#! /bin/bash set -euo pipefail if (grep -r KJ_DBG c++/src | egrep -v '/debug(-test)?[.]'); then echo '*** Error: There are instances of KJ_DBG in the code.' >&2 exit 1 fi if (egrep -r 'TODO\((now|soon)\)'); then echo '*** Error: There are release-blocking TODOs in the code.' >&2 exit 1 fi doit() { echo "@@@@ $@" "$@" } get_version() { local VERSION=$(grep AC_INIT c++/configure.ac | sed -e 's/^[^]]*],\[\([^]]*\)].*$/\1/g') if [[ ! "$VERSION" =~ $1 ]]; then echo "Couldn't parse version: $VERSION" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "$VERSION" } get_release_version() { get_version '^[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+(-rc[0-9]+)?$' } update_version() { local OLD=$1 local NEW=$2 local BRANCH_DESC=$3 local OLD_REGEX=${OLD//./[.]} doit sed -i -e "s/$OLD_REGEX/$NEW/g" c++/configure.ac local NEW_NOTAG=${NEW%%-*} declare -a NEW_ARR=(${NEW_NOTAG//./ }) doit sed -i -re " s/^#define CAPNP_VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]+\$/#define CAPNP_VERSION_MAJOR ${NEW_ARR[0]}/g; s/^#define CAPNP_VERSION_MINOR [0-9]+\$/#define CAPNP_VERSION_MINOR ${NEW_ARR[1]}/g; s/^#define CAPNP_VERSION_MICRO [0-9]+\$/#define CAPNP_VERSION_MICRO ${NEW_ARR[2]:-0}/g" \ c++/src/capnp/common.h local NEW_COMBINED=$(( ${NEW_ARR[0]} * 1000000 + ${NEW_ARR[1]} * 1000 + ${NEW_ARR[2]:-0 })) doit sed -i -re "s/^#if CAPNP_VERSION != [0-9]*\$/#if CAPNP_VERSION != $NEW_COMBINED/g" \ c++/src/*/*.capnp.h c++/src/*/*/*.capnp.h doit git commit -a -m "Set $BRANCH_DESC version to $NEW." } build_packages() { local VERSION=$1 local VERSION_BASE=${VERSION%%-*} echo "=========================================================================" echo "Building C++ package..." echo "=========================================================================" cd c++ doit ./setup-autotools.sh | tr = - doit autoreconf -i doit ./configure doit make distcheck doit mv capnproto-c++-$VERSION.tar.gz .. doit make maintainer-clean cd .. } cherry_pick() { shift if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then echo "=========================================================================" echo "Cherry-picking fixes" echo "=========================================================================" doit git cherry-pick "$@" fi } done_banner() { local VERSION=$1 local PUSH=$2 local FINAL=$3 echo "=========================================================================" echo "Done" echo "=========================================================================" echo "Ready to release:" echo " capnproto-c++-$VERSION.tar.gz" echo "Don't forget to push changes:" echo " git push origin $PUSH" read -s -n 1 -p "Shall I push to git and upload to S3 now? (y/N)" YESNO echo case "$YESNO" in y | Y ) doit git push origin $PUSH doit s3cmd put --guess-mime-type --acl-public capnproto-c++-$VERSION.tar.gz \ s3://capnproto.org/capnproto-c++-$VERSION.tar.gz if [ "$FINAL" = yes ]; then echo "=========================================================================" echo "Publishing docs" echo "=========================================================================" cd doc doit ./push-site.sh cd .. echo "=========================================================================" echo "Really done" echo "=========================================================================" fi echo "Release is available at:" echo " http://capnproto.org/capnproto-c++-$VERSION.tar.gz" ;; * ) echo "OK, do it yourself then." ;; esac } BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) case "${1-}:$BRANCH" in # ====================================================================================== candidate:master ) echo "New major release." if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "Cannot cherry-pick when starting from master. Do it yourself." >&2 exit 1 fi HEAD_VERSION=$(get_version '^[0-9]+[.][0-9]+-dev$') RELEASE_VERSION=${HEAD_VERSION%%-dev}.0 echo "Version: $RELEASE_VERSION" echo "=========================================================================" echo "Creating release branch..." echo "=========================================================================" doit git checkout -b release-$RELEASE_VERSION update_version $HEAD_VERSION $RELEASE_VERSION-rc1 "release branch" build_packages $RELEASE_VERSION-rc1 echo "=========================================================================" echo "Updating version in master branch..." echo "=========================================================================" doit git checkout master declare -a VERSION_ARR=(${RELEASE_VERSION//./ }) NEXT_VERSION=${VERSION_ARR[0]}.$((VERSION_ARR[1] + 1)) update_version $HEAD_VERSION $NEXT_VERSION-dev "mainlaine" done_banner $RELEASE_VERSION-rc1 "master release-$RELEASE_VERSION" no ;; # ====================================================================================== candidate:release-* ) echo "New release candidate." OLD_VERSION=$(get_release_version) if [[ $OLD_VERSION == *-rc* ]]; then # New release candidate for existing release. RC=${OLD_VERSION##*-rc} BRANCH_VERSION=${OLD_VERSION%%-rc*} RC_VERSION=$BRANCH_VERSION-rc$(( RC + 1 )) echo "Version: $RC_VERSION" else # New micro release. declare -a VERSION_ARR=(${OLD_VERSION//./ }) BRANCH_VERSION=${VERSION_ARR[0]}.${VERSION_ARR[1]}.$((VERSION_ARR[2] + 1)) RC_VERSION=$BRANCH_VERSION-rc1 echo "Version: $RC_VERSION" echo "=========================================================================" echo "Creating new release branch..." echo "=========================================================================" doit git checkout -b release-$BRANCH_VERSION fi echo "=========================================================================" echo "Updating version number to $RC_VERSION..." echo "=========================================================================" update_version $OLD_VERSION $RC_VERSION "release branch" cherry_pick "$@" build_packages $RC_VERSION done_banner $RC_VERSION release-$BRANCH_VERSION no ;; # ====================================================================================== final:release-* ) echo "Final release." OLD_VERSION=$(get_release_version) if [[ $OLD_VERSION != *-rc* ]]; then echo "Current version is already a final release. You need to create a new candidate first." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "Cannot cherry-pick into final release. Make another candidate." >&2 exit 1 fi RC=${OLD_VERSION##*-rc} NEW_VERSION=${OLD_VERSION%%-rc*} echo "Version: $NEW_VERSION" echo "=========================================================================" echo "Updating version number to $NEW_VERSION..." echo "=========================================================================" doit sed -i -re "s/capnproto-c[+][+]-[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+\>/capnproto-c++-$NEW_VERSION/g" doc/install.md update_version $OLD_VERSION $NEW_VERSION "release branch" doit git tag v$NEW_VERSION build_packages $NEW_VERSION done_banner $NEW_VERSION "v$NEW_VERSION release-$NEW_VERSION" yes ;; # ====================================================================================== retry:release-* ) echo "Retrying release." OLD_VERSION=$(get_release_version) echo "Version: $OLD_VERSION" if [[ $OLD_VERSION == *-rc* ]]; then # We can add more cherry-picks when retrying a candidate. cherry_pick "$@" else if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "Cannot cherry-pick into final release. Make another candidate." >&2 exit 1 fi fi OLD_VERSION=$(get_release_version) build_packages $OLD_VERSION if [[ $OLD_VERSION == *-rc* ]]; then BRANCH_VERSION=${OLD_VERSION%%-rc*} done_banner $OLD_VERSION release-$BRANCH_VERSION no else doit git tag v$OLD_VERSION done_banner $OLD_VERSION "v$OLD_VERSION release-$OLD_VERSION" no fi ;; # ====================================================================================== *:master ) echo "Invalid command for mainline branch. Only command is 'candidate'." >&2 exit 1 ;; *:release-* ) echo "Invalid command for release branch. Commands are 'candidate', 'final', and 'retry'." >&2 exit 1 ;; * ) echo "Not a master or release branch." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac