Fix FlexBuffers writing incomplete length for 64-bit vectors.

parent ba20d9bf
......@@ -1088,8 +1088,8 @@ class Builder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(val) + size);
// For values T >= byte_width
template<typename T> void Write(T val, size_t byte_width) {
assert(sizeof(T) >= byte_width);
val = flatbuffers::EndianScalar(val);
WriteBytes(&val, byte_width);
......@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ class Builder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
// TODO: instead of asserting, could write vector with larger elements
// instead, though that would be wasteful.
assert(WidthU(len) <= bit_width);
if (!fixed) Write(len, byte_width);
if (!fixed) Write<uint64_t>(len, byte_width);
auto vloc = buf_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) Write(elems[i], byte_width);
......@@ -1281,9 +1281,9 @@ class Builder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
// Write vector. First the keys width/offset if available, and size.
if (keys) {
WriteOffset(keys->u_, byte_width);
Write(1U << keys->min_bit_width_, byte_width);
Write<uint64_t>(1U << keys->min_bit_width_, byte_width);
if (!fixed) Write(vec_len, byte_width);
if (!fixed) Write<uint64_t>(vec_len, byte_width);
// Then the actual data.
auto vloc = buf_.size();
for (size_t i = start; i < stack_.size(); i += step) {
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