Commit 370693a2 authored by Dmitry Ermolov's avatar Dmitry Ermolov Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Specify `std' namespace for remove function (#4268)

parent 33932cee
......@@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ CheckedError Parser::StartStruct(const std::string &name, StructDef **dest) {
struct_def.file = file_being_parsed_;
// Move this struct to the back of the vector just in case it was predeclared,
// to preserve declaration order.
*remove(structs_.vec.begin(), structs_.vec.end(), &struct_def) = &struct_def;
*std::remove(structs_.vec.begin(), structs_.vec.end(), &struct_def) = &struct_def;
*dest = &struct_def;
return NoError();
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