Made C++ generated code use "bool" instead of uint8_t wire type.

Change-Id: I5756d15a758429ca67456264842017063d1f755e
Tested: on Linux.
parent fc1cfd28
......@@ -59,20 +59,22 @@ static std::string TranslateNameSpace(const std::string &qualified_name) {
// Return a C++ type from the table in idl.h
static std::string GenTypeBasic(const Parser &parser, const Type &type,
bool real_enum) {
bool user_facing_type) {
static const char *ctypename[] = {
return real_enum && type.enum_def
? WrapInNameSpace(parser, *type.enum_def)
: ctypename[type.base_type];
if (user_facing_type) {
if (type.enum_def) return WrapInNameSpace(parser, *type.enum_def);
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) return "bool";
return ctypename[type.base_type];
static std::string GenTypeWire(const Parser &parser, const Type &type,
const char *postfix, bool real_enum);
const char *postfix, bool user_facing_type);
// Return a C++ pointer type, specialized to the actual struct/table types,
// and vector element types.
......@@ -96,9 +98,9 @@ static std::string GenTypePointer(const Parser &parser, const Type &type) {
// Return a C++ type for any type (scalar/pointer) specifically for
// building a flatbuffer.
static std::string GenTypeWire(const Parser &parser, const Type &type,
const char *postfix, bool real_enum) {
const char *postfix, bool user_facing_type) {
return IsScalar(type.base_type)
? GenTypeBasic(parser, type, real_enum) + postfix
? GenTypeBasic(parser, type, user_facing_type) + postfix
: IsStruct(type)
? "const " + GenTypePointer(parser, type) + " *"
: "flatbuffers::Offset<" + GenTypePointer(parser, type) + ">" + postfix;
......@@ -118,9 +120,9 @@ static std::string GenTypeSize(const Parser &parser, const Type &type) {
// using a flatbuffer.
static std::string GenTypeGet(const Parser &parser, const Type &type,
const char *afterbasic, const char *beforeptr,
const char *afterptr, bool real_enum) {
const char *afterptr, bool user_facing_type) {
return IsScalar(type.base_type)
? GenTypeBasic(parser, type, real_enum) + afterbasic
? GenTypeBasic(parser, type, user_facing_type) + afterbasic
: beforeptr + GenTypePointer(parser, type) + afterptr;
......@@ -190,9 +192,12 @@ static void GenEnum(const Parser &parser, EnumDef &enum_def,
code += "nullptr };\n return names;\n}\n\n";
code += "inline const char *EnumName" +;
code += "(" + + " e) { return EnumNames" + + "()[static_cast<int>(e)";
if (enum_def.vals.vec.front()->value)
code += " - static_cast<int>(" + GetEnumVal(enum_def, *enum_def.vals.vec.front(), opts) +")";
code += "(" + + " e) { return EnumNames" +;
code += "()[static_cast<int>(e)";
if (enum_def.vals.vec.front()->value) {
code += " - static_cast<int>(";
code += GetEnumVal(enum_def, *enum_def.vals.vec.front(), opts) +")";
code += "]; }\n\n";
......@@ -230,7 +235,8 @@ static void GenEnum(const Parser &parser, EnumDef &enum_def,
// underlying type to the interface type.
std::string GenUnderlyingCast(const Parser &parser, const FieldDef &field,
bool from, const std::string &val) {
return field.value.type.enum_def && IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)
return (field.value.type.enum_def && IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) ||
field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL
? "static_cast<" + GenTypeBasic(parser, field.value.type, from) + ">(" +
val + ")"
: val;
......@@ -456,6 +462,8 @@ static void GenTable(const Parser &parser, StructDef &struct_def,
} else {
code += GenUnderlyingCast(parser, field, true, field.value.constant);
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
code += field.value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
} else {
code += field.value.constant;
......@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ struct Monster FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS : private flatbuffers::Table {
const MyGame::Example::Monster *testnestedflatbuffer_nested_root() const { return flatbuffers::GetRoot<MyGame::Example::Monster>(testnestedflatbuffer()->Data()); }
const Stat *testempty() const { return GetPointer<const Stat *>(32); }
Stat *mutable_testempty() { return GetPointer<Stat *>(32); }
uint8_t testbool() const { return GetField<uint8_t>(34, 0); }
bool mutate_testbool(uint8_t _testbool) { return SetField(34, _testbool); }
bool testbool() const { return static_cast<bool>(GetField<uint8_t>(34, 0)); }
bool mutate_testbool(bool _testbool) { return SetField(34, static_cast<uint8_t>(_testbool)); }
int32_t testhashs32_fnv1() const { return GetField<int32_t>(36, 0); }
bool mutate_testhashs32_fnv1(int32_t _testhashs32_fnv1) { return SetField(36, _testhashs32_fnv1); }
uint32_t testhashu32_fnv1() const { return GetField<uint32_t>(38, 0); }
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ struct MonsterBuilder {
void add_enemy(flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> enemy) { fbb_.AddOffset(28, enemy); }
void add_testnestedflatbuffer(flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t>> testnestedflatbuffer) { fbb_.AddOffset(30, testnestedflatbuffer); }
void add_testempty(flatbuffers::Offset<Stat> testempty) { fbb_.AddOffset(32, testempty); }
void add_testbool(uint8_t testbool) { fbb_.AddElement<uint8_t>(34, testbool, 0); }
void add_testbool(bool testbool) { fbb_.AddElement<uint8_t>(34, static_cast<uint8_t>(testbool), 0); }
void add_testhashs32_fnv1(int32_t testhashs32_fnv1) { fbb_.AddElement<int32_t>(36, testhashs32_fnv1, 0); }
void add_testhashu32_fnv1(uint32_t testhashu32_fnv1) { fbb_.AddElement<uint32_t>(38, testhashu32_fnv1, 0); }
void add_testhashs64_fnv1(int64_t testhashs64_fnv1) { fbb_.AddElement<int64_t>(40, testhashs64_fnv1, 0); }
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ inline flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> CreateMonster(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder
flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> enemy = 0,
flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t>> testnestedflatbuffer = 0,
flatbuffers::Offset<Stat> testempty = 0,
uint8_t testbool = 0,
bool testbool = false,
int32_t testhashs32_fnv1 = 0,
uint32_t testhashu32_fnv1 = 0,
int64_t testhashs64_fnv1 = 0,
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