Commit 4f96603e authored by Stewart Miles's avatar Stewart Miles

Pass job server arguments (-jX) to make.

When $(MAKE) is expanded via a macro "make" doesn't know whether
$(MAKE) refers to an instance of the make app and therefore doesn't
pass job server arguments down.  This change adds the + prefix to the
command in the receipe in order to indicate $(MAKE) is another instance of

Verified flatc builds in parallel from Android builds.

Change-Id: I9f2f4f9680b818fdda7420a75a8bfa995b4644db
parent 9dc5d378
......@@ -102,8 +102,11 @@ endef
ifeq (Linux,$(PROJECT_OS))
define build_flatc_recipe
mkdir -p bin && cd bin && $(CMAKE) $(FLATBUFFERS_CMAKELISTS_DIR) \
&& $(MAKE) flatc
+mkdir -p bin && \
cd bin && \
$(CMAKE) \
$(MAKE) flatc
ifeq (Darwin,$(PROJECT_OS))
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