go: fix unknown field 'UOffset' to 'Pos'

Signed-off-by: 's avatarKoichi Shiraishi <zchee.io@gmail.com>
parent 3f936c56
......@@ -1251,9 +1251,9 @@ func CheckVtableDeduplication(fail func(string, ...interface{})) {
len(want), want, len(got), got)
table0 := &flatbuffers.Table{Bytes: b.Bytes, UOffset: flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(b.Bytes)) - obj0}
table1 := &flatbuffers.Table{Bytes: b.Bytes, UOffset: flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(b.Bytes)) - obj1}
table2 := &flatbuffers.Table{Bytes: b.Bytes, UOffset: flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(b.Bytes)) - obj2}
table0 := &flatbuffers.Table{Bytes: b.Bytes, Pos: flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(b.Bytes)) - obj0}
table1 := &flatbuffers.Table{Bytes: b.Bytes, Pos: flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(b.Bytes)) - obj1}
table2 := &flatbuffers.Table{Bytes: b.Bytes, Pos: flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(b.Bytes)) - obj2}
testTable := func(tab *flatbuffers.Table, a flatbuffers.VOffsetT, b, c, d byte) {
// vtable size
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