Commit 44644052 authored by Max Galkin's avatar Max Galkin Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Make FuzzTest2 fuzzier.

1. Random table fields are now marked deprecated. The deprecation rate is adjustable, default is ~10% of fields.
2. Vector type previously produced a dummy field, now a trivial ubyte vector is generated instead.
3. The fuzzed "instances" were previously generated with identical data, now they are randomized: I suppose such was the intent from the beginning, just wasn't implemented.

I ran the new test with a few different settings and random seeds (but only on Windows + VS2015), and it always passed.

Change-Id: I2014686b6680aec24049ccda3f6deffe5205a83e
parent c3807fa3
......@@ -366,6 +366,8 @@ void FuzzTest2() {
const int num_struct_definitions = 5; // Subset of num_definitions.
const int fields_per_definition = 15;
const int instances_per_definition = 5;
const int deprecation_rate = 10; // 1 in deprecation_rate fields will
// be deprecated.
std::string schema = "namespace test;\n\n";
......@@ -404,24 +406,41 @@ void FuzzTest2() {
for (int field = 0; field < fields_per_definition; field++) {
const bool is_last_field = field == fields_per_definition - 1;
// Deprecate 1 in deprecation_rate fields. Only table fields can be
// deprecated.
// Don't deprecate the last field to avoid dangling commas in JSON.
const bool deprecated = !is_struct &&
!is_last_field &&
(lcg_rand() % deprecation_rate == 0);
std::string field_name = "f" + flatbuffers::NumToString(field);
AddToSchemaAndInstances((" " + field_name + ":").c_str(),
(field_name + ": ").c_str());
deprecated ? "" : (field_name + ": ").c_str());
// Pick random type:
int base_type = lcg_rand() % (flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_UNION + 1);
switch (base_type) {
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_STRING:
if (is_struct) {
Dummy(); // No strings in structs,
Dummy(); // No strings in structs.
} else {
AddToSchemaAndInstances("string", "\"hi\"");
AddToSchemaAndInstances("string", deprecated ? "" : "\"hi\"");
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_VECTOR:
if (is_struct) {
Dummy(); // No vectors in structs.
else {
deprecated ? "" : "[\n0,\n1,\n255\n]");
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_NONE:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_UTYPE:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_STRUCT:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_UNION:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_VECTOR:
if (definition) {
// Pick a random previous definition and random data instance of
// that definition.
......@@ -429,7 +448,9 @@ void FuzzTest2() {
int instance = lcg_rand() % instances_per_definition;
("D" + flatbuffers::NumToString(defref)).c_str(),
? ""
: definitions[defref].instances[instance].c_str());
} else {
// If this is the first definition, we have no definition we can
// refer to.
......@@ -438,13 +459,18 @@ void FuzzTest2() {
// All the scalar types.
flatbuffers::NumToString(lcg_rand() % 128).c_str());
schema += flatbuffers::kTypeNames[base_type];
if (!deprecated) {
// We want each instance to use its own random value.
for (int inst = 0; inst < instances_per_definition; inst++)
definitions[definition].instances[inst] +=
flatbuffers::NumToString(lcg_rand() % 128).c_str();
field == fields_per_definition - 1 ? "\n" : ",\n");
deprecated ? "(deprecated);\n" : ";\n",
deprecated ? "" : is_last_field ? "\n" : ",\n");
AddToSchemaAndInstances("}\n\n", "}");
......@@ -596,7 +622,8 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
std::string rawbuf;
auto flatbuf = CreateFlatBufferTest(rawbuf);
AccessFlatBufferTest(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(rawbuf.c_str()), rawbuf.length());
AccessFlatBufferTest(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(rawbuf.c_str()),
AccessFlatBufferTest(flatbuf.get(), rawbuf.length());
#ifndef __ANDROID__ // requires file access
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