Unverified Commit 4c3b6c24 authored by Robert's avatar Robert Committed by GitHub

Rust: test that no heap allocs happen on hot paths (#5022)

parent 160e8f2f
......@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ rem TODO(rw): how do we make this script abort the calling script in appveyor?
cd rust_usage_test
cargo test -- --quiet || exit /b 1
cargo run --bin=alloc_check || exit /b 1
cd ..
set -ex
set -e
# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
......@@ -25,4 +25,13 @@ else
exit 1
cargo run --bin=alloc_check
if [[ $TEST_RESULT == 0 ]]; then
echo "OK: Rust heap alloc test passed."
echo "KO: Rust heap alloc test failed."
exit 1
cargo bench
......@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ flatbuffers = { path = "../../rust/flatbuffers" }
name = "monster_example"
path = "bin/monster_example.rs"
name = "alloc_check"
path = "bin/alloc_check.rs"
quickcheck = "0.6"
// define a passthrough allocator that tracks alloc calls.
// (note that we can't drop this in to the usual test suite, because it's a big
// global variable).
use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System};
static mut N_ALLOCS: usize = 0;
struct TrackingAllocator;
impl TrackingAllocator {
fn n_allocs(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { N_ALLOCS }
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for TrackingAllocator {
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
N_ALLOCS += 1;
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
System.dealloc(ptr, layout)
// use the tracking allocator:
static A: TrackingAllocator = TrackingAllocator;
// import the flatbuffers generated code:
extern crate flatbuffers;
#[path = "../../monster_test_generated.rs"]
mod monster_test_generated;
pub use monster_test_generated::my_game;
// verbatim from the test suite:
fn create_serialized_example_with_generated_code(builder: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder) {
let mon = {
let s0 = builder.create_string("test1");
let s1 = builder.create_string("test2");
let fred_name = builder.create_string("Fred");
// can't inline creation of this Vec3 because we refer to it by reference, so it must live
// long enough to be used by MonsterArgs.
let pos = my_game::example::Vec3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, my_game::example::Color::Green, &my_game::example::Test::new(5i16, 6i8));
let args = my_game::example::MonsterArgs{
hp: 80,
mana: 150,
name: Some(builder.create_string("MyMonster")),
pos: Some(&pos),
test_type: my_game::example::Any::Monster,
test: Some(my_game::example::Monster::create(builder, &my_game::example::MonsterArgs{
name: Some(fred_name),
inventory: Some(builder.create_vector_direct(&[0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4][..])),
test4: Some(builder.create_vector_direct(&[my_game::example::Test::new(10, 20),
my_game::example::Test::new(30, 40)])),
testarrayofstring: Some(builder.create_vector(&[s0, s1])),
my_game::example::Monster::create(builder, &args)
my_game::example::finish_monster_buffer(builder, mon);
fn main() {
// test the allocation tracking:
let before = A.n_allocs();
let _x: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; 1];
let after = A.n_allocs();
assert_eq!(before + 1, after);
let builder = &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder::new();
// warm up the builder (it can make small allocs internally, such as for storing vtables):
// reset the builder, clearing its heap-allocted memory:
let before = A.n_allocs();
let after = A.n_allocs();
assert_eq!(before, after, "KO: Heap allocs occurred in Rust write path");
let buf = builder.finished_data();
// use the allocation tracking on the read path:
let before = A.n_allocs();
// do many reads, forcing them to execute by using assert_eq:
let m = my_game::example::get_root_as_monster(buf);
assert_eq!(80, m.hp());
assert_eq!(150, m.mana());
assert_eq!("MyMonster", m.name());
let pos = m.pos().unwrap();
assert_eq!(pos.x(), 1.0f32);
assert_eq!(pos.y(), 2.0f32);
assert_eq!(pos.z(), 3.0f32);
assert_eq!(pos.test1(), 3.0f64);
assert_eq!(pos.test2(), my_game::example::Color::Green);
let pos_test3 = pos.test3();
assert_eq!(pos_test3.a(), 5i16);
assert_eq!(pos_test3.b(), 6i8);
assert_eq!(m.test_type(), my_game::example::Any::Monster);
let table2 = m.test().unwrap();
let m2 = my_game::example::Monster::init_from_table(table2);
assert_eq!(m2.name(), "Fred");
let inv = m.inventory().unwrap();
assert_eq!(inv.len(), 5);
assert_eq!(inv.iter().sum::<u8>(), 10u8);
let test4 = m.test4().unwrap();
assert_eq!(test4.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(test4[0].a() as i32 + test4[0].b() as i32 +
test4[1].a() as i32 + test4[1].b() as i32, 100);
let testarrayofstring = m.testarrayofstring().unwrap();
assert_eq!(testarrayofstring.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(testarrayofstring.get(0), "test1");
assert_eq!(testarrayofstring.get(1), "test2");
// assert that no allocs occurred:
let after = A.n_allocs();
assert_eq!(before, after, "KO: Heap allocs occurred in Rust read path");
println!("Rust: Heap alloc checks completed successfully");
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