# Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <temporal@gmail.com> # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using Cxx = import "c++.capnp"; @0xa93fc509624c72d9; $Cxx.namespace("capnp::schema"); using Id = UInt64; # The globally-unique ID of a file, type, or annotation. struct Node { id @0 :Id; displayName @1 :Text; # Name to present to humans to identify this Node. You should not attempt to parse this. Its # format could change. It is not guaranteed to be unique. # # (On Zooko's triangle, this is the node's nickname.) displayNamePrefixLength @2 :UInt32; # If you want a shorter version of `displayName` (just naming this node, without its surrounding # scope), chop off this many characters from the beginning of `displayName`. scopeId @3 :Id; # ID of the lexical parent node. Typically, the scope node will have a NestedNode pointing back # at this node, but robust code should avoid relying on this (and, in fact, group nodes are not # listed in the outer struct's nestedNodes, since they are listed in the fields). `scopeId` is # zero if the node has no parent, which is normally only the case with files, but should be # allowed for any kind of node (in order to make runtime type generation easier). nestedNodes @4 :List(NestedNode); # List of nodes nested within this node, along with the names under which they were declared. struct NestedNode { name @0 :Text; # Unqualified symbol name. Unlike Node.name, this *can* be used programmatically. # # (On Zooko's triangle, this is the node's petname according to its parent scope.) id @1 :Id; # ID of the nested node. Typically, the target node's scopeId points back to this node, but # robust code should avoid relying on this. } annotations @5 :List(Annotation); # Annotations applied to this node. union { # Info specific to each kind of node. file @6 :Void; struct :group { dataWordCount @7 :UInt16; # Size of the data section, in words. pointerCount @8 :UInt16; # Size of the pointer section, in pointers (which are one word each). preferredListEncoding @9 :ElementSize; # The preferred element size to use when encoding a list of this struct. If this is anything # other than `inlineComposite` then the struct is one word or less in size and is a candidate # for list packing optimization. isGroup @10 :Bool; # If true, then this "struct" node is actually not an independent node, but merely represents # some named union or group within a particular parent struct. This node's scopeId refers # to the parent struct, which may itself be a union/group in yet another struct. # # All group nodes share the same dataWordCount and pointerCount as the top-level # struct, and their fields live in the same ordinal and offset spaces as all other fields in # the struct. # # Note that a named union is considered a special kind of group -- in fact, a named union # is exactly equivalent to a group that contains nothing but an unnamed union. discriminantCount @11 :UInt16; # Number of fields in this struct which are members of an anonymous union, and thus may # overlap. If this is non-zero, then a 16-bit discriminant is present indicating which # of the overlapping fields is active. This can never be 1 -- if it is non-zero, it must be # two or more. # # Note that the fields of an unnamed union are considered fields of the scope containing the # union -- an unnamed union is not its own group. So, a top-level struct may contain a # non-zero discriminant count. Named unions, on the other hand, are equivalent to groups # containing unnamed unions. So, a named union has its own independent schema node, with # `isGroup` = true. discriminantOffset @12 :UInt32; # If `discriminantCount` is non-zero, this is the offset of the union discriminant, in # multiples of 16 bits. fields @13 :List(Field); # Fields defined within this scope (either the struct's top-level fields, or the fields of # a particular group; see `isGroup`). # # The fields are sorted by ordinal number, but note that because groups share the same # ordinal space, the field's index in this list is not necessarily exactly its ordinal. # On the other hand, the field's position in this list does remain the same even as the # protocol evolves, since it is not possible to insert or remove an earlier ordinal. # Therefore, for most use cases, if you want to identify a field by number, it may make the # most sense to use the field's index in this list rather than its ordinal. } enum :group { enumerants@14 :List(Enumerant); # Enumerants ordered by numeric value (ordinal). } interface :group { methods @15 :List(Method); # Methods ordered by ordinal. } const :group { type @16 :Type; value @17 :Value; } annotation :group { type @18 :Type; targetsFile @19 :Bool; targetsConst @20 :Bool; targetsEnum @21 :Bool; targetsEnumerant @22 :Bool; targetsStruct @23 :Bool; targetsField @24 :Bool; targetsUnion @25 :Bool; targetsGroup @26 :Bool; targetsInterface @27 :Bool; targetsMethod @28 :Bool; targetsParam @29 :Bool; targetsAnnotation @30 :Bool; } } } struct Field { # Schema for a field of a struct. name @0 :Text; codeOrder @1 :UInt16; # Indicates where this member appeared in the code, relative to other members. # Code ordering may have semantic relevance -- programmers tend to place related fields # together. So, using code ordering makes sense in human-readable formats where ordering is # otherwise irrelevant, like JSON. The values of codeOrder are tightly-packed, so the maximum # value is count(members) - 1. Fields that are members of a union are only ordered relative to # the other members of that union, so the maximum value there is count(union.members). annotations @2 :List(Annotation); discriminantValue @3 :UInt16 = 0xffff; # If the field is in a union, this is the value which the union's discriminant should take when # the field is active. If the field is not in a union, this is 0xffff (so hasDiscriminantValue() # returns false). union { slot :group { # A regular, non-group, non-fixed-list field. offset @4 :UInt32; # Offset, in units of the field's size, from the beginning of the section in which the field # resides. E.g. for a UInt32 field, multiply this by 4 to get the byte offset from the # beginning of the data section. type @5 :Type; defaultValue @6 :Value; } group :group { # A group. typeId @7 :Id; # The ID of the group's node. } } ordinal :union { implicit @8 :Void; explicit @9 :UInt16; # The original ordinal number given to the field. You probably should NOT use this; if you need # a numeric identifier for a field, use its position within the field array for its scope. # The ordinal is given here mainly just so that the original schema text can be reproduced given # the compiled version -- i.e. so that `capnp compile -ocapnp` can do its job. } } struct Enumerant { # Schema for member of an enum. name @0 :Text; codeOrder @1 :UInt16; # Specifies order in which the enumerants were declared in the code. # Like Struct.Field.codeOrder. annotations @2 :List(Annotation); } struct Method { # Schema for method of an interface. name @0 :Text; codeOrder @1 :UInt16; # Specifies order in which the methods were declared in the code. # Like Struct.Field.codeOrder. params @2 :List(Param); struct Param { name @0 :Text; type @1 :Type; defaultValue @2 :Value; annotations @3 :List(Annotation); } requiredParamCount @3 :UInt16; # One plus the index of the last parameter that has no default value. In languages where # method calls look like function calls, this is the minimum number of parameters that must # always be specified, while subsequent parameters are optional. returnType @4 :Type; annotations @5 :List(Annotation); } struct Type { # Represents a type expression. union { # The ordinals intentionally match those of Value. void @0 :Void; bool @1 :Void; int8 @2 :Void; int16 @3 :Void; int32 @4 :Void; int64 @5 :Void; uint8 @6 :Void; uint16 @7 :Void; uint32 @8 :Void; uint64 @9 :Void; float32 @10 :Void; float64 @11 :Void; text @12 :Void; data @13 :Void; list :group { elementType @14 :Type; } enum :group { typeId @15 :Id; } struct :group { typeId @16 :Id; } interface :group { typeId @17 :Id; } object @18 :Void; } } struct Value { # Represents a value, e.g. a field default value, constant value, or annotation value. union { # The ordinals intentionally match those of Type. void @0 :Void; bool @1 :Bool; int8 @2 :Int8; int16 @3 :Int16; int32 @4 :Int32; int64 @5 :Int64; uint8 @6 :UInt8; uint16 @7 :UInt16; uint32 @8 :UInt32; uint64 @9 :UInt64; float32 @10 :Float32; float64 @11 :Float64; text @12 :Text; data @13 :Data; list @14 :Object; enum @15 :UInt16; struct @16 :Object; interface @17 :Void; # The only interface value that can be represented statically is "null", whose methods always # throw exceptions. object @18 :Object; } } struct Annotation { # Describes an annotation applied to a declaration. Note AnnotationNode describes the # annotation's declaration, while this describes a use of the annotation. id @0 :Id; # ID of the annotation node. value @1 :Value; } enum ElementSize { # Possible element sizes for encoded lists. These correspond exactly to the possible values of # the 3-bit element size component of a list pointer. empty @0; # aka "void", but that's a keyword. bit @1; byte @2; twoBytes @3; fourBytes @4; eightBytes @5; pointer @6; inlineComposite @7; } struct CodeGeneratorRequest { nodes @0 :List(Node); # All nodes parsed by the compiler, including for the files on the command line and their # imports. requestedFiles @1 :List(RequestedFile); # Files which were listed on the command line. struct RequestedFile { id @0 :Id; # ID of the file. filename @1 :Text; # Name of the file as it appeared on the command-line (minus the src-prefix). You may use # this to decide where to write the output. imports @2 :List(Import); # List of all imported paths seen in this file. struct Import { id @0 :Id; # ID of the imported file. name @1 :Text; # Name which *this* file used to refer to the foreign file. This may be a relative name. # This information is provided because it might be useful for code generation, e.g. to # generate #include directives in C++. We don't put this in Node.file because this # information is only meaningful at compile time anyway. # # (On Zooko's triangle, this is the import's petname according to the importing file.) } } }