Reduced `force_align` in tests to 8, to work with --object-api.

More detail:

See also the .md changes in this commit.

Change-Id: Idfa68b2fd3bdb19979833737d3a3cf83ec1d6775
parent 76a02413
......@@ -90,6 +90,88 @@ class _AnyTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<AnyTypeId> {
new AnyTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId {
final int value;
const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(this.value);
factory AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId');
return values[value];
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 3;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId NONE = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(0);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId M = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(1);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId T = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(2);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId M2 = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(3);
static get values => {0: NONE,1: M,2: T,3: M2,};
static const fb.Reader<AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId> reader = const _AnyUniqueAliasesTypeIdReader();
String toString() {
return 'AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId{value: $value}';
class _AnyUniqueAliasesTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId> {
const _AnyUniqueAliasesTypeIdReader();
int get size => 1;
AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId {
final int value;
const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(this.value);
factory AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId');
return values[value];
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 3;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId NONE = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(0);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId M1 = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(1);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId M2 = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(2);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId M3 = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(3);
static get values => {0: NONE,1: M1,2: M2,3: M3,};
static const fb.Reader<AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId> reader = const _AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeIdReader();
String toString() {
return 'AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId{value: $value}';
class _AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId> {
const _AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeIdReader();
int get size => 1;
AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class Test {
Test._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
......@@ -654,10 +736,29 @@ class Monster {
List<int> get vectorOfCoOwningReferences => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 84, null);
int get nonOwningReference => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 86, 0);
List<int> get vectorOfNonOwningReferences => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 88, null);
AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId get anyUniqueType => new AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 90, 0));
dynamic get anyUnique {
switch (anyUniqueType?.value) {
case 1: return M.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 92, null);
case 2: return T.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 92, null);
case 3: return M2.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 92, null);
default: return null;
AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId get anyAmbiguousType => new AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 94, 0));
dynamic get anyAmbiguous {
switch (anyAmbiguousType?.value) {
case 1: return M1.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 96, null);
case 2: return M2.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 96, null);
case 3: return M3.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 96, null);
default: return null;
List<Color> get vectorOfEnums => const fb.ListReader<Color>(Color.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 98, null);
String toString() {
return 'Monster{pos: $pos, mana: $mana, hp: $hp, name: $name, inventory: $inventory, color: $color, testType: $testType, test: $test, test4: $test4, testarrayofstring: $testarrayofstring, testarrayoftables: $testarrayoftables, enemy: $enemy, testnestedflatbuffer: $testnestedflatbuffer, testempty: $testempty, testbool: $testbool, testhashs32Fnv1: $testhashs32Fnv1, testhashu32Fnv1: $testhashu32Fnv1, testhashs64Fnv1: $testhashs64Fnv1, testhashu64Fnv1: $testhashu64Fnv1, testhashs32Fnv1a: $testhashs32Fnv1a, testhashu32Fnv1a: $testhashu32Fnv1a, testhashs64Fnv1a: $testhashs64Fnv1a, testhashu64Fnv1a: $testhashu64Fnv1a, testarrayofbools: $testarrayofbools, testf: $testf, testf2: $testf2, testf3: $testf3, testarrayofstring2: $testarrayofstring2, testarrayofsortedstruct: $testarrayofsortedstruct, flex: $flex, test5: $test5, vectorOfLongs: $vectorOfLongs, vectorOfDoubles: $vectorOfDoubles, parentNamespaceTest: $parentNamespaceTest, vectorOfReferrables: $vectorOfReferrables, singleWeakReference: $singleWeakReference, vectorOfWeakReferences: $vectorOfWeakReferences, vectorOfStrongReferrables: $vectorOfStrongReferrables, coOwningReference: $coOwningReference, vectorOfCoOwningReferences: $vectorOfCoOwningReferences, nonOwningReference: $nonOwningReference, vectorOfNonOwningReferences: $vectorOfNonOwningReferences}';
return 'Monster{pos: $pos, mana: $mana, hp: $hp, name: $name, inventory: $inventory, color: $color, testType: $testType, test: $test, test4: $test4, testarrayofstring: $testarrayofstring, testarrayoftables: $testarrayoftables, enemy: $enemy, testnestedflatbuffer: $testnestedflatbuffer, testempty: $testempty, testbool: $testbool, testhashs32Fnv1: $testhashs32Fnv1, testhashu32Fnv1: $testhashu32Fnv1, testhashs64Fnv1: $testhashs64Fnv1, testhashu64Fnv1: $testhashu64Fnv1, testhashs32Fnv1a: $testhashs32Fnv1a, testhashu32Fnv1a: $testhashu32Fnv1a, testhashs64Fnv1a: $testhashs64Fnv1a, testhashu64Fnv1a: $testhashu64Fnv1a, testarrayofbools: $testarrayofbools, testf: $testf, testf2: $testf2, testf3: $testf3, testarrayofstring2: $testarrayofstring2, testarrayofsortedstruct: $testarrayofsortedstruct, flex: $flex, test5: $test5, vectorOfLongs: $vectorOfLongs, vectorOfDoubles: $vectorOfDoubles, parentNamespaceTest: $parentNamespaceTest, vectorOfReferrables: $vectorOfReferrables, singleWeakReference: $singleWeakReference, vectorOfWeakReferences: $vectorOfWeakReferences, vectorOfStrongReferrables: $vectorOfStrongReferrables, coOwningReference: $coOwningReference, vectorOfCoOwningReferences: $vectorOfCoOwningReferences, nonOwningReference: $nonOwningReference, vectorOfNonOwningReferences: $vectorOfNonOwningReferences, anyUniqueType: $anyUniqueType, anyUnique: $anyUnique, anyAmbiguousType: $anyAmbiguousType, anyAmbiguous: $anyAmbiguous, vectorOfEnums: $vectorOfEnums}';
......@@ -848,6 +949,26 @@ class MonsterBuilder {
fbBuilder.addOffset(42, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyUniqueType(AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId anyUniqueType) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(43, anyUniqueType?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyUniqueOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(44, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyAmbiguousType(AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId anyAmbiguousType) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(45, anyAmbiguousType?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyAmbiguousOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(46, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfEnumsOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(47, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
......@@ -897,6 +1018,11 @@ class MonsterObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final List<int> _vectorOfCoOwningReferences;
final int _nonOwningReference;
final List<int> _vectorOfNonOwningReferences;
final AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId _anyUniqueType;
final dynamic _anyUnique;
final AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId _anyAmbiguousType;
final dynamic _anyAmbiguous;
final List<Color> _vectorOfEnums;
Vec3ObjectBuilder pos,
......@@ -941,6 +1067,11 @@ class MonsterObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
List<int> vectorOfCoOwningReferences,
int nonOwningReference,
List<int> vectorOfNonOwningReferences,
AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId anyUniqueType,
dynamic anyUnique,
AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId anyAmbiguousType,
dynamic anyAmbiguous,
List<Color> vectorOfEnums,
: _pos = pos,
_mana = mana,
......@@ -983,7 +1114,12 @@ class MonsterObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
_coOwningReference = coOwningReference,
_vectorOfCoOwningReferences = vectorOfCoOwningReferences,
_nonOwningReference = nonOwningReference,
_vectorOfNonOwningReferences = vectorOfNonOwningReferences;
_vectorOfNonOwningReferences = vectorOfNonOwningReferences,
_anyUniqueType = anyUniqueType,
_anyUnique = anyUnique,
_anyAmbiguousType = anyAmbiguousType,
_anyAmbiguous = anyAmbiguous,
_vectorOfEnums = vectorOfEnums;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
......@@ -1046,6 +1182,11 @@ class MonsterObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final int vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset = _vectorOfNonOwningReferences?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint64(_vectorOfNonOwningReferences)
: null;
final int anyUniqueOffset = _anyUnique?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int anyAmbiguousOffset = _anyAmbiguous?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int vectorOfEnumsOffset = _vectorOfEnums?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListInt8( => f.value))
: null;
if (_pos != null) {
......@@ -1136,6 +1277,17 @@ class MonsterObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
if (vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(42, vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint8(43, _anyUniqueType?.value);
if (anyUniqueOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(44, anyUniqueOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint8(45, _anyAmbiguousType?.value);
if (anyAmbiguousOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(46, anyAmbiguousOffset);
if (vectorOfEnumsOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(47, vectorOfEnumsOffset);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
......@@ -208,12 +208,15 @@ The following attributes are specific to the object-based API code generation:
Finally, the following top-level attribute
- native_include: "path" (at file level): Because the `native_type` attribute
- `native_include`: "path" (at file level): Because the `native_type` attribute
can be used to introduce types that are unknown to flatbuffers, it may be
necessary to include "external" header files in the generated code. This
attribute can be used to directly add an #include directive to the top of
the generated code that includes the specified path directly.
- `force_align`: this attribute may not be respected in the object API,
depending on the aligned of the allocator used with `new`.
# External references.
An additional feature of the object API is the ability to allow you to load
......@@ -321,6 +321,9 @@ Current understood attributes:
these structs to be aligned to that amount inside a buffer, IF that
buffer is allocated with that alignment (which is not necessarily
the case for buffers accessed directly inside a `FlatBufferBuilder`).
Note: currently not guaranteed to have an effect when used with
`--object-api`, since that may allocate objects at alignments less than
what you specify with `force_align`.
- `bit_flags` (on an enum): the values of this field indicate bits,
meaning that any value N specified in the schema will end up
representing 1<<N, or if you don't specify values at all, you'll get
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public struct Vec3 : IFlatbufferObject
public Test Test3 { get { return (new Test()).__assign(__p.bb_pos + 26,; } }
public static Offset<Vec3> CreateVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float X, float Y, float Z, double Test1, Color Test2, short test3_A, sbyte test3_B) {
builder.Prep(16, 32);
builder.Prep(8, 32);
builder.Prep(2, 4);
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ func (rcv *Vec3) Test3(obj *Test) *Test {
func CreateVec3(builder *flatbuffers.Builder, x float32, y float32, z float32, test1 float64, test2 int8, test3_a int16, test3_b int8) flatbuffers.UOffsetT {
builder.Prep(16, 32)
builder.Prep(8, 32)
builder.Prep(2, 4)
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import*;
public Test test3(Test obj) { return obj.__assign(bb_pos + 26, bb); }
public static int createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float x, float y, float z, double test1, byte test2, short test3_a, byte test3_b) {
builder.prep(16, 32);
builder.prep(8, 32);
builder.prep(2, 4);
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function Vec3_mt:Test3(obj)
return obj
function Vec3.CreateVec3(builder, x, y, z, test1, test2, test3_a, test3_b)
builder:Prep(16, 32)
builder:Prep(8, 32)
builder:Prep(2, 4)
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Vec3 extends Struct
public static function createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $x, $y, $z, $test1, $test2, $test3_a, $test3_b)
$builder->prep(16, 32);
$builder->prep(8, 32);
$builder->prep(2, 4);
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Vec3(object):
def CreateVec3(builder, x, y, z, test1, test2, test3_a, test3_b):
builder.Prep(16, 32)
builder.Prep(8, 32)
builder.Prep(2, 4)
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ table TestSimpleTableWithEnum (csharp_partial, private) {
color: Color = Green;
struct Vec3 (force_align: 16) {
struct Vec3 (force_align: 8) {
......@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ inline bool operator==(const Test &lhs, const Test &rhs) {
(lhs.b() == rhs.b());
float x_;
float y_;
......@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ MyGame.Example.Vec3.prototype.test3 = function(obj) {
* @returns {flatbuffers.Offset}
MyGame.Example.Vec3.createVec3 = function(builder, x, y, z, test1, test2, test3_a, test3_b) {
builder.prep(16, 32);
builder.prep(8, 32);
builder.prep(2, 4);
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ struct Vec3 : flatbuffers_handle
MyGame_Example_Test{ buf_, pos_ + 26 }
def CreateVec3(b_:flatbuffers_builder, x:float, y:float, z:float, test1:float, test2:int, test3_a:int, test3_b:int):
b_.Prep(16, 32)
b_.Prep(8, 32)
b_.Prep(2, 4)
......@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ impl Test {
// struct Vec3, aligned to 16
#[repr(C, align(16))]
// struct Vec3, aligned to 8
#[repr(C, align(8))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Vec3 {
x_: f32,
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ test3(obj?:MyGame.Example.Test):MyGame.Example.Test|null {
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createVec3(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, x: number, y: number, z: number, test1: number, test2: MyGame.Example.Color, test3_a: number, test3_b: number):flatbuffers.Offset {
builder.prep(16, 32);
builder.prep(8, 32);
builder.prep(2, 4);
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def CheckReadBuffer(buf, offset, sizePrefix = False):
if sizePrefix:
size = util.GetSizePrefix(buf, offset)
# taken from the size of monsterdata_python_wire.mon, minus 4
asserter(size == 348)
asserter(size == 340)
buf, offset = util.RemoveSizePrefix(buf, offset)
monster = MyGame.Example.Monster.Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf, offset)
......@@ -656,8 +656,8 @@ mod generated_code_alignment_and_padding {
fn struct_vec3_is_aligned_to_16() {
assert_eq!(16, ::std::mem::align_of::<my_game::example::Vec3>());
fn struct_vec3_is_aligned_to_8() {
assert_eq!(8, ::std::mem::align_of::<my_game::example::Vec3>());
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