Commit 66f2aac2 authored by lakedaemon's avatar lakedaemon

php:pulled methods inside the generator

parent 4a249752
......@@ -25,14 +25,74 @@
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace php {
// Hardcode spaces per indentation.
const std::string Indent = " ";
class PhpGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
PhpGenerator(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name)
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name){};
bool generate() {
if (!generateEnums()) return false;
if (!generateStructs()) return false;
return true;
bool generateEnums() {
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &enum_def = **it;
std::string enumcode;
GenEnum(enum_def, &enumcode);
if (!SaveType(enum_def, enumcode, false)) return false;
return true;
bool generateStructs() {
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &struct_def = **it;
std::string declcode;
GenStruct(parser_, struct_def, &declcode);
if (!SaveType(struct_def, declcode, true)) return false;
return true;
// Begin by declaring namespace and imports.
void BeginFile(const std::string name_space_name,
const bool needs_imports, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "<?php\n";
code = code + "// " + FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning();
code += "namespace " + name_space_name + ";\n\n";
if (needs_imports) {
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Struct;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Table;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\ByteBuffer;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\FlatBufferBuilder;\n";
code += "\n";
// Save out the generated code for a Php Table type.
bool SaveType(const Definition &def, const std::string &classcode,
bool needs_imports) {
if (!classcode.length()) return true;
std::string code = "";
BeginFile(FullNamespace("\\", *def.defined_namespace),
needs_imports, &code);
code += classcode;
std::string filename = NamespaceDir(*def.defined_namespace) +
kPathSeparator + + ".php";
return SaveFile(filename.c_str(), code, false);
static std::string GenGetter(const Type &type);
static std::string GenDefaultValue(const Value &value);
static std::string GenMethod(const FieldDef &field);
static void GenStructBuilder(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr);
static std::string GenTypeBasic(const Type &type);
static std::string GenTypeGet(const Type &type);
// Ensure that a type is prefixed with its namespace whenever it is used
// outside of its namespace.
......@@ -51,9 +111,6 @@ namespace php {
// Hardcode spaces per indentation.
const std::string Indent = " ";
// Begin a class declaration.
static void BeginClass(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
......@@ -928,71 +985,6 @@ namespace php {
code += Indent + "}\n";
class PhpGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
PhpGenerator(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name)
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name){};
bool generate() {
if (!generateEnums()) return false;
if (!generateStructs()) return false;
return true;
bool generateEnums() {
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &enum_def = **it;
std::string enumcode;
GenEnum(enum_def, &enumcode);
if (!SaveType(enum_def, enumcode, false)) return false;
return true;
bool generateStructs() {
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &struct_def = **it;
std::string declcode;
GenStruct(parser_, struct_def, &declcode);
if (!SaveType(struct_def, declcode, true)) return false;
return true;
// Begin by declaring namespace and imports.
void BeginFile(const std::string name_space_name,
const bool needs_imports, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "<?php\n";
code = code + "// " + FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning();
code += "namespace " + name_space_name + ";\n\n";
if (needs_imports) {
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Struct;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Table;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\ByteBuffer;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\FlatBufferBuilder;\n";
code += "\n";
// Save out the generated code for a Php Table type.
bool SaveType(const Definition &def, const std::string &classcode,
bool needs_imports) {
if (!classcode.length()) return true;
std::string code = "";
BeginFile(FullNamespace("\\", *def.defined_namespace),
needs_imports, &code);
code += classcode;
std::string filename = NamespaceDir(*def.defined_namespace) +
kPathSeparator + + ".php";
return SaveFile(filename.c_str(), code, false);
} // namespace php
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