Commit 4fd8eb21 authored by Google AutoFuzz Team's avatar Google AutoFuzz Team Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Remove a static_assert (#5643)

Having a static_assert on MSAN and ASAN prevents
the fuzzers from being used with different engines,
like TSAN, UBSAN, … but also with fuzzers that aren't
using MSAN/ASAN like afl for example.
parent 65f87035
......@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
#include "fuzzer_assert.h"
#include "test_assert.h"
static_assert(__has_feature(memory_sanitizer) ||
"sanitizer disabled");
// Utility for test run.
struct OneTimeTestInit {
// Declare trap for the Flatbuffers test engine.
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