Commit 661bedd8 authored by Derek Bailey's avatar Derek Bailey Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Add Lua FlatbufferBuilder Clean() method to enable reuseable builders (#5606)

parent 8526e12d
......@@ -60,6 +60,23 @@ function m.New(initialSize)
return o
-- Clears the builder and resets the state. It does not actually clear the backing binary array, it just reuses it as
-- needed. This is a performant way to use the builder for multiple constructions without the overhead of multiple
-- builder allocations.
function mt:Clear()
self.finished = false
self.nested = false
self.minalign = 1
self.currentVTable = nil
self.objectEnd = nil
self.head = #self.bytes -- place the head at the end of the binary array
-- clear vtables instead of making a new table
local vtable = self.vtables
local vtableCount = #vtable
for i=1,vtableCount do vtable[i] = nil end
function mt:Output(full)
assert(self.finished, "Builder Not Finished")
if full then
......@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ local function checkReadBuffer(buf, offset, sizePrefix)
assert(mon:Testempty() == nil)
local function generateMonster(sizePrefix)
local b = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
local function generateMonster(sizePrefix, b)
b = b or flatbuffers.Builder(0)
local str = b:CreateString("MyMonster")
local test1 = b:CreateString("test1")
local test2 = b:CreateString("test2")
......@@ -156,6 +156,51 @@ local function sizePrefix(sizePrefix)
checkReadBuffer(buf, offset, sizePrefix)
local function fbbClear()
-- Generate a builder that will be 'cleared' and reused to create two different objects.
local fbb = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
-- First use the builder to read the normal monster data and verify it works
local buf, offset = generateMonster(false, fbb)
checkReadBuffer(buf, offset, false)
-- Then clear the builder to be used again
-- Storage for the built monsters
local monsters = {}
local lastBuf
-- Make another builder that will be use identically to the 'cleared' one so outputs can be compared. Build both the
-- Cleared builder and new builder in the exact same way, so we can compare their results
for i, builder in ipairs({fbb, flatbuffers.Builder(0)}) do
local strOffset = builder:CreateString("Hi there")
monster.AddPos(builder, vec3.CreateVec3(builder, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 17.0, 3, 100, 123))
monster.AddName(builder, strOffset)
monster.AddMana(builder, 123)
local buf = builder:Output(false)
if not lastBuf then
lastBuf = buf
-- the output, sized-buffer should be identical
assert(lastBuf == buf, "Monster output buffers are not identical")
monsters[i] = monster.GetRootAsMonster(flatbuffers.binaryArray.New(buf), 0)
-- Check that all the fields for the generated monsters are as we expect
for i, monster in ipairs(monsters) do
assert(monster:Name() == "Hi there", "Monster Name is not 'Hi There' for monster "..i)
-- HP is default to 100 in the schema, but we change it in generateMonster to 80, so this is a good test to
-- see if the cleared builder really clears the data.
assert(monster:Hp() == 100, "HP doesn't equal the default value for monster "..i)
assert(monster:Mana() == 123, "Monster Mana is not '123' for monster "..i)
assert(monster:Pos():X() == 3.0, "Monster vec3.X is not '3' for monster "..i)
local function testCanonicalData()
local f = assert('monsterdata_test.mon', 'rb'))
local wireData = f:read("*a")
......@@ -219,6 +264,10 @@ local tests =
d = "Test size prefix",
args = {{true}, {false}}
f = fbbClear,
d = "FlatBufferBuilder Clear",
f = testCanonicalData,
d = "Tests Canonical flatbuffer file included in repo"
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