Replaced exception handling in the parser with error checking.

This to allow the code to run on a greater range of build
configurations (that don't allow exceptions/RTTI).

If anyone ever doubts the usefulness of exception handling,
please show them this commit.

Change-Id: If7190babdde93c3f9cd97b8e1ab447bf0c81696d
Tested: on Linux.
parent a9909a0c
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if(APPLE)
"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra")
"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -Werror=shadow")
"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -Werror=shadow -Wunused-result -Werror=unused-result")
"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++ -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra")
......@@ -340,6 +340,46 @@ struct IDLOptions {
lang(IDLOptions::kJava) {}
// A way to make error propagation less error prone by requiring values to be
// checked.
// Once you create a value of this type you must either:
// - Call Check() on it.
// - Copy or assign it to another value.
// Failure to do so leads to an assert.
// This guarantees that this as return value cannot be ignored.
class CheckedError {
explicit CheckedError(bool error)
: is_error_(error), has_been_checked_(false) {}
CheckedError &operator=(const CheckedError &other) {
is_error_ = other.is_error_;
has_been_checked_ = false;
other.has_been_checked_ = true;
return *this;
CheckedError(const CheckedError &other) {
*this = other; // Use assignment operator.
~CheckedError() { assert(has_been_checked_); }
bool Check() { has_been_checked_ = true; return is_error_; }
bool is_error_;
mutable bool has_been_checked_;
// Additionally, in GCC we can get these errors statically, for additional
// assurance:
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define CHECKED_ERROR CheckedError __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
#define CHECKED_ERROR CheckedError
class Parser {
explicit Parser(const IDLOptions &options = IDLOptions())
......@@ -395,44 +435,51 @@ class Parser {
// See reflection/reflection.fbs
void Serialize();
int64_t ParseHexNum(int nibbles);
void Next();
bool IsNext(int t);
void Expect(int t);
CHECKED_ERROR CheckBitsFit(int64_t val, size_t bits);
CHECKED_ERROR Error(const std::string &msg);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseHexNum(int nibbles, int64_t *val);
bool Is(int t);
CHECKED_ERROR Expect(int t);
std::string TokenToStringId(int t);
EnumDef *LookupEnum(const std::string &id);
void ParseNamespacing(std::string *id, std::string *last);
void ParseTypeIdent(Type &type);
void ParseType(Type &type);
FieldDef &AddField(StructDef &struct_def,
const std::string &name,
const Type &type);
void ParseField(StructDef &struct_def);
void ParseAnyValue(Value &val, FieldDef *field, size_t parent_fieldn);
uoffset_t ParseTable(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *value);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseNamespacing(std::string *id, std::string *last);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseTypeIdent(Type &type);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseType(Type &type);
CHECKED_ERROR AddField(StructDef &struct_def, const std::string &name,
const Type &type, FieldDef **dest);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseField(StructDef &struct_def);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseAnyValue(Value &val, FieldDef *field, size_t parent_fieldn);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseTable(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *value,
uoffset_t *ovalue);
void SerializeStruct(const StructDef &struct_def, const Value &val);
void AddVector(bool sortbysize, int count);
uoffset_t ParseVector(const Type &type);
void ParseMetaData(Definition &def);
bool TryTypedValue(int dtoken, bool check, Value &e, BaseType req);
void ParseHash(Value &e, FieldDef* field);
void ParseSingleValue(Value &e);
int64_t ParseIntegerFromString(Type &type);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseVector(const Type &type, uoffset_t *ovalue);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseMetaData(Definition &def);
CHECKED_ERROR TryTypedValue(int dtoken, bool check, Value &e, BaseType req,
bool *destmatch);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseHash(Value &e, FieldDef* field);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseSingleValue(Value &e);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseIntegerFromString(Type &type, int64_t *result);
StructDef *LookupCreateStruct(const std::string &name,
bool create_if_new = true,
bool definition = false);
EnumDef &ParseEnum(bool is_union);
void ParseNamespace();
StructDef &StartStruct(const std::string &name);
void ParseDecl();
void ParseProtoFields(StructDef *struct_def, bool isextend,
CHECKED_ERROR ParseEnum(bool is_union, EnumDef **dest);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseNamespace();
CHECKED_ERROR StartStruct(const std::string &name, StructDef **dest);
CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoFields(StructDef *struct_def, bool isextend,
bool inside_oneof);
void ParseProtoOption();
void ParseProtoKey();
void ParseProtoDecl();
void ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent();
Type ParseTypeFromProtoType();
CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoOption();
CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoKey();
CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoDecl();
CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent();
CHECKED_ERROR ParseTypeFromProtoType(Type *type);
CHECKED_ERROR DoParse(const char *_source, const char **include_paths,
const char *source_filename);
SymbolTable<StructDef> structs_;
......@@ -454,7 +501,7 @@ class Parser {
const char *source_, *cursor_;
int line_; // the current line being parsed
int token_;
std::string files_being_parsed_;
std::string file_being_parsed_;
std::string attribute_;
std::vector<std::string> doc_comment_;
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