## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in


AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign subdir-objects

# Always include gtest in distributions.
DIST_SUBDIRS = $(subdirs)

# Build gtest before we build Cap'n Proto tests.  We don't add gtest to SUBDIRS
# because then "make check" would also build and run all of gtest's own tests,
# which takes a lot of time and is generally not useful to us.  Also, we don't
# want "make install" to recurse into gtest since we don't want to overwrite
# the installed version of gtest if there is one (and, actually, gtest doesn't
# even support "make install" anyway).  So we define a rule such that it will
# only be built when needed.
	@echo "Making lib/libgtest.a lib/libgtest_main.a in gtest"
	@cd gtest && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) lib/libgtest.la lib/libgtest_main.la

gtest/lib/libgtest_main.la: gtest/lib/libgtest.la

# We would like to clean gtest when "make clean" is invoked.  But we have to
# be careful because clean-local is also invoked during "make distclean", but
# "make distclean" already recurses into gtest because it's listed among the
# DIST_SUBDIRS.  distclean will delete gtest/Makefile, so if we then try to
# cd to the directory again and "make clean" it will fail.  So, check that the
# Makefile exists before recursing.
	@if test -e gtest/Makefile; then \
	  echo "Making clean in gtest"; \
	  cd gtest && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) clean; \

AM_CXXFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/src -I$(builddir)/src $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS)


EXTRA_DIST =                                                                 \
  README.txt                                                                 \
  LICENSE.txt                                                                \

CLEANFILES = $(capnpc_outputs) $(test_capnpc_outputs) capnpc_middleman test_capnpc_middleman

# Deletes all the files generated by autoreconf.
  aclocal.m4             \
  config.guess           \
  config.sub             \
  configure              \
  depcomp                \
  install-sh             \
  ltmain.sh              \
  Makefile.in            \
  missing                \
  mkinstalldirs          \
  config.h.in            \
  stamp.h.in             \
  m4/ltsugar.m4          \
  m4/libtool.m4          \
  m4/ltversion.m4        \
  m4/lt~obsolete.m4      \

	-rm -rf build-aux

# gmake defines an implicit rule building n from n.o.  Unfortunately, this triggers on our .capnp
# files because they generate .capnp.c++ which is compiled to .capnp.o.  In addition to being
# nonsense, this leads to cyclic dependency issues and could even cause the .capnp files to be
# unexpectedly overwritten!  We need to cancel the implicit rule by declaring an explicit one.
# I want the hours of my life back that I spent figuring this out.

# Implicit rules for invoking capnpc.
%.capnp.h: %.capnp
	$(CAPNPC) --src-prefix=$(srcdir) -oc++ -I$(srcdir)/src $^
%.capnp.c++: %.capnp.h

public_capnpc_inputs =                                         \
  src/capnp/c++.capnp                                          \

capnpc_inputs =                                                \
  $(public_capnpc_inputs)                                      \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.capnp                               \

capnpc_outputs =                                               \
  src/capnp/c++.capnp.c++                                      \
  src/capnp/c++.capnp.h                                        \
  src/capnp/schema.capnp.c++                                   \
  src/capnp/schema.capnp.h                                     \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.capnp.c++                           \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.capnp.h                             \
  src/capnp/compiler/grammar.capnp.c++                         \

includecapnpdir = $(includedir)/capnp
includekjdir = $(includedir)/kj
includekjparsedir = $(includekjdir)/parse

dist_includecapnp_DATA = $(public_capnpc_inputs)

includekj_HEADERS =                                            \
  src/kj/common.h                                              \
  src/kj/units.h                                               \
  src/kj/memory.h                                              \
  src/kj/array.h                                               \
  src/kj/vector.h                                              \
  src/kj/string.h                                              \
  src/kj/exception.h                                           \
  src/kj/debug.h                                               \
  src/kj/arena.h                                               \
  src/kj/io.h                                                  \
  src/kj/tuple.h                                               \
  src/kj/function.h                                            \
  src/kj/mutex.h                                               \
  src/kj/thread.h                                              \

includekjparse_HEADERS =                                       \
  src/kj/parse/common.h                                        \

includecapnp_HEADERS =                                         \
  src/capnp/common.h                                           \
  src/capnp/blob.h                                             \
  src/capnp/endian.h                                           \
  src/capnp/layout.h                                           \
  src/capnp/orphan.h                                           \
  src/capnp/list.h                                             \
  src/capnp/message.h                                          \
  src/capnp/schema.h                                           \
  src/capnp/schema-loader.h                                    \
  src/capnp/dynamic.h                                          \
  src/capnp/pretty-print.h                                     \
  src/capnp/serialize.h                                        \
  src/capnp/serialize-packed.h                                 \
nodist_includecapnp_HEADERS =                                  \

lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcapnp.la

libcapnp_la_LIBADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS)
libcapnp_la_LDFLAGS = -release $(VERSION) -export-dynamic -no-undefined
libcapnp_la_SOURCES=                                           \
  src/kj/common.c++                                            \
  src/kj/units.c++                                             \
  src/kj/memory.c++                                            \
  src/kj/array.c++                                             \
  src/kj/string.c++                                            \
  src/kj/exception.c++                                         \
  src/kj/debug.c++                                             \
  src/kj/arena.c++                                             \
  src/kj/io.c++                                                \
  src/kj/mutex.c++                                             \
  src/kj/thread.c++                                            \
  src/kj/main.c++                                              \
  src/kj/parse/char.c++                                        \
  src/capnp/blob.c++                                           \
  src/capnp/arena.h                                            \
  src/capnp/arena.c++                                          \
  src/capnp/layout.c++                                         \
  src/capnp/list.c++                                           \
  src/capnp/message.c++                                        \
  src/capnp/schema.c++                                         \
  src/capnp/schema-loader.c++                                  \
  src/capnp/dynamic.c++                                        \
  src/capnp/stringify.c++                                      \
  src/capnp/serialize.c++                                      \
  src/capnp/serialize-packed.c++                               \
  src/capnp/compiler/md5.h                                     \
  src/capnp/compiler/md5.c++                                   \
  src/capnp/compiler/error-reporter.h                          \
  src/capnp/compiler/error-reporter.c++                        \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.capnp.h                             \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.capnp.c++                           \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.h                                   \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer.c++                                 \
  src/capnp/compiler/grammar.capnp.h                           \
  src/capnp/compiler/grammar.capnp.c++                         \
  src/capnp/compiler/parser.h                                  \
  src/capnp/compiler/parser.c++                                \
  src/capnp/compiler/node-translator.h                         \
  src/capnp/compiler/node-translator.c++                       \
  src/capnp/compiler/compiler.h                                \
  src/capnp/compiler/compiler.c++                              \
  src/capnp/compiler/module-loader.h                           \
nodist_libcapnp_la_SOURCES =                                   \
  src/capnp/schema.capnp.c++                                   \

bin_PROGRAMS = capnp capnpc-capnp

capnp_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libcapnp.la
capnp_SOURCES = src/capnp/compiler/capnp.c++

capnpc_capnp_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libcapnp.la
capnpc_capnp_SOURCES = src/capnp/compiler/capnpc-capnp.c++

# Source files intentionally not included in the dist at this time:
#  src/capnp/serialize-snappy*
#  src/capnp/benchmark/...
#  src/capnp/compiler/...

# Tests ==============================================================

test_capnpc_inputs =                                           \
  src/capnp/test.capnp                                         \

test_capnpc_outputs =                                          \
  src/capnp/test.capnp.c++                                     \
  src/capnp/test.capnp.h                                       \
  src/capnp/test-import.capnp.c++                              \

BUILT_SOURCES = $(test_capnpc_outputs) $(capnpc_outputs)

check_PROGRAMS = capnp-test
capnp_test_LDADD = gtest/lib/libgtest.la gtest/lib/libgtest_main.la libcapnp.la
capnp_test_CPPFLAGS = -Igtest/include -I$(srcdir)/gtest/include
capnp_test_SOURCES =                                           \
  src/kj/common-test.c++                                       \
  src/kj/memory-test.c++                                       \
  src/kj/array-test.c++                                        \
  src/kj/string-test.c++                                       \
  src/kj/exception-test.c++                                    \
  src/kj/debug-test.c++                                        \
  src/kj/arena-test.c++                                        \
  src/kj/units-test.c++                                        \
  src/kj/tuple-test.c++                                        \
  src/kj/function-test.c++                                     \
  src/kj/mutex-test.c++                                        \
  src/kj/parse/common-test.c++                                 \
  src/kj/parse/char-test.c++                                   \
  src/capnp/blob-test.c++                                      \
  src/capnp/endian-test.c++                                    \
  src/capnp/endian-fallback-test.c++                           \
  src/capnp/endian-reverse-test.c++                            \
  src/capnp/layout-test.c++                                    \
  src/capnp/message-test.c++                                   \
  src/capnp/schema-test.c++                                    \
  src/capnp/schema-loader-test.c++                             \
  src/capnp/dynamic-test.c++                                   \
  src/capnp/stringify-test.c++                                 \
  src/capnp/encoding-test.c++                                  \
  src/capnp/orphan-test.c++                                    \
  src/capnp/serialize-test.c++                                 \
  src/capnp/serialize-packed-test.c++                          \
  src/capnp/test-util.c++                                      \
  src/capnp/test-util.h                                        \
  src/capnp/compiler/lexer-test.c++                            \
nodist_capnp_test_SOURCES = $(test_capnpc_outputs)

TESTS = capnp-test