name: capnproto-compiler version: 0.2-dev cabal-version: >=1.2 build-type: Simple author: Kenton Varda <> maintainer: homepage: -- actually BSD2, but that's not on the list for some reason license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE.txt synopsis: Schema parser and code generator for Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system. category: Data description: Cap’n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system. Think JSON, except binary. Or think Protocol Buffers, except faster. In fact, in benchmarks, Cap’n Proto is INFINITY TIMES faster than Protocol Buffers. This package is the executable tool which parses Cap'n Proto schema definitions and generates corresponding source code in various target languages. To be useful, you will also need to obtain a runtime library for your target language. These are distributed separately. See the web site for full documentation: -- How to get stack traces: -- 1. Compile normally and do not clean. -- 2. Add "-prof -fprof-auto -osuf .prof.o" to ghc-options and compile again. -- (TODO: Figure out how to add these through "cabal configure" instead of by editing -- this file. --enable-executable-profiling alone doesn't appear to get the job done.) -- 3. Run with +RTS -xc -RTS on the command line. extra-source-files: README.txt, src/c++-source.mustache, src/c++-header.mustache executable capnpc hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base >= 4, parsec, mtl, containers, file-embed, bytestring, Crypto, utf8-string, hastache, array, data-binary-ieee754, filepath, directory, syb, transformers, entropy, process ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures other-modules: Lexer, Token, Grammar, Parser, Compiler, Semantics, Util, CxxGenerator, WireFormat