Commit 6266b4f1 authored by Wouter van Oortmerssen's avatar Wouter van Oortmerssen

Merge pull request #308 from chobie/php

Add support for PHP code.
parents e4eb2864 5ce86826
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ set(FlatBuffers_Compiler_SRCS
"name": "google/flatbuffers",
"type": "library",
"description": "FlatBuffers for PHP",
"keywords": ["google", "flatbuffers", "serialization"],
"homepage": "",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4"
"require-dev": {
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Google\\FlatBuffers\\": "php"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -528,6 +528,13 @@ extern bool GenerateJava(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &file_name,
const GeneratorOptions &opts);
// Generate Php code from the definitions in the Parser object.
// See idl_gen_php.
extern bool GeneratePhp(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name,
const GeneratorOptions &opts);
// Generate Python files from the definitions in the Parser object.
// See idl_gen_python.cpp.
extern bool GeneratePython(const Parser &parser,
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
class ByteBuffer
* @var string $_buffer;
public $_buffer;
* @var int $_pos;
private $_pos;
* @var bool $_is_little_endian
private static $_is_little_endian = null;
public static function wrap($bytes)
$bb = new ByteBuffer(0);
$bb->_buffer = $bytes;
return $bb;
* @param $size
public function __construct($size)
$this->_buffer = str_repeat("\0", $size);
* @return int
public function capacity()
return strlen($this->_buffer);
* @return int
public function getPosition()
return $this->_pos;
* @param $pos
public function setPosition($pos)
$this->_pos = $pos;
public function reset()
$this->_pos = 0;
* @return int
public function length()
return strlen($this->_buffer);
* @return string
public function data()
return substr($this->_buffer, $this->_pos);
* @return bool
public static function isLittleEndian()
if (ByteBuffer::$_is_little_endian === null) {
ByteBuffer::$_is_little_endian = unpack('S', "\x01\x00")[1] === 1;
return ByteBuffer::$_is_little_endian;
* write little endian value to the buffer.
* @param $offset
* @param $count byte length
* @param $data actual values
public function writeLittleEndian($offset, $count, $data)
if (ByteBuffer::isLittleEndian()) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this->_buffer[$offset + $i] = chr($data >> $i * 8);
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this->_buffer[$offset + $count - 1 - $i] = chr($data >> $i * 8);
* read little endian value from the buffer
* @param $offset
* @param $count acutal size
* @return int
public function readLittleEndian($offset, $count, $force_bigendian = false)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $count);
$r = 0;
if (ByteBuffer::isLittleEndian() && $force_bigendian == false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$r |= ord($this->_buffer[$offset + $i]) << $i * 8;
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$r |= ord($this->_buffer[$offset + $count -1 - $i]) << $i * 8;
return $r;
* @param $offset
* @param $length
public function assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length)
if ($offset < 0 ||
$offset >= strlen($this->_buffer) ||
$offset + $length > strlen($this->_buffer)) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException(sprintf("offset: %d, length: %d, buffer; %d", $offset, $length, strlen($this->_buffer)));
* @param $offset
* @param $value
* @return mixed
public function putSbyte($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(-128, 127, $value, "sbyte");
$length = strlen($value);
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length);
return $this->_buffer[$offset] = $value;
* @param $offset
* @param $value
* @return mixed
public function putByte($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(0, 255, $value, "byte");
$length = strlen($value);
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length);
return $this->_buffer[$offset] = $value;
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function put($offset, $value)
$length = strlen($value);
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$this->_buffer[$offset + $i] = $value[$i];
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putShort($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(-32768, 32767, $value, "short");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 2);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 2, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putUshort($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(0, 65535, $value, "short");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 2);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 2, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putInt($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(~PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "int");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 4);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putUint($offset, $value)
// NOTE: We can't put big integer value. this is PHP limitation.
self::validateValue(0, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "uint", " php has big numbers limitation. check your PHP_INT_MAX");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 4);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putLong($offset, $value)
// NOTE: We can't put big integer value. this is PHP limitation.
self::validateValue(~PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "long", " php has big numbers limitation. check your PHP_INT_MAX");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 8);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 8, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putUlong($offset, $value)
// NOTE: We can't put big integer value. this is PHP limitation.
self::validateValue(0, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "long", " php has big numbers limitation. check your PHP_INT_MAX");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 8);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 8, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putFloat($offset, $value)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 4);
$floathelper = pack("f", $value);
$v = unpack("V", $floathelper);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $v[1]);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putDouble($offset, $value)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 8);
$floathelper = pack("d", $value);
$v = unpack("V*", $floathelper);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $v[1]);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset + 4, 4, $v[2]);
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getByte($index)
return ord($this->_buffer[$index]);
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getSbyte($index)
$v = unpack("c", $this->_buffer[$index]);
return $v[1];
* @param $buffer
public function getX(&$buffer)
for ($i = $this->_pos, $j = 0; $j < strlen($buffer); $i++, $j++) {
$buffer[$j] = $this->_buffer[$i];
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function get($index)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($index, 1);
return $this->_buffer[$index];
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getBool($index)
return (bool)ord($this->_buffer[$index]);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getShort($index)
$result = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 2);
return self::convertHelper(self::__SHORT, $result);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getUShort($index)
return $this->readLittleEndian($index, 2);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getInt($index)
$result = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
return self::convertHelper(self::__INT, $result);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getUint($index)
return $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getLong($index)
$result = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 8);
return self::convertHelper(self::__LONG, $result);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getUlong($index)
return $this->readLittleEndian($index, 8);
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getFloat($index)
$i = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
return self::convertHelper(self::__FLOAT, $i);
* @param $index
* @return float
public function getDouble($index)
$i = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
$i2 = $this->readLittleEndian($index + 4, 4);
return self::convertHelper(self::__DOUBLE, $i, $i2);
const __SHORT = 1;
const __INT = 2;
const __LONG = 3;
const __FLOAT = 4;
const __DOUBLE = 5;
private static function convertHelper($type, $value, $value2 = null) {
// readLittleEndian construct unsigned integer value from bytes. we have to encode this value to
// correct bytes, and decode as expected types with `unpack` function.
// then it returns correct type value.
// see also:
switch ($type) {
case self::__SHORT:
$helper = pack("v", $value);
$v = unpack("s", $helper);
return $v[1];
case self::__INT:
$helper = pack("V", $value);
$v = unpack("l", $helper);
return $v[1];
case self::__LONG:
$helper = pack("P", $value);
$v = unpack("q", $helper);
return $v[1];
case self::__FLOAT:
$inthelper = pack("V", $value);
$v = unpack("f", $inthelper);
return $v[1];
case self::__DOUBLE:
$inthelper = pack("VV", $value, $value2);
$v = unpack("d", $inthelper);
return $v[1];
throw new \Exception(sprintf("unexpected type %d specified", $type));
private static function validateValue($min, $max, $value, $type, $additional_notes = "") {
if(!($min <= $value && $value <= $max)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("bad number %s for type %s.%s", $value, $type, $additional_notes));
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
class Constants
const SIZEOF_SHORT = 2;
const SIZEOF_INT = 4;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
class FlatbufferBuilder
* @var ByteBuffer $bb
public $bb;
* @var int $space
protected $space;
* @var int $minalign
protected $minalign = 1;
* @var array $vtable
protected $vtable;
* @var int $vtable_in_use
protected $vtable_in_use = 0;
* @var bool $nested
protected $nested = false;
* @var int $object_start
protected $object_start;
* @var array $vtables
protected $vtables = array();
* @var int $num_vtables
protected $num_vtables = 0;
* @var int $vector_num_elems
protected $vector_num_elems = 0;
* @var bool $force_defaults
protected $force_defaults = false;
* create flatbuffers builder
* @param $initial_size initial byte buffer size.
public function __construct($initial_size)
if ($initial_size <= 0) {
$initial_size = 1;
$this->space = $initial_size;
$this->bb = $this->newByteBuffer($initial_size);
* create new bytebuffer
* @param $size
* @return ByteBuffer
private function newByteBuffer($size)
return new ByteBuffer($size);
* returns current bytebuffer offset
* @return int
public function offset()
return $this->bb->capacity() - $this->space;
* padding buffer
* @param $byte_size
public function pad($byte_size)
for ($i = 0; $i < $byte_size; $i++) {
$this->bb->putByte(--$this->space, "\0");
* prepare bytebuffer
* @param $size
* @param $additional_bytes
* @throws \Exception
public function prep($size, $additional_bytes)
if ($size > $this->minalign) {
$this->minalign = $size;
$align_size = ((~($this->bb->capacity() - $this->space + $additional_bytes)) + 1) & ($size - 1);
while ($this->space < $align_size + $size + $additional_bytes) {
$old_buf_size = $this->bb->capacity();
$this->bb = $this->growByteBuffer($this->bb);
$this->space += $this->bb->capacity() - $old_buf_size;
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return ByteBuffer
* @throws \Exception
private static function growByteBuffer(ByteBuffer $bb)
$old_buf_size = $bb->capacity();
if (($old_buf_size & 0xC0000000) != 0) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: cannot grow buffer beyond 2 gigabytes");
$new_buf_size = $old_buf_size << 1;
$nbb = new ByteBuffer($new_buf_size);
$nbb->setPosition($new_buf_size - $old_buf_size);
// TODO(chobie): is this little bit faster?
//$nbb->_buffer = substr_replace($nbb->_buffer, $bb->_buffer, $new_buf_size - $old_buf_size, strlen($bb->_buffer));
for ($i = $new_buf_size - $old_buf_size, $j = 0; $j < strlen($bb->_buffer); $i++, $j++) {
$nbb->_buffer[$i] = $bb->_buffer[$j];
return $nbb;
* @param $x
public function putBool($x)
$this->bb->put($this->space -= 1, chr((int)(bool)($x)));
* @param $x
public function putByte($x)
$this->bb->put($this->space -= 1, chr($x));
* @param $x
public function putSbyte($x)
$this->bb->put($this->space -= 1, chr($x));
* @param $x
public function putShort($x)
$this->bb->putShort($this->space -= 2, $x);
* @param $x
public function putUshort($x)
$this->bb->putUshort($this->space -= 2, $x);
* @param $x
public function putInt($x)
$this->bb->putInt($this->space -= 4, $x);
* @param $x
public function putUint($x)
if ($x > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("your platform can't handling uint correctly. use 64bit machine.");
$this->bb->putUint($this->space -= 4, $x);
* @param $x
public function putLong($x)
if ($x > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("your platform can't handling long correctly. use 64bit machine.");
$this->bb->putLong($this->space -= 8, $x);
* @param $x
public function putUlong($x)
if ($x > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("your platform can't handling ulong correctly. this is php limitations. please wait extension release.");
$this->bb->putUlong($this->space -= 8, $x);
* @param $x
public function putFloat($x)
$this->bb->putFloat($this->space -= 4, $x);
* @param $x
public function putDouble($x)
$this->bb->putDouble($this->space -= 8, $x);
* @param $x
public function addBool($x)
$this->prep(1, 0);
* @param $x
public function addByte($x)
$this->prep(1, 0);
* @param $x
public function addSbyte($x)
$this->prep(1, 0);
* @param $x
public function addShort($x)
$this->prep(2, 0);
* @param $x
public function addUshort($x)
$this->prep(2, 0);
* @param $x
public function addInt($x)
$this->prep(4, 0);
* @param $x
public function addUint($x)
$this->prep(4, 0);
* @param $x
public function addLong($x)
$this->prep(8, 0);
* @param $x
public function addUlong($x)
$this->prep(8, 0);
* @param $x
public function addFloat($x)
$this->prep(4, 0);
* @param $x
public function addDouble($x)
$this->prep(8, 0);
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addBoolX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addByteX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addSbyteX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addShortX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addUshortX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addIntX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addUintX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addLongX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addUlongX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addFloatX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addDoubleX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
* @throws \Exception
public function addOffsetX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $off
* @throws \Exception
public function addOffset($off)
$this->prep(Constants::SIZEOF_INT, 0); // Ensure alignment is already done
if ($off > $this->offset()) {
throw new \Exception("");
$off = $this->offset() - $off + Constants::SIZEOF_INT;
* @param $elem_size
* @param $num_elems
* @param $alignment
* @throws \Exception
public function startVector($elem_size, $num_elems, $alignment)
$this->vector_num_elems = $num_elems;
$this->prep(Constants::SIZEOF_INT, $elem_size * $num_elems);
$this->prep($alignment, $elem_size * $num_elems); // Just in case alignemnt > int;
* @return int
public function endVector()
return $this->offset();
protected function is_utf8($bytes)
$len = strlen($bytes);
if ($len < 1) {
/* NOTE: always return 1 when passed string is null */
return true;
for ($j = 0, $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
// check ACII
if ($bytes[$j] == "\x09" ||
$bytes[$j] == "\x0A" ||
$bytes[$j] == "\x0D" ||
($bytes[$j] >= "\x20" && $bytes[$j] <= "\x7E")) {
/* non-overlong 2-byte */
if ((($i+1) <= $len) &&
($bytes[$j] >= "\xC2" && $bytes[$j] <= "\xDF" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF"))) {
$j += 2;
/* excluding overlongs */
if ((($i + 2) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xE0" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\xA0" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF" &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF"))) {
$bytes += 3;
$i +=2;
/* straight 3-byte */
if ((($i+2) <= $len) &&
(($bytes[$j] >= "\xE1" && $bytes[$j] <= "\xEC") ||
$bytes[$j] == "\xEE" ||
$bytes[$j] = "\xEF") &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF")) {
$j += 3;
$i += 2;
/* excluding surrogates */
if ((($i+2) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xED" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\x9f" &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF"))) {
$j += 3;
$i += 2;
/* planes 1-3 */
if ((($i + 3) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xF0" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x90" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+3] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+3] <= "\xBF")) {
$j += 4;
$i += 3;
/* planes 4-15 */
if ((($i+3) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] >= "\xF1" && $bytes[$j] <= "\xF3" &&
$bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF" &&
$bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF" &&
$bytes[$j+3] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+3] <= "\xBF"
) {
$j += 4;
$i += 3;
/* plane 16 */
if ((($i+3) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xF4" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\x8F") &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+3] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+3] <= "\xBF")
) {
$bytes += 4;
$i += 3;
return false;
return true;
* @param $s
* @return int
* @throws \Exception
public function createString($s)
if (!$this->is_utf8($s)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("string must be utf-8 encoded value.");
$this->addByte(0); // null terminated
$this->startVector(1, strlen($s), 1);
$this->space -= strlen($s);
for ($i = $this->space, $j = 0 ; $j < strlen($s) ; $i++, $j++) {
$this->bb->_buffer[$i] = $s[$j];
return $this->endVector();
* @throws \Exception
public function notNested()
if ($this->nested) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers; object serialization must not be nested");
* @param $obj
* @throws \Exception
public function nested($obj)
if ($obj != $this->offset()) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: struct must be serialized inline");
* @param $numfields
* @throws \Exception
public function startObject($numfields)
if ($this->vtable == null || count($this->vtable) < $numfields) {
$this->vtable = array();
$this->vtable_in_use = $numfields;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numfields; $i++) {
$this->vtable[$i] = 0;
$this->nested = true;
$this->object_start = $this->offset();
* @param $voffset
* @param $x
* @param $d
* @throws \Exception
public function addStructX($voffset, $x, $d)
if ($x != $d) {
* @param $voffset
* @param $x
* @param $d
* @throws \Exception
public function addStruct($voffset, $x, $d)
if ($x != $d) {
* @param $voffset
public function slot($voffset)
$this->vtable[$voffset] = $this->offset();
* @return int
* @throws \Exception
public function endObject()
if ($this->vtable == null || !$this->nested) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: endObject called without startObject");
$vtableloc = $this->offset();
for ($i = $this->vtable_in_use -1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$off = ($this->vtable[$i] != 0) ? $vtableloc - $this->vtable[$i] : 0;
$standard_fields = 2; // the fields below
$this->addShort($vtableloc - $this->object_start);
$this->addShort(($this->vtable_in_use + $standard_fields) * Constants::SIZEOF_SHORT);
// search for an existing vtable that matches the current one.
$existing_vtable = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_vtables; $i++) {
$vt1 = $this->bb->capacity() - $this->vtables[$i];
$vt2 = $this->space;
$len = $this->bb->getShort($vt1);
if ($len == $this->bb->getShort($vt2)) {
for ($j = Constants::SIZEOF_SHORT; $j < $len; $j += Constants::SIZEOF_SHORT) {
if ($this->bb->getShort($vt1 + $j) != $this->bb->getShort($vt2 + $j)) {
continue 2;
$existing_vtable = $this->vtables[$i];
if ($existing_vtable != 0) {
// Found a match:
// Remove the current vtable
$this->space = $this->bb->capacity() - $vtableloc;
$this->bb->putInt($this->space, $existing_vtable - $vtableloc);
} else {
// No Match:
// Add the location of the current vtable to the list of vtables
if ($this->num_vtables == count($this->vtables)) {
$vtables = $this->vtables;
$this->vtables = array();
// copy of
for ($i = 0; $i < count($vtables) * 2; $i++) {
$this->vtables[$i] = ($i < count($vtables)) ? $vtables[$i] : 0;
$this->vtables[$this->num_vtables++] = $this->offset();
$this->bb->putInt($this->bb->capacity() - $vtableloc, $this->offset() - $vtableloc);
$this->nested = false;
$this->vtable = null;
return $vtableloc;
* @param $table
* @param $field
* @throws \Exception
public function required($table, $field)
$table_start = $this->bb->capacity() - $table;
$vtable_start = $table_start - $this->bb->getInt($table_start);
$ok = $this->bb->getShort($vtable_start + $field) != 0;
if (!$ok) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: field " . $field . " must be set");
* @param $root_table
* @throws \Exception
public function finish($root_table, $identifier = null)
if ($identifier == null) {
$this->prep($this->minalign, Constants::SIZEOF_INT);
} else {
$this->prep($this->minalign, Constants::SIZEOF_INT + Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
if (strlen($identifier) != Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length %d",
for ($i = Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH - 1; $i >= 0;
$i--) {
* @param bool $forceDefaults
public function forceDefaults($forceDefaults)
$this->force_defaults = $forceDefaults;
* @return ByteBuffer
public function dataBuffer()
return $this->bb;
* @return int
public function dataStart()
return $this->space;
* @return string
public function sizedByteArray()
$start = $this->space;
$length = $this->bb->capacity() - $this->space;
$result = str_repeat("\0", $length);
return $result;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
abstract class Struct
* @var int $bb_pos
protected $bb_pos;
* @var ByteBuffer $bb
protected $bb;
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
abstract class Table
* @var int $bb_pos
protected $bb_pos;
* @var ByteBuffer $bb
protected $bb;
public function __construct()
* returns actual vtable offset
* @param $vtable_offset
* @return int offset > 0 means exist value. 0 means not exist
protected function __offset($vtable_offset)
$vtable = $this->bb_pos - $this->bb->getInt($this->bb_pos);
return $vtable_offset < $this->bb->getShort($vtable) ? $this->bb->getShort($vtable + $vtable_offset) : 0;
* @param $offset
* @return mixed
protected function __indirect($offset)
return $offset + $this->bb->getInt($offset);
* fetch utf8 encoded string.
* @param $offset
* @return string
protected function __string($offset)
$offset += $this->bb->getInt($offset);
$len = $this->bb->getInt($offset);
$startPos = $offset + Constants::SIZEOF_INT;
return substr($this->bb->_buffer, $startPos, $len);
* @param $offset
* @return int
protected function __vector_len($offset)
$offset += $this->bb_pos;
$offset += $this->bb->getInt($offset);
return $this->bb->getInt($offset);
* @param $offset
* @return int
protected function __vector($offset)
$offset += $this->bb_pos;
// data starts after the length
return $offset + $this->bb->getInt($offset) + Constants::SIZEOF_INT;
// protected function __vector_as_bytebuffer($vector_offset, $elem_size)
// {
// }
* @param Table $table
* @param int $offset
* @return Table
protected function __union($table, $offset)
$offset += $this->bb_pos;
$table->bb_pos = $offset + $this->bb->getInt($offset);
$table->bb = $this->bb;
return $table;
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @param string $ident
* @return bool
* @throws \ArgumentException
protected static function __has_identifier($bb, $ident)
if (strlen($ident) != Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
throw new \ArgumentException("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length " . Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
if ($ident[$i] != $bb->get($bb->getPosition() + Constants::SIZEOF_INT + $i)) {
return false;
return true;
......@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ const Generator generators[] = {
"Generate Python files for tables/structs",
flatbuffers::GeneralMakeRule },
{ flatbuffers::GeneratePhp, "--php", "PHP",
"Generate Php files for tables/structs",
flatbuffers::GeneralMakeRule },
const char *program_name = NULL;
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// independent from idl_parser, since this code is not needed for most clients
#include <string>
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace php {
static std::string GenGetter(const Type &type);
static std::string GenDefaultValue(const Value &value);
static std::string GenMethod(const FieldDef &field);
static void GenStructBuilder(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr);
static std::string GenTypeBasic(const Type &type);
static std::string GenTypeGet(const Type &type);
// Ensure that a type is prefixed with its namespace whenever it is used
// outside of its namespace.
static std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Namespace *ns,
const std::string &name) {
std::string qualified_name = "\\";
for (auto it = ns->components.begin();
it != ns->components.end(); ++it) {
qualified_name += *it + "\\";
return qualified_name + name;
static std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Definition &def) {
return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace,;
// Hardcode spaces per indentation.
const std::string Indent = " ";
// Begin by declaring namespace and imports.
static void BeginFile(const std::string name_space_name,
const bool needs_imports,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "<?php\n";
code += "// automatically generated, do not modify\n\n";
code += "namespace " + name_space_name + ";\n\n";
if (needs_imports) {
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Struct;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Table;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\ByteBuffer;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\FlatBufferBuilder;\n";
code += "\n";
// Begin a class declaration.
static void BeginClass(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += "class " + + " extends Struct\n";
} else {
code += "class " + + " extends Table\n";
code += "{\n";
static void EndClass(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "}\n";
// Begin enum code with a class declaration.
static void BeginEnum(const std::string class_name, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "class " + class_name + "\n{\n";
// A single enum member.
static void EnumMember(const EnumVal ev, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "const ";
code +=;
code += " = ";
code += NumToString(ev.value) + ";\n";
// End enum code.
static void EndEnum(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "}\n";
// Initialize a new struct or table from existing data.
static void NewRootTypeFromBuffer(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param ByteBuffer $bb\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function getRootAs";
code +=;
code += "(ByteBuffer $bb)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new " + + "();\n";
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition())";
code += " + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Initialize an existing object with other data, to avoid an allocation.
static void InitializeExisting(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param int $_i offset\n";
code += Indent + " * @param ByteBuffer $_bb\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + + "\n";
code += Indent + " **/\n";
code += Indent + "public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$this->bb_pos = $_i;\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$this->bb = $_bb;\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $this;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the length of a vector.
static void GetVectorLen(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel( + "Length()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$o = $this->__offset(";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ");\n";
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a struct's scalar.
static void GetScalarFieldOfStruct(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string getter = GenGetter(field.value.type);
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return ";
code += GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function " + getter;
code += MakeCamel( + "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return ";
code += "$this->bb->get";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type));
code += "($this->bb_pos + ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ")";
code += ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a table's scalar.
static void GetScalarFieldOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string getter = GenGetter(field.value.type);
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
");\n" + Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? ";
code += "$this->bb->get";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type)) + "($o + $this->bb_pos)";
code += " : " + GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get a struct by initializing an existing struct.
// Specific to Struct.
static void GetStructFieldOfStruct(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel( + "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new ";
code += GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "();\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj->init($this->bb_pos + ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ", $this->bb);";
code += "\n" + Indent + Indent + "return $obj;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get a struct by initializing an existing struct.
// Specific to Table.
static void GetStructFieldOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new ";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type)) + "();\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a string.
static void GetStringField(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($o + $this->bb_pos) : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a union from an object.
static void GetUnionField(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return" + GenTypeBasic(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel( + "($obj)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__union($obj, $o) : null;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a vector's struct member.
static void GetMemberOfVectorOfStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return" + GenTypeBasic(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "($j)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new ";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type)) + "();\n";
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->bb_pos +"
+ NumToString(field.value.offset) + ", $this->bb) : null;\n";
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init(";
code += field.value.type.struct_def->fixed
? "$o + $this->bb_pos"
: "$this->__indirect($o + $this->bb_pos)";
code += ", $this->bb) : null;\n";
code += "// base_type_string\n";
// TODO(chobie): do we need this?
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init(";
if (vectortype.struct_def->fixed) {
code += "$this->__vector($o) + $j *";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype));
} else {
code += "$this->__indirect($this->__vector($o) + $j * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + ")";
code += ", $this->bb) : null;\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $this->";
code += GenGetter(field.value.type) + "($obj, $o); null;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a vector's non-struct member. Uses a named return
// argument to conveniently set the zero value for the result.
static void GetMemberOfVectorOfNonStruct(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param int offset\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "($j)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
if (field.value.type.VectorType().base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($this->__vector($o) + $j * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + ") : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->get";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type));
code += "($this->__vector($o) + $j * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + ") : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Recursively generate arguments for a constructor, to deal with nested
// structs.
static void StructBuilderArgs(const StructDef &struct_def,
const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
// Generate arguments for a struct inside a struct. To ensure names
// don't clash, and to make it obvious
// these arguments are constructing
// a nested struct, prefix the name with the field name.
(nameprefix + ( + "_")).c_str(),
} else {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += (std::string)", $" + nameprefix;
code += MakeCamel(, false);
// Recursively generate struct construction statements and instert manual
// padding.
static void StructBuilderBody(const StructDef &struct_def,
const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->prep(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.minalign) + ", ";
code += NumToString(struct_def.bytesize) + ");\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.rbegin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.rend();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.padding) {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->pad(";
code += NumToString(field.padding) + ");\n";
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
(nameprefix + ( + "_")).c_str(),
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->put" + GenMethod(field) + "($";
code += nameprefix + MakeCamel(, false) + ");\n";
// Get the value of a table's starting offset.
static void GetStartOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @return void\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function start" +;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->StartObject(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size());
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function create" +;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, ";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
code += "$" +;
if (!(it == (--struct_def.fields.vec.end()))) {
code += ", ";
code += ")\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->startObject(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size());
code += ");\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
code += Indent + Indent + "self::add";
code += MakeCamel( + "($builder, $" + + ");\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$o = $builder->endObject();\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated && field.required) {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->required($o, ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset);
code += "); // " + + "\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Set the value of a table's field.
static void BuildFieldOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
const size_t offset,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @param " + GenTypeBasic(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " * @return void\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function ";
code += "add" + MakeCamel(;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, ";
code += "$" + MakeCamel(, false);
code += ")\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->add";
code += GenMethod(field) + "X(";
code += NumToString(offset) + ", ";
code += "$" + MakeCamel(, false);
code += ", ";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
code += "false";
} else {
code += field.value.constant;
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Set the value of one of the members of a table's vector.
static void BuildVectorOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vector_type = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto alignment = InlineAlignment(vector_type);
auto elem_size = InlineSize(vector_type);
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @param array offset array\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int vector offset\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function create";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->startVector(";
code += NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", count($data), " + NumToString(alignment);
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {\n";
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.VectorType().base_type)) {
code += Indent + Indent + Indent;
code += "$builder->add";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type.VectorType()));
code += "($data[$i]);\n";
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + Indent;
code += "$builder->addOffset($data[$i]);\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "}\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $builder->endVector();\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @param int $numElems\n";
code += Indent + " * @return void\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function start";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->startVector(";
code += NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", $numElems, " + NumToString(alignment);
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the offset of the end of a table.
static void GetEndOffsetOnTable(const Parser &parser,
const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int table offset\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function end" +;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$o = $builder->endObject();\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated && field.required) {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->required($o, ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset);
code += "); // " + + "\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
if (parser.root_struct_def_ == &struct_def) {
code += "\n";
code += Indent + "public static function finish";
code +=;
code += "Buffer(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->finish($offset";
if (parser.file_identifier_.length())
code += ", \"" + parser.file_identifier_ + "\"";
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
// Generate a struct field, conditioned on its child type(s).
static void GenStructAccessor(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
GenComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
GetScalarFieldOfStruct(field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetScalarFieldOfTable(field, code_ptr);
} else {
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
GetStructFieldOfStruct(field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetStructFieldOfTable(field, code_ptr);
GetStringField(field, code_ptr);
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
GetMemberOfVectorOfStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetMemberOfVectorOfNonStruct(field, code_ptr);
GetUnionField(field, code_ptr);
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
GetVectorLen(field, code_ptr);
// Generate table constructors, conditioned on its members' types.
static void GenTableBuilders(const Parser &parser,
const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
GetStartOfTable(struct_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
auto offset = it - struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "public static function add";
code += MakeCamel(;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->addOffsetX(";
code += NumToString(offset) + ", $offset, 0);\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
} else {
BuildFieldOfTable(field, offset, code_ptr);
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
BuildVectorOfTable(field, code_ptr);
GetEndOffsetOnTable(parser, struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate struct or table methods.
static void GenStruct(const Parser &parser, const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
if (struct_def.generated) return;
GenComment(struct_def.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
BeginClass(struct_def, code_ptr);
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
// Generate a special accessor for the table that has been declared as
// the root type.
NewRootTypeFromBuffer(struct_def, code_ptr);
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
if (parser.file_identifier_.length()) {
// Return the identifier
code += Indent + "public static function " +;
code += "Identifier()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return \"";
code += parser.file_identifier_ + "\";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Check if a buffer has the identifier.
code += Indent + "public static function " +;
code += "BufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return self::";
code += "__has_identifier($buf, self::";
code += + "Identifier());\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
if (parser.file_extension_.length()) {
// Return the extension
code += Indent + "public static function " +;
code += "Extension()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return \"" + parser.file_extension_;
code += "\";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Generate the Init method that sets the field in a pre-existing
// accessor object. This is to allow object reuse.
InitializeExisting(struct_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
GenStructAccessor(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
if (struct_def.fixed) {
// create a struct constructor function
GenStructBuilder(struct_def, code_ptr);
} else {
// Create a set of functions that allow table construction.
GenTableBuilders(parser, struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate enum declarations.
static void GenEnum(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
if (enum_def.generated) return;
GenComment(enum_def.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
BeginEnum(, code_ptr);
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
GenComment(ev.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
EnumMember(ev, code_ptr);
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\n";
code += Indent + "private static $names = array(\n";
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
it != enum_def.vals.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
code += Indent + Indent + "\"" + + "\",\n";
code += Indent + ");\n\n";
code += Indent + "public static function Name($e)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "if (!isset(self::$names[$e])) {\n";
code += Indent + Indent + Indent + "throw new \\Exception();\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "}\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return self::$names[$e];\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
// Returns the function name that is able to read a value of the given type.
static std::string GenGetter(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: return "__string";
case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT: return "__struct";
case BASE_TYPE_UNION: return "__union";
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return GenGetter(type.VectorType());
return "Get";
// Returns the method name for use with add/put calls.
static std::string GenMethod(const FieldDef &field) {
return IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)
? MakeCamel(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type))
: (IsStruct(field.value.type) ? "Struct" : "Offset");
// Save out the generated code for a Php Table type.
static bool SaveType(const Parser &parser, const Definition &def,
const std::string &classcode, const std::string &path,
bool needs_imports) {
if (!classcode.length()) return true;
std::string namespace_name;
std::string namespace_dir = path;
auto &namespaces = parser.namespaces_.back()->components;
for (auto it = namespaces.begin(); it != namespaces.end(); ++it) {
if (namespace_name.length()) {
namespace_name += "\\";
namespace_dir += kPathSeparator;
namespace_name += *it;
namespace_dir += *it;
std::string code = "";
BeginFile(namespace_name, needs_imports, &code);
code += classcode;
std::string filename = namespace_dir + kPathSeparator + + ".php";
return SaveFile(filename.c_str(), code, false);
static std::string GenTypeBasic(const Type &type) {
static const char *ctypename[] = {
return ctypename[type.base_type];
static std::string GenDefaultValue(const Value &value) {
if (value.type.enum_def) {
if (auto val = value.type.enum_def->ReverseLookup(
atoi(value.constant.c_str()), false)) {
return WrapInNameSpace(*value.type.enum_def) + "::" + val->name;
switch (value.type.base_type) {
return value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
return "null";
if (value.constant != "0") {
int64_t constant = StringToInt(value.constant.c_str());
return NumToString(constant);
return "0";
return value.constant;
static std::string GenTypePointer(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
return "string";
return GenTypeGet(type.VectorType());
return type.struct_def->name;
// fall through
return "Table";
static std::string GenTypeGet(const Type &type) {
return IsScalar(type.base_type)
? GenTypeBasic(type)
: GenTypePointer(type);
// Create a struct with a builder and the struct's arguments.
static void GenStructBuilder(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\n";
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int offset\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function create" +;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder";
StructBuilderArgs(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
code += ")\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
StructBuilderBody(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
code += Indent + Indent + "return $builder->offset();\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
} // namespace php
bool GeneratePhp(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path,
const std::string & /*file_name*/,
const GeneratorOptions & /*opts*/) {
for (auto it = parser.enums_.vec.begin();
it != parser.enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
std::string enumcode;
php::GenEnum(**it, &enumcode);
if (!php::SaveType(parser, **it, enumcode, path, false))
return false;
for (auto it = parser.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
std::string declcode;
php::GenStruct(parser, **it, &declcode);
if (!php::SaveType(parser, **it, declcode, path, true))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace flatbuffers
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
class Any
const NONE = 0;
const Monster = 1;
const TestSimpleTableWithEnum = 2;
private static $names = array(
public static function Name($e)
if (!isset(self::$names[$e])) {
throw new \Exception();
return self::$names[$e];
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
class Color
const Red = 1;
const Green = 2;
const Blue = 8;
private static $names = array(
public static function Name($e)
if (!isset(self::$names[$e])) {
throw new \Exception();
return self::$names[$e];
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
/// an example documentation comment: monster object
class Monster extends Table
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return Monster
public static function getRootAsMonster(ByteBuffer $bb)
$obj = new Monster();
return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition()) + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));
public static function MonsterIdentifier()
return "MONS";
public static function MonsterBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)
return self::__has_identifier($buf, self::MonsterIdentifier());
public static function MonsterExtension()
return "mon";
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Monster
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
public function getPos()
$obj = new Vec3();
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
* @return short
public function getMana()
$o = $this->__offset(6);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getShort($o + $this->bb_pos) : 150;
* @return short
public function getHp()
$o = $this->__offset(8);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getShort($o + $this->bb_pos) : 100;
public function getName()
$o = $this->__offset(10);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($o + $this->bb_pos) : null;
* @param int offset
* @return byte
public function getInventory($j)
$o = $this->__offset(14);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getByte($this->__vector($o) + $j * 1) : 0;
* @return int
public function getInventoryLength()
$o = $this->__offset(14);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
* @return sbyte
public function getColor()
$o = $this->__offset(16);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getSbyte($o + $this->bb_pos) : \MyGame\Example\Color::Blue;
* @return byte
public function getTestType()
$o = $this->__offset(18);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getByte($o + $this->bb_pos) : \MyGame\Example\Any::NONE;
* @returnint
public function getTest($obj)
$o = $this->__offset(20);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__union($obj, $o) : null;
* @returnVectorOffset
public function getTest4($j)
$o = $this->__offset(22);
$obj = new Test();
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__vector($o) + $j *4, $this->bb) : null;
* @return int
public function getTest4Length()
$o = $this->__offset(22);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
* @param int offset
* @return string
public function getTestarrayofstring($j)
$o = $this->__offset(24);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($this->__vector($o) + $j * 4) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTestarrayofstringLength()
$o = $this->__offset(24);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
/// an example documentation comment: this will end up in the generated code
/// multiline too
* @returnVectorOffset
public function getTestarrayoftables($j)
$o = $this->__offset(26);
$obj = new Monster();
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__indirect($this->__vector($o) + $j * 4), $this->bb) : null;
* @return int
public function getTestarrayoftablesLength()
$o = $this->__offset(26);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
public function getEnemy()
$obj = new Monster();
$o = $this->__offset(28);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
* @param int offset
* @return byte
public function getTestnestedflatbuffer($j)
$o = $this->__offset(30);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getByte($this->__vector($o) + $j * 1) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTestnestedflatbufferLength()
$o = $this->__offset(30);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
public function getTestempty()
$obj = new Stat();
$o = $this->__offset(32);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
* @return bool
public function getTestbool()
$o = $this->__offset(34);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getBool($o + $this->bb_pos) : false;
* @return int
public function getTesthashs32Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(36);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getInt($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return uint
public function getTesthashu32Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(38);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUint($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return long
public function getTesthashs64Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(40);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getLong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return ulong
public function getTesthashu64Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(42);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUlong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTesthashs32Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(44);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getInt($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return uint
public function getTesthashu32Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(46);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUint($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return long
public function getTesthashs64Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(48);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getLong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return ulong
public function getTesthashu64Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(50);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUlong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @param int offset
* @return bool
public function getTestarrayofbools($j)
$o = $this->__offset(52);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getBool($this->__vector($o) + $j * 1) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTestarrayofboolsLength()
$o = $this->__offset(52);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return void
public static function startMonster(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return Monster
public static function createMonster(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $pos, $mana, $hp, $name, $inventory, $color, $test_type, $test, $test4, $testarrayofstring, $testarrayoftables, $enemy, $testnestedflatbuffer, $testempty, $testbool, $testhashs32_fnv1, $testhashu32_fnv1, $testhashs64_fnv1, $testhashu64_fnv1, $testhashs32_fnv1a, $testhashu32_fnv1a, $testhashs64_fnv1a, $testhashu64_fnv1a, $testarrayofbools)
self::addPos($builder, $pos);
self::addMana($builder, $mana);
self::addHp($builder, $hp);
self::addName($builder, $name);
self::addInventory($builder, $inventory);
self::addColor($builder, $color);
self::addTestType($builder, $test_type);
self::addTest($builder, $test);
self::addTest4($builder, $test4);
self::addTestarrayofstring($builder, $testarrayofstring);
self::addTestarrayoftables($builder, $testarrayoftables);
self::addEnemy($builder, $enemy);
self::addTestnestedflatbuffer($builder, $testnestedflatbuffer);
self::addTestempty($builder, $testempty);
self::addTestbool($builder, $testbool);
self::addTesthashs32Fnv1($builder, $testhashs32_fnv1);
self::addTesthashu32Fnv1($builder, $testhashu32_fnv1);
self::addTesthashs64Fnv1($builder, $testhashs64_fnv1);
self::addTesthashu64Fnv1($builder, $testhashu64_fnv1);
self::addTesthashs32Fnv1a($builder, $testhashs32_fnv1a);
self::addTesthashu32Fnv1a($builder, $testhashu32_fnv1a);
self::addTesthashs64Fnv1a($builder, $testhashs64_fnv1a);
self::addTesthashu64Fnv1a($builder, $testhashu64_fnv1a);
self::addTestarrayofbools($builder, $testarrayofbools);
$o = $builder->endObject();
$builder->required($o, 10); // name
return $o;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addPos(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $pos)
$builder->addStructX(0, $pos, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param short
* @return void
public static function addMana(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $mana)
$builder->addShortX(1, $mana, 150);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param short
* @return void
public static function addHp(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $hp)
$builder->addShortX(2, $hp, 100);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param StringOffset
* @return void
public static function addName(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $name)
$builder->addOffsetX(3, $name, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addInventory(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $inventory)
$builder->addOffsetX(5, $inventory, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createInventoryVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(1, count($data), 1);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startInventoryVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(1, $numElems, 1);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param sbyte
* @return void
public static function addColor(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $color)
$builder->addSbyteX(6, $color, 8);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param byte
* @return void
public static function addTestType(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testType)
$builder->addByteX(7, $testType, 0);
public static function addTest(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)
$builder->addOffsetX(8, $offset, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTest4(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $test4)
$builder->addOffsetX(9, $test4, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTest4Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(4, count($data), 2);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTest4Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(4, $numElems, 2);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestarrayofstring(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testarrayofstring)
$builder->addOffsetX(10, $testarrayofstring, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestarrayofstringVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(4, count($data), 4);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestarrayofstringVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(4, $numElems, 4);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestarrayoftables(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testarrayoftables)
$builder->addOffsetX(11, $testarrayoftables, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestarrayoftablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(4, count($data), 4);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestarrayoftablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(4, $numElems, 4);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addEnemy(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $enemy)
$builder->addOffsetX(12, $enemy, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestnestedflatbuffer(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testnestedflatbuffer)
$builder->addOffsetX(13, $testnestedflatbuffer, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestnestedflatbufferVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(1, count($data), 1);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestnestedflatbufferVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(1, $numElems, 1);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addTestempty(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testempty)
$builder->addOffsetX(14, $testempty, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param bool
* @return void
public static function addTestbool(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testbool)
$builder->addBoolX(15, $testbool, false);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs32Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs32Fnv1)
$builder->addIntX(16, $testhashs32Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param uint
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu32Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu32Fnv1)
$builder->addUintX(17, $testhashu32Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param long
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs64Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs64Fnv1)
$builder->addLongX(18, $testhashs64Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param ulong
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu64Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu64Fnv1)
$builder->addUlongX(19, $testhashu64Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs32Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs32Fnv1a)
$builder->addIntX(20, $testhashs32Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param uint
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu32Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu32Fnv1a)
$builder->addUintX(21, $testhashu32Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param long
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs64Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs64Fnv1a)
$builder->addLongX(22, $testhashs64Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param ulong
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu64Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu64Fnv1a)
$builder->addUlongX(23, $testhashu64Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestarrayofbools(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testarrayofbools)
$builder->addOffsetX(24, $testarrayofbools, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestarrayofboolsVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(1, count($data), 1);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestarrayofboolsVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(1, $numElems, 1);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return int table offset
public static function endMonster(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
$o = $builder->endObject();
$builder->required($o, 10); // name
return $o;
public static function finishMonsterBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)
$builder->finish($offset, "MONS");
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class Stat extends Table
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return Stat
public static function getRootAsStat(ByteBuffer $bb)
$obj = new Stat();
return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition()) + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));
public static function StatIdentifier()
return "MONS";
public static function StatBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)
return self::__has_identifier($buf, self::StatIdentifier());
public static function StatExtension()
return "mon";
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Stat
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
public function getId()
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($o + $this->bb_pos) : null;
* @return long
public function getVal()
$o = $this->__offset(6);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getLong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return ushort
public function getCount()
$o = $this->__offset(8);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUshort($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return void
public static function startStat(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return Stat
public static function createStat(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $id, $val, $count)
self::addId($builder, $id);
self::addVal($builder, $val);
self::addCount($builder, $count);
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param StringOffset
* @return void
public static function addId(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $id)
$builder->addOffsetX(0, $id, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param long
* @return void
public static function addVal(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $val)
$builder->addLongX(1, $val, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param ushort
* @return void
public static function addCount(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $count)
$builder->addUshortX(2, $count, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return int table offset
public static function endStat(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class Test extends Struct
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Test
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
* @return short
public function GetA()
return $this->bb->getShort($this->bb_pos + 0);
* @return sbyte
public function GetB()
return $this->bb->getSbyte($this->bb_pos + 2);
* @return int offset
public static function createTest(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $a, $b)
$builder->prep(2, 4);
return $builder->offset();
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class TestSimpleTableWithEnum extends Table
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return TestSimpleTableWithEnum
public static function getRootAsTestSimpleTableWithEnum(ByteBuffer $bb)
$obj = new TestSimpleTableWithEnum();
return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition()) + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));
public static function TestSimpleTableWithEnumIdentifier()
return "MONS";
public static function TestSimpleTableWithEnumBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)
return self::__has_identifier($buf, self::TestSimpleTableWithEnumIdentifier());
public static function TestSimpleTableWithEnumExtension()
return "mon";
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return TestSimpleTableWithEnum
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
* @return sbyte
public function getColor()
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getSbyte($o + $this->bb_pos) : \MyGame\Example\Color::Green;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return void
public static function startTestSimpleTableWithEnum(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return TestSimpleTableWithEnum
public static function createTestSimpleTableWithEnum(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $color)
self::addColor($builder, $color);
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param sbyte
* @return void
public static function addColor(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $color)
$builder->addSbyteX(0, $color, 2);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return int table offset
public static function endTestSimpleTableWithEnum(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class Vec3 extends Struct
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Vec3
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
* @return float
public function GetX()
return $this->bb->getFloat($this->bb_pos + 0);
* @return float
public function GetY()
return $this->bb->getFloat($this->bb_pos + 4);
* @return float
public function GetZ()
return $this->bb->getFloat($this->bb_pos + 8);
* @return double
public function GetTest1()
return $this->bb->getDouble($this->bb_pos + 16);
* @return sbyte
public function GetTest2()
return $this->bb->getSbyte($this->bb_pos + 24);
* @return Test
public function getTest3()
$obj = new Test();
$obj->init($this->bb_pos + 26, $this->bb);
return $obj;
* @return int offset
public static function createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $x, $y, $z, $test1, $test2, $test3_a, $test3_b)
$builder->prep(16, 32);
$builder->prep(2, 4);
return $builder->offset();
..\flatc.exe -c -j -n -g -b -p --php -s --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
..\flatc.exe -b --schema monster_test.fbs
../flatc -c -j -n -g -b -p -s --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
../flatc -c -j -n -g -b -p -s --php --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
../flatc -b --schema monster_test.fbs
// manual load for testing. please use PSR style autoloader when you use flatbuffers.
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "Constants.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "ByteBuffer.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "FlatbufferBuilder.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "Table.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "Struct.php"));
foreach (glob(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(__FILE__), "MyGame", "Example", "*.php"))) as $file) {
require $file;
function main()
/// Begin Test
$assert = new Assert();
// First, let's test reading a FlatBuffer generated by C++ code:
// This file was generated from monsterdata_test.json
// Now test it:
$data = file_get_contents('monsterdata_test.mon');
$bb = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($data);
test_buffer($assert, $bb);
// Second, let's create a FlatBuffer from scratch in JavaScript, and test it also.
// We use an initial size of 1 to exercise the reallocation algorithm,
// normally a size larger than the typical FlatBuffer you generate would be
// better for performance.
$fbb = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
// We set up the same values as monsterdata.json:
$str = $fbb->createString("MyMonster");
$inv = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateInventoryVector($fbb, array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
$fred = $fbb->createString('Fred');
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddName($fbb, $fred);
$mon2 = \MyGame\Example\Monster::EndMonster($fbb);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::StartTest4Vector($fbb, 2);
\MyGame\Example\Test::CreateTest($fbb, 10, 20);
\MyGame\Example\Test::CreateTest($fbb, 30, 40);
$test4 = $fbb->endVector();
$testArrayOfString = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateTestarrayofstringVector($fbb, array(
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddPos($fbb, \MyGame\Example\Vec3::CreateVec3($fbb,
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, //float
3.0, // double
5, //short
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddHp($fbb, 80);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddName($fbb, $str);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddInventory($fbb, $inv);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTestType($fbb, \MyGame\Example\Any::Monster);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTest($fbb, $mon2);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTest4($fbb, $test4);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTestarrayofstring($fbb, $testArrayOfString);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTestbool($fbb, false);
$mon = \MyGame\Example\Monster::EndMonster($fbb);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::FinishMonsterBuffer($fbb, $mon);
// Test it:
test_buffer($assert, $fbb->dataBuffer());
// testUnicode($assert);
echo 'FlatBuffers php test: completed successfully' . PHP_EOL;
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
printf("Fatal error: Uncaught exception '%s' with message '%s. in %s:%d\n", get_class($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());
printf("Stack trace:\n");
echo $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL;
printf(" thrown in in %s:%d\n", $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());
function test_buffer(Assert $assert, Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer $bb) {
$monster = \MyGame\Example\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($bb);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetHp(), 80);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetMana(), 150); // default
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetName(), 'MyMonster');
$pos = $monster->GetPos();
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetX(), 1.0);
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetY(), 2.0);
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetZ(), 3.0);
$assert->Equal($pos->GetTest1(), 3.0);
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetTest2(), \MyGame\Example\Color::Green);
$t = $pos->GetTest3();
$assert->strictEqual($t->GetA(), 5);
$assert->strictEqual($t->GetB(), 6);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestType(), \MyGame\Example\Any::Monster);
$monster2 = new \MyGame\Example\Monster();
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTest($monster2) != null, true);
$assert->strictEqual($monster2->GetName(), 'Fred');
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetInventoryLength(), 5);
$invsum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $monster->GetInventoryLength(); $i++) {
$invsum += $monster->GetInventory($i);
$assert->strictEqual($invsum, 10);
$test_0 = $monster->GetTest4(0);
$test_1 = $monster->GetTest4(1);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTest4Length(), 2);
$assert->strictEqual($test_0->GetA() + $test_0->GetB() + $test_1->GetA() + $test_1->GetB(), 100);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstringLength(), 2);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstring(0), 'test1');
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstring(1), 'test2');
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestbool(), false);
//function testUnicode(Assert $assert) {
// // missing unicode_test.mon, implemented later
// $correct = file_get_contents('unicode_test.mon');
// $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('unicode_test.json'));
// // Test reading
// $bb = flatbuffers\ByteBuffer::Wrap($correct);
// $monster = \MyGame\Example\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($bb);
// $assert->strictEqual($monster->GetName(), $json["name"]);
// //$assert->deepEqual(new Buffer(, new Buffer(;
// //assert.strictEqual(monster.testarrayoftablesLength(), json.testarrayoftables.length);
// foreach ($json["testarrayoftables"]as $i => $table) {
// $value = $monster->GetTestArrayOfTables($i);
// $assert->strictEqual($value->GetName(), $table["name"]);
// //assert.deepEqual(new Buffer(, new Buffer(;
// }
// $assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstringLength(), $json["testarrayofstring"]["length"]);
// foreach ($json["testarrayofstring"] as $i => $string) {
// $assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstring($i), $string);
// //assert.deepEqual(new Buffer(monster.testarrayofstring(i, flatbuffers.Encoding.UTF8_BYTES)), new Buffer(string));
// }
// // Test writing
// $fbb = new FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
// $name = $fbb->CreateString($json["name"]);
// $testarrayoftablesOffsets = array_map(function($table) use($fbb) {
// $name = $fbb->CreateString($table["name"]);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::StartMonster($fbb);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::AddName($fbb, $name);
// return \MyGame\Example\Monster::EndMonster($fbb);
// }, $json["testarrayoftables"]);
// $testarrayoftablesOffset = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateTestarrayoftablesVector($fbb,
// $testarrayoftablesOffsets);
//// $testarrayofstringOffset = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateTestarrayofstringVector($fbb,
//// $json["testarrayofstring"].map(function(string) { return fbb.createString(string); }));
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::startMonster($fbb);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::addTestarrayofstring($fbb, $testarrayoftablesOffset);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::addTestarrayoftables($fbb, $testarrayoftablesOffset);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::addName($fbb, $name);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::finishMonsterBuffer($fbb, \MyGame\Example\Monster::endMonster($fbb));
// //;assert.deepEqual(new Buffer(fbb.asUint8Array()), correct);
// Low level stress/fuzz test: serialize/deserialize a variety of
// different kinds of data in different combinations
function fuzzTest1(Assert $assert)
// Values we're testing against: chosen to ensure no bits get chopped
// off anywhere, and also be different from eachother.
$bool_val = true;
$char_val = -127; // 0x81
$uchar_val = 0xFF;
$short_val = -32222; // 0x8222;
$ushort_val = 0xFEEE;
$int_val = 0x83333333 | 0;
// for now
$uint_val = 1;
$long_val = 2;
$ulong_val = 3;
// var uint_val = 0xFDDDDDDD;
// var long_val = new flatbuffers.Long(0x44444444, 0x84444444);
// var ulong_val = new flatbuffers.Long(0xCCCCCCCC, 0xFCCCCCCC);
$float_val = 3.14159;
$double_val = 3.14159265359;
$test_values_max = 11;
$fields_per_object = 4;
// current implementation is not good at encoding.
$num_fuzz_objects = 1000;
$builder = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
// can't use same implementation due to PHP_INTMAX overflow issue.
// we use mt_rand function to reproduce fuzzy test.
$objects = array();
// Generate num_fuzz_objects random objects each consisting of
// fields_per_object fields, each of a random type.
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fuzz_objects; $i++) {
for ($f = 0; $f < $fields_per_object; $f++) {
$choice = mt_rand() % $test_values_max;
switch ($choice) {
case 0:
$builder->addBoolX($f, $bool_val, 0);
case 1:
$builder->addByteX($f, $char_val, 0);
case 2:
$builder->addSbyteX($f, $uchar_val, 0);
case 3:
$builder->addShortX($f, $short_val, 0);
case 4:
$builder->addUshortX($f, $ushort_val, 0);
case 5:
$builder->addIntX($f, $int_val, 0);
case 6:
$builder->addUintX($f, $uint_val, 0);
case 7:
$builder->addLongX($f, $long_val, 0);
case 8:
$builder->addUlongX($f, $ulong_val, 0);
case 9:
$builder->addFloatX($f, $float_val, 0);
case 10:
$builder->addDoubleX($f, $double_val, 0);
$objects[] = $builder->endObject();
$builder->prep(8, 0); // Align whole buffer.
mt_srand(48271); // Reset
$builder->finish($objects[count($objects) - 1]);
$view = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($builder->sizedByteArray());
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fuzz_objects; $i++) {
$offset = $view->capacity() - $objects[$i];
for ($f = 0; $f < $fields_per_object; $f++) {
$choice = mt_rand() % $test_values_max;
$vtable_offset = fieldIndexToOffset($f);
$vtable = $offset - $view->getInt($offset);
$assert->ok($vtable_offset < $view->getShort($vtable));
$field_offset = $offset + $view->getShort($vtable + $vtable_offset);
switch ($choice) {
case 0:
$assert->strictEqual(!!$view->getBool($field_offset), $bool_val);
case 1:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getSbyte($field_offset), $char_val);
case 2:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getByte($field_offset), $uchar_val);
case 3:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getShort($field_offset), $short_val);
case 4:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getUShort($field_offset), $ushort_val);
case 5:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getInt($field_offset), $int_val);
case 6:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getUint($field_offset), $uint_val);
case 7:
if (PHP_INT_SIZE <= 4) break;
$assert->strictEqual($view->getLong($field_offset), $long_val);
case 8:
if (PHP_INT_SIZE <= 4) break;
$assert->strictEqual($view->getUlong($field_offset), $ulong_val);
case 9:
$assert->strictEqual(floor($view->getFloat($field_offset)), floor($float_val));
case 10:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getDouble($field_offset), $double_val);
function fieldIndexToOffset($field_id) {
// Should correspond to what EndTable() below builds up.
$fixed_fields = 2; // Vtable size and Object Size.
return ($field_id + $fixed_fields) * 2;
function testByteBuffer(Assert $assert) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_Length_MatchesBufferLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 100);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal($uut->capacity(), strlen($buffer));
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutBytePopulatesBufferAtZeroOffset
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putByte(0, "\x63"); // 99
$assert->Equal("\x63", $uut->_buffer[0]); // don't share buffer as php user might confuse reference.
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutByteCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putByte(1, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortPopulatesBufferCorrectly
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putShort(0, 1);
// Ensure Endiannes was written correctly
$assert->Equal(chr(0x01), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putShort(0, -32768);
// Ensure Endiannes was written correctly
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x80), $uut->_buffer[1]);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putShort(2, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortChecksLength
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putShort(0, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortChecksLengthAndOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putShort(1, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntPopulatesBufferCorrectly
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putInt(0, 0x0A0B0C0D);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0D), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0C), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0B), $uut->_buffer[2]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0A), $uut->_buffer[3]);
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putInt(0, -2147483648);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[2]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x80), $uut->_buffer[3]);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putInt(2, 0x0A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putInt(0, 0x0A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntChecksLengthAndOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putInt(2, 0x0A0B0C0D);
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongPopulatesBufferCorrectly
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putLong(0, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0D), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0C), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0B), $uut->_buffer[2]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0A), $uut->_buffer[3]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x04), $uut->_buffer[4]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x03), $uut->_buffer[5]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x02), $uut->_buffer[6]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x01), $uut->_buffer[7]);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putLong(2, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putLong(0, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongChecksLengthAndOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putLong(2, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetByteReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$buffer[0] = "\x63";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal("\x63", $uut->get(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetByteChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x01);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x00);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(1, $uut->getShort(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortReturnsCorrectData (signed value)
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x80);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(-32768, $uut->getShort(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetIntReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x0D);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x0C);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x0B);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x0A);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(0x0A0B0C0D, $uut->getInt(0));
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x80);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(-2147483648, $uut->getInt(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetIntChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetIntChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetLongReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x0D);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x0C);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x0B);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x0A);
$buffer[4] = chr(0x04);
$buffer[5] = chr(0x03);
$buffer[6] = chr(0x02);
$buffer[7] = chr(0x01);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(0x010203040A0B0C0D, $uut->getLong(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetLongChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetLongChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 7);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: big endian
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
// 0xFF 0x00
// Little Endian: 255
// Big Endian: 65280
$buffer[0] = chr(0xff);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x00);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(65280, $uut->readLittleEndian(0, 2, true));
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x0D);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x0C);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x0B);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x0A);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(0x0D0C0B0A, $uut->readLittleEndian(0, 4, true));
class Assert {
public function ok($result, $message = "") {
if (!$result){
throw new Exception(!empty($message) ? $message : "{$result} is not true.");
public function Equal($result, $expected, $message = "") {
if ($result != $expected) {
throw new Exception(!empty($message) ? $message : "given the result {$result} is not equals as {$expected}");
public function strictEqual($result, $expected, $message = "") {
if ($result !== $expected) {
throw new Exception(!empty($message) ? $message : "given the result {$result} is not strict equals as {$expected}");
public function Throws($class, Callable $callback) {
try {
throw new \Exception("passed statement don't throw an exception.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if (get_class($e) != get_class($class)) {
throw new Exception("passed statement doesn't throw " . get_class($class) . ". throwws " . get_class($e));
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