// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "async.h" #include "debug.h" #include "vector.h" #include "threadlocal.h" #include <exception> #include <map> #if KJ_USE_FUTEX #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <linux/futex.h> #endif #if !KJ_NO_RTTI #include <typeinfo> #if __GNUC__ #include <cxxabi.h> #include <stdlib.h> #endif #endif namespace kj { namespace { KJ_THREADLOCAL_PTR(EventLoop) threadLocalEventLoop = nullptr; #define _kJ_ALREADY_READY reinterpret_cast< ::kj::_::Event*>(1) EventLoop& currentEventLoop() { EventLoop* loop = threadLocalEventLoop; KJ_REQUIRE(loop != nullptr, "No event loop is running on this thread."); return *loop; } class BoolEvent: public _::Event { public: bool fired = false; Maybe<Own<_::Event>> fire() override { fired = true; return nullptr; } }; class YieldPromiseNode final: public _::PromiseNode { public: void onReady(_::Event& event) noexcept override { event.armBreadthFirst(); } void get(_::ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { output.as<_::Void>() = _::Void(); } }; class NeverDonePromiseNode final: public _::PromiseNode { public: void onReady(_::Event& event) noexcept override { // ignore } void get(_::ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Not ready."); } }; } // namespace namespace _ { // private class TaskSetImpl { public: inline TaskSetImpl(TaskSet::ErrorHandler& errorHandler) : errorHandler(errorHandler) {} ~TaskSetImpl() noexcept(false) { // std::map doesn't like it when elements' destructors throw, so carefully disassemble it. if (!tasks.empty()) { Vector<Own<Task>> deleteMe(tasks.size()); for (auto& entry: tasks) { deleteMe.add(kj::mv(entry.second)); } } } class Task final: public Event { public: Task(TaskSetImpl& taskSet, Own<_::PromiseNode>&& nodeParam) : taskSet(taskSet), node(kj::mv(nodeParam)) { node->setSelfPointer(&node); node->onReady(*this); } protected: Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override { // Get the result. _::ExceptionOr<_::Void> result; node->get(result); // Delete the node, catching any exceptions. KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([this]() { node = nullptr; })) { result.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } // Call the error handler if there was an exception. KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, result.exception) { taskSet.errorHandler.taskFailed(kj::mv(*e)); } // Remove from the task map. auto iter = taskSet.tasks.find(this); KJ_ASSERT(iter != taskSet.tasks.end()); Own<Event> self = kj::mv(iter->second); taskSet.tasks.erase(iter); return mv(self); } _::PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override { return node; } private: TaskSetImpl& taskSet; kj::Own<_::PromiseNode> node; }; void add(Promise<void>&& promise) { auto task = heap<Task>(*this, kj::mv(promise.node)); Task* ptr = task; tasks.insert(std::make_pair(ptr, kj::mv(task))); } kj::String trace() { kj::Vector<kj::String> traces; for (auto& entry: tasks) { traces.add(entry.second->trace()); } return kj::strArray(traces, "\n============================================\n"); } private: TaskSet::ErrorHandler& errorHandler; // TODO(perf): Use a linked list instead. std::map<Task*, Own<Task>> tasks; }; class LoggingErrorHandler: public TaskSet::ErrorHandler { public: static LoggingErrorHandler instance; void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) override { KJ_LOG(ERROR, "Uncaught exception in daemonized task.", exception); } }; LoggingErrorHandler LoggingErrorHandler::instance = LoggingErrorHandler(); class NullEventPort: public EventPort { public: bool wait() override { KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Nothing to wait for; this thread would hang forever."); } bool poll() override { return false; } void wake() const override { // TODO(someday): Implement using condvar. kj::throwRecoverableException(KJ_EXCEPTION(UNIMPLEMENTED, "Cross-thread events are not yet implemented for EventLoops with no EventPort.")); } static NullEventPort instance; }; NullEventPort NullEventPort::instance = NullEventPort(); } // namespace _ (private) // ======================================================================================= void EventPort::setRunnable(bool runnable) {} void EventPort::wake() const { kj::throwRecoverableException(KJ_EXCEPTION(UNIMPLEMENTED, "cross-thread wake() not implemented by this EventPort implementation")); } EventLoop::EventLoop() : port(_::NullEventPort::instance), daemons(kj::heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(_::LoggingErrorHandler::instance)) {} EventLoop::EventLoop(EventPort& port) : port(port), daemons(kj::heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(_::LoggingErrorHandler::instance)) {} EventLoop::~EventLoop() noexcept(false) { // Destroy all "daemon" tasks, noting that their destructors might try to access the EventLoop // some more. daemons = nullptr; // The application _should_ destroy everything using the EventLoop before destroying the // EventLoop itself, so if there are events on the loop, this indicates a memory leak. KJ_REQUIRE(head == nullptr, "EventLoop destroyed with events still in the queue. Memory leak?", head->trace()) { // Unlink all the events and hope that no one ever fires them... _::Event* event = head; while (event != nullptr) { _::Event* next = event->next; event->next = nullptr; event->prev = nullptr; event = next; } break; } KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop != this, "EventLoop destroyed while still current for the thread.") { threadLocalEventLoop = nullptr; break; } } void EventLoop::run(uint maxTurnCount) { running = true; KJ_DEFER(running = false); for (uint i = 0; i < maxTurnCount; i++) { if (!turn()) { break; } } setRunnable(isRunnable()); } bool EventLoop::turn() { _::Event* event = head; if (event == nullptr) { // No events in the queue. return false; } else { head = event->next; if (head != nullptr) { head->prev = &head; } depthFirstInsertPoint = &head; if (tail == &event->next) { tail = &head; } event->next = nullptr; event->prev = nullptr; Maybe<Own<_::Event>> eventToDestroy; { event->firing = true; KJ_DEFER(event->firing = false); eventToDestroy = event->fire(); } depthFirstInsertPoint = &head; return true; } } bool EventLoop::isRunnable() { return head != nullptr; } void EventLoop::setRunnable(bool runnable) { if (runnable != lastRunnableState) { port.setRunnable(runnable); lastRunnableState = runnable; } } void EventLoop::enterScope() { KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == nullptr, "This thread already has an EventLoop."); threadLocalEventLoop = this; } void EventLoop::leaveScope() { KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == this, "WaitScope destroyed in a different thread than it was created in.") { break; } threadLocalEventLoop = nullptr; } namespace _ { // private void waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result, WaitScope& waitScope) { EventLoop& loop = waitScope.loop; KJ_REQUIRE(&loop == threadLocalEventLoop, "WaitScope not valid for this thread."); KJ_REQUIRE(!loop.running, "wait() is not allowed from within event callbacks."); BoolEvent doneEvent; node->setSelfPointer(&node); node->onReady(doneEvent); loop.running = true; KJ_DEFER(loop.running = false); while (!doneEvent.fired) { if (!loop.turn()) { // No events in the queue. Wait for callback. loop.port.wait(); } } loop.setRunnable(loop.isRunnable()); node->get(result); KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { node = nullptr; })) { result.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } } Promise<void> yield() { return Promise<void>(false, kj::heap<YieldPromiseNode>()); } Own<PromiseNode> neverDone() { return kj::heap<NeverDonePromiseNode>(); } void NeverDone::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) const { ExceptionOr<Void> dummy; waitImpl(neverDone(), dummy, waitScope); KJ_UNREACHABLE; } void detach(kj::Promise<void>&& promise) { EventLoop& loop = currentEventLoop(); KJ_REQUIRE(loop.daemons.get() != nullptr, "EventLoop is shutting down.") { return; } loop.daemons->add(kj::mv(promise)); } Event::Event() : loop(currentEventLoop()), next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) {} Event::~Event() noexcept(false) { if (prev != nullptr) { if (loop.tail == &next) { loop.tail = prev; } if (loop.depthFirstInsertPoint == &next) { loop.depthFirstInsertPoint = prev; } *prev = next; if (next != nullptr) { next->prev = prev; } } KJ_REQUIRE(!firing, "Promise callback destroyed itself."); KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == &loop || threadLocalEventLoop == nullptr, "Promise destroyed from a different thread than it was created in."); } void Event::armDepthFirst() { KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == &loop || threadLocalEventLoop == nullptr, "Event armed from different thread than it was created in. You must use " "the thread-safe work queue to queue events cross-thread."); if (prev == nullptr) { next = *loop.depthFirstInsertPoint; prev = loop.depthFirstInsertPoint; *prev = this; if (next != nullptr) { next->prev = &next; } loop.depthFirstInsertPoint = &next; if (loop.tail == prev) { loop.tail = &next; } loop.setRunnable(true); } } void Event::armBreadthFirst() { KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == &loop || threadLocalEventLoop == nullptr, "Event armed from different thread than it was created in. You must use " "the thread-safe work queue to queue events cross-thread."); if (prev == nullptr) { next = *loop.tail; prev = loop.tail; *prev = this; if (next != nullptr) { next->prev = &next; } loop.tail = &next; loop.setRunnable(true); } } _::PromiseNode* Event::getInnerForTrace() { return nullptr; } #if !KJ_NO_RTTI #if __GNUC__ static kj::String demangleTypeName(const char* name) { int status; char* buf = abi::__cxa_demangle(name, nullptr, nullptr, &status); kj::String result = kj::heapString(buf == nullptr ? name : buf); free(buf); return kj::mv(result); } #else static kj::String demangleTypeName(const char* name) { return kj::heapString(name); } #endif #endif static kj::String traceImpl(Event* event, _::PromiseNode* node) { #if KJ_NO_RTTI return heapString("Trace not available because RTTI is disabled."); #else kj::Vector<kj::String> trace; if (event != nullptr) { trace.add(demangleTypeName(typeid(*event).name())); } while (node != nullptr) { trace.add(demangleTypeName(typeid(*node).name())); node = node->getInnerForTrace(); } return strArray(trace, "\n"); #endif } kj::String Event::trace() { return traceImpl(this, getInnerForTrace()); } } // namespace _ (private) // ======================================================================================= TaskSet::TaskSet(ErrorHandler& errorHandler) : impl(heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(errorHandler)) {} TaskSet::~TaskSet() noexcept(false) {} void TaskSet::add(Promise<void>&& promise) { impl->add(kj::mv(promise)); } kj::String TaskSet::trace() { return impl->trace(); } namespace _ { // private kj::String PromiseBase::trace() { return traceImpl(nullptr, node); } void PromiseNode::setSelfPointer(Own<PromiseNode>* selfPtr) noexcept {} PromiseNode* PromiseNode::getInnerForTrace() { return nullptr; } void PromiseNode::OnReadyEvent::init(Event& newEvent) { if (event == _kJ_ALREADY_READY) { // A new continuation was added to a promise that was already ready. In this case, we schedule // breadth-first, to make it difficult for applications to accidentally starve the event loop // by repeatedly waiting on immediate promises. newEvent.armBreadthFirst(); } else { event = &newEvent; } } void PromiseNode::OnReadyEvent::arm() { if (event == nullptr) { event = _kJ_ALREADY_READY; } else { // A promise resolved and an event is already waiting on it. In this case, arm in depth-first // order so that the event runs immediately after the current one. This way, chained promises // execute together for better cache locality and lower latency. event->armDepthFirst(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- ImmediatePromiseNodeBase::ImmediatePromiseNodeBase() {} ImmediatePromiseNodeBase::~ImmediatePromiseNodeBase() noexcept(false) {} void ImmediatePromiseNodeBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { event.armBreadthFirst(); } ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode::ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode(Exception&& exception) : exception(kj::mv(exception)) {} void ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { output.exception = kj::mv(exception); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- AttachmentPromiseNodeBase::AttachmentPromiseNodeBase(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependencyParam) : dependency(kj::mv(dependencyParam)) { dependency->setSelfPointer(&dependency); } void AttachmentPromiseNodeBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { dependency->onReady(event); } void AttachmentPromiseNodeBase::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { dependency->get(output); } PromiseNode* AttachmentPromiseNodeBase::getInnerForTrace() { return dependency; } void AttachmentPromiseNodeBase::dropDependency() { dependency = nullptr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- TransformPromiseNodeBase::TransformPromiseNodeBase( Own<PromiseNode>&& dependencyParam, void* continuationTracePtr) : dependency(kj::mv(dependencyParam)), continuationTracePtr(continuationTracePtr) { dependency->setSelfPointer(&dependency); } void TransformPromiseNodeBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { dependency->onReady(event); } void TransformPromiseNodeBase::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { getImpl(output); dropDependency(); })) { output.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } } PromiseNode* TransformPromiseNodeBase::getInnerForTrace() { return dependency; } void TransformPromiseNodeBase::dropDependency() { dependency = nullptr; } void TransformPromiseNodeBase::getDepResult(ExceptionOrValue& output) { dependency->get(output); KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { dependency = nullptr; })) { output.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, output.exception) { e->addTrace(continuationTracePtr); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- ForkBranchBase::ForkBranchBase(Own<ForkHubBase>&& hubParam): hub(kj::mv(hubParam)) { if (hub->tailBranch == nullptr) { onReadyEvent.arm(); } else { // Insert into hub's linked list of branches. prevPtr = hub->tailBranch; *prevPtr = this; next = nullptr; hub->tailBranch = &next; } } ForkBranchBase::~ForkBranchBase() noexcept(false) { if (prevPtr != nullptr) { // Remove from hub's linked list of branches. *prevPtr = next; (next == nullptr ? hub->tailBranch : next->prevPtr) = prevPtr; } } void ForkBranchBase::hubReady() noexcept { onReadyEvent.arm(); } void ForkBranchBase::releaseHub(ExceptionOrValue& output) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([this]() { hub = nullptr; })) { output.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } } void ForkBranchBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { onReadyEvent.init(event); } PromiseNode* ForkBranchBase::getInnerForTrace() { return hub->getInnerForTrace(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- ForkHubBase::ForkHubBase(Own<PromiseNode>&& innerParam, ExceptionOrValue& resultRef) : inner(kj::mv(innerParam)), resultRef(resultRef) { inner->setSelfPointer(&inner); inner->onReady(*this); } Maybe<Own<Event>> ForkHubBase::fire() { // Dependency is ready. Fetch its result and then delete the node. inner->get(resultRef); KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([this]() { inner = nullptr; })) { resultRef.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } for (auto branch = headBranch; branch != nullptr; branch = branch->next) { branch->hubReady(); *branch->prevPtr = nullptr; branch->prevPtr = nullptr; } *tailBranch = nullptr; // Indicate that the list is no longer active. tailBranch = nullptr; return nullptr; } _::PromiseNode* ForkHubBase::getInnerForTrace() { return inner; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- ChainPromiseNode::ChainPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode> innerParam) : state(STEP1), inner(kj::mv(innerParam)) { inner->setSelfPointer(&inner); inner->onReady(*this); } ChainPromiseNode::~ChainPromiseNode() noexcept(false) {} void ChainPromiseNode::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { switch (state) { case STEP1: KJ_REQUIRE(onReadyEvent == nullptr, "onReady() can only be called once."); onReadyEvent = &event; return; case STEP2: inner->onReady(event); return; } KJ_UNREACHABLE; } void ChainPromiseNode::setSelfPointer(Own<PromiseNode>* selfPtr) noexcept { if (state == STEP2) { *selfPtr = kj::mv(inner); // deletes this! selfPtr->get()->setSelfPointer(selfPtr); } else { this->selfPtr = selfPtr; } } void ChainPromiseNode::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { KJ_REQUIRE(state == STEP2); return inner->get(output); } PromiseNode* ChainPromiseNode::getInnerForTrace() { return inner; } Maybe<Own<Event>> ChainPromiseNode::fire() { KJ_REQUIRE(state != STEP2); static_assert(sizeof(Promise<int>) == sizeof(PromiseBase), "This code assumes Promise<T> does not add any new members to PromiseBase."); ExceptionOr<PromiseBase> intermediate; inner->get(intermediate); KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([this]() { inner = nullptr; })) { intermediate.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, intermediate.exception) { // There is an exception. If there is also a value, delete it. kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { intermediate.value = nullptr; }); // Now set step2 to a rejected promise. inner = heap<ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode>(kj::mv(*exception)); } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, intermediate.value) { // There is a value and no exception. The value is itself a promise. Adopt it as our // step2. inner = kj::mv(value->node); } else { // We can only get here if inner->get() returned neither an exception nor a // value, which never actually happens. KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Inner node returned empty value."); } state = STEP2; if (selfPtr != nullptr) { // Hey, we can shorten the chain here. auto chain = selfPtr->downcast<ChainPromiseNode>(); *selfPtr = kj::mv(inner); selfPtr->get()->setSelfPointer(selfPtr); if (onReadyEvent != nullptr) { selfPtr->get()->onReady(*onReadyEvent); } // Return our self-pointer so that the caller takes care of deleting it. return Own<Event>(kj::mv(chain)); } else { inner->setSelfPointer(&inner); if (onReadyEvent != nullptr) { inner->onReady(*onReadyEvent); } return nullptr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode> left, Own<PromiseNode> right) : left(*this, kj::mv(left)), right(*this, kj::mv(right)) {} ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::~ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode() noexcept(false) {} void ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { onReadyEvent.init(event); } void ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { KJ_REQUIRE(left.get(output) || right.get(output), "get() called before ready."); } PromiseNode* ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::getInnerForTrace() { auto result = left.getInnerForTrace(); if (result == nullptr) { result = right.getInnerForTrace(); } return result; } ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::Branch::Branch( ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode& joinNode, Own<PromiseNode> dependencyParam) : joinNode(joinNode), dependency(kj::mv(dependencyParam)) { dependency->setSelfPointer(&dependency); dependency->onReady(*this); } ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::Branch::~Branch() noexcept(false) {} bool ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::Branch::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) { if (dependency) { dependency->get(output); return true; } else { return false; } } Maybe<Own<Event>> ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::Branch::fire() { // Cancel the branch that didn't return first. Ignore exceptions caused by cancellation. if (this == &joinNode.left) { kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { joinNode.right.dependency = nullptr; }); } else { kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { joinNode.left.dependency = nullptr; }); } joinNode.onReadyEvent.arm(); return nullptr; } PromiseNode* ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode::Branch::getInnerForTrace() { return dependency; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase( Array<Own<PromiseNode>> promises, ExceptionOrValue* resultParts, size_t partSize) : countLeft(promises.size()) { // Make the branches. auto builder = heapArrayBuilder<Branch>(promises.size()); for (uint i: indices(promises)) { ExceptionOrValue& output = *reinterpret_cast<ExceptionOrValue*>( reinterpret_cast<byte*>(resultParts) + i * partSize); builder.add(*this, kj::mv(promises[i]), output); } branches = builder.finish(); if (branches.size() == 0) { onReadyEvent.arm(); } } ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::~ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase() noexcept(false) {} void ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { onReadyEvent.init(event); } void ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { // If any of the elements threw exceptions, propagate them. for (auto& branch: branches) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, branch.getPart()) { output.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } } if (output.exception == nullptr) { // No errors. The template subclass will need to fill in the result. getNoError(output); } } PromiseNode* ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::getInnerForTrace() { return branches.size() == 0 ? nullptr : branches[0].getInnerForTrace(); } ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::Branch::Branch( ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase& joinNode, Own<PromiseNode> dependencyParam, ExceptionOrValue& output) : joinNode(joinNode), dependency(kj::mv(dependencyParam)), output(output) { dependency->setSelfPointer(&dependency); dependency->onReady(*this); } ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::Branch::~Branch() noexcept(false) {} Maybe<Own<Event>> ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::Branch::fire() { if (--joinNode.countLeft == 0) { joinNode.onReadyEvent.arm(); } return nullptr; } _::PromiseNode* ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::Branch::getInnerForTrace() { return dependency->getInnerForTrace(); } Maybe<Exception> ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase::Branch::getPart() { dependency->get(output); return kj::mv(output.exception); } ArrayJoinPromiseNode<void>::ArrayJoinPromiseNode( Array<Own<PromiseNode>> promises, Array<ExceptionOr<_::Void>> resultParts) : ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase(kj::mv(promises), resultParts.begin(), sizeof(ExceptionOr<_::Void>)), resultParts(kj::mv(resultParts)) {} ArrayJoinPromiseNode<void>::~ArrayJoinPromiseNode() {} void ArrayJoinPromiseNode<void>::getNoError(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept { output.as<_::Void>() = _::Void(); } } // namespace _ (private) Promise<void> joinPromises(Array<Promise<void>>&& promises) { return Promise<void>(false, kj::heap<_::ArrayJoinPromiseNode<void>>( KJ_MAP(p, promises) { return kj::mv(p.node); }, heapArray<_::ExceptionOr<_::Void>>(promises.size()))); } namespace _ { // (private) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- EagerPromiseNodeBase::EagerPromiseNodeBase( Own<PromiseNode>&& dependencyParam, ExceptionOrValue& resultRef) : dependency(kj::mv(dependencyParam)), resultRef(resultRef) { dependency->setSelfPointer(&dependency); dependency->onReady(*this); } void EagerPromiseNodeBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { onReadyEvent.init(event); } PromiseNode* EagerPromiseNodeBase::getInnerForTrace() { return dependency; } Maybe<Own<Event>> EagerPromiseNodeBase::fire() { dependency->get(resultRef); KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([this]() { dependency = nullptr; })) { resultRef.addException(kj::mv(*exception)); } onReadyEvent.arm(); return nullptr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void AdapterPromiseNodeBase::onReady(Event& event) noexcept { onReadyEvent.init(event); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Promise<void> IdentityFunc<Promise<void>>::operator()() const { return READY_NOW; } } // namespace _ (private) } // namespace kj