Id: If4c8fac6a421ac6436cab0dd7a0ae822a32e90bf
parent b4d29970
......@@ -94,8 +94,10 @@ $(document).ready(function(){initNavTree('md__benchmarks.html','');});
<li>Thrift: very similar to Protocol Buffers, but appears to be less efficient, and have more dependencies.</li>
<li>YAML: a superset of JSON and otherwise very similar. Used by e.g. Unity.</li>
<li>C# comes with built-in serialization functionality, as used by Unity also. Being tied to the language, and having no automatic versioning support limits its applicability.</li>
<li>Project Anarchy (the free mobile engine by Havok) comes with a serialization system, that however does no automatic versioning (have to code around new fields manually), is very much tied to the rest of the engine, and works without a schema to generate code (tied to your C++ class definition). </li>
<li>Project Anarchy (the free mobile engine by Havok) comes with a serialization system, that however does no automatic versioning (have to code around new fields manually), is very much tied to the rest of the engine, and works without a schema to generate code (tied to your C++ class definition).</li>
<h3>Code for benchmarks</h3>
<p>Code for these benchmarks sits in <code>benchmarks/</code> in git branch <code>benchmarks</code>. It sits in its own branch because it has submodule dependencies that the main project doesn't need, and the code standards do not meet those of the main project. Please read <code>benchmarks/cpp/README.txt</code> before working with the code. </p>
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......@@ -52,3 +52,9 @@ meant to be representative of game data, e.g. a scene format.
fields manually), is very much tied to the rest of the engine, and works
without a schema to generate code (tied to your C++ class definition).
### Code for benchmarks
Code for these benchmarks sits in `benchmarks/` in git branch `benchmarks`.
It sits in its own branch because it has submodule dependencies that the main
project doesn't need, and the code standards do not meet those of the main
project. Please read `benchmarks/cpp/README.txt` before working with the code.
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