Commit 33932cee authored by Christian Helmich's avatar Christian Helmich Committed by Wouter van Oortmerssen

Fixed CreateVectorOfStructs for native_type (2nd try) (#4276)

* Added support for serializing native_type with CreateVectorOfNativeStructs

* Added support for serializing native_type with CreateVectorOfSortedNativeStructs

* Added C++ code generation for vectors of native_types
parent fb03f78f
......@@ -1197,6 +1197,24 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
return Offset<Vector<const T *>>(EndVector(len));
/// @brief Serialize an array of native structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// @tparam T The data type of the struct array elements.
/// @tparam S The data type of the native struct array elements.
/// @param[in] v A pointer to the array of type `S` to serialize into the
/// buffer as a `vector`.
/// @param[in] len The number of elements to serialize.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
template<typename T, typename S> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfNativeStructs(
const S *v, size_t len) {
extern T Pack(const S&);
typedef T (*Pack_t)(const S&);
std::vector<T> vv(len);
std::transform(v, v+len, vv.begin(), *(Pack_t)&Pack);
return CreateVectorOfStructs<T>(, vv.size());
/// @brief Serialize an array of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// @tparam T The data type of the struct array elements.
......@@ -1229,6 +1247,19 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
return CreateVectorOfStructs(data(v), v.size());
/// @brief Serialize a `std::vector` of native structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
/// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` struct elements.
/// @tparam S The data type of the `std::vector` native struct elements.
/// @param[in]] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// serialize into the buffer as a `vector`.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
template<typename T, typename S> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfNativeStructs(
const std::vector<S> &v) {
return CreateVectorOfNativeStructs<T, S>(data(v), v.size());
template<typename T>
struct StructKeyComparator {
......@@ -1253,6 +1284,19 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
return CreateVectorOfSortedStructs(data(*v), v->size());
/// @brief Serialize a `std::vector` of native structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`
/// in sorted order.
/// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` struct elements.
/// @tparam S The data type of the `std::vector` native struct elements.
/// @param[in]] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
/// serialize into the buffer as a `vector`.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
template<typename T, typename S> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfSortedNativeStructs(
std::vector<S> *v) {
return CreateVectorOfSortedNativeStructs<T, S>(data(*v), v->size());
/// @brief Serialize an array of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector` in sorted
/// order.
/// @tparam T The data type of the struct array elements.
......@@ -1267,6 +1311,24 @@ FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS
return CreateVectorOfStructs(v, len);
/// @brief Serialize an array of native structs into a FlatBuffer `vector` in sorted
/// order.
/// @tparam T The data type of the struct array elements.
/// @tparam S The data type of the native struct array elements.
/// @param[in] v A pointer to the array of type `S` to serialize into the
/// buffer as a `vector`.
/// @param[in] len The number of elements to serialize.
/// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
/// where the vector is stored.
template<typename T, typename S> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfSortedNativeStructs(
S *v, size_t len) {
extern T Pack(const S&);
typedef T (*Pack_t)(const S&);
std::vector<T> vv(len);
std::transform(v, v+len, vv.begin(), *(Pack_t)&Pack);
return CreateVectorOfSortedStructs<T>(vv, len);
template<typename T>
struct TableKeyComparator {
......@@ -1753,7 +1753,15 @@ class CppGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
if (IsStruct(vector_type)) {
code += "_fbb.CreateVectorOfStructs(" + value + ")";
auto native_type =
if (native_type) {
code += "_fbb.CreateVectorOfNativeStructs<";
code += WrapInNameSpace(*vector_type.struct_def) + ">";
} else {
code += "_fbb.CreateVectorOfStructs";
code += "(" + value + ")";
} else {
code += "_fbb.CreateVector<flatbuffers::Offset<";
code += WrapInNameSpace(*vector_type.struct_def) + ">>";
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