// Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <temporal@gmail.com> // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "dynamic.h" #include <kj/debug.h> #include <kj/vector.h> namespace capnp { namespace { static const char HEXDIGITS[] = "0123456789abcdef"; enum PrintMode { BARE, // The value is planned to be printed on its own line, unless it is very short and contains // no inner newlines. PREFIXED, // The value is planned to be printed with a prefix, like "memberName = " (a struct field). PARENTHESIZED // The value is printed in parenthesized (a union value). }; class Indent { public: explicit Indent(bool enable): amount(enable ? 1 : 0) {} Indent next() { return Indent(amount == 0 ? 0 : amount + 1); } kj::StringTree delimit(kj::Array<kj::StringTree> items, PrintMode mode) { if (amount == 0 || canPrintAllInline(items)) { return kj::StringTree(kj::mv(items), ", "); } else { char delim[amount * 2 + 3]; delim[0] = ','; delim[1] = '\n'; memset(delim + 2, ' ', amount * 2); delim[amount * 2 + 2] = '\0'; // If the outer value isn't being printed on its own line, we need to add a newline/indent // before the first item, otherwise we only add a space on the assumption that it is preceded // by an open bracket or parenthesis. return kj::strTree(mode == BARE ? " " : delim + 1, kj::StringTree(kj::mv(items), kj::StringPtr(delim, amount * 2 + 2)), ' '); } } private: uint amount; explicit Indent(uint amount): amount(amount) {} static constexpr size_t maxInlineValueSize = 24; static bool canPrintInline(const kj::StringTree& text) { if (text.size() > maxInlineValueSize) { return false; } char flat[maxInlineValueSize + 1]; text.flattenTo(flat); flat[text.size()] = '\0'; if (strchr(flat, '\n') != nullptr) { return false; } return true; } static bool canPrintAllInline(const kj::Array<kj::StringTree>& items) { for (auto& item: items) { if (!canPrintInline(item)) return false; } return true; } }; static schema::Type::Which whichFieldType(const StructSchema::Field& field) { auto proto = field.getProto(); switch (proto.which()) { case schema::Field::NON_GROUP: return proto.getNonGroup().getType().which(); case schema::Field::GROUP: return schema::Type::STRUCT; } KJ_UNREACHABLE; } static kj::StringTree print(const DynamicValue::Reader& value, schema::Type::Which which, Indent indent, PrintMode mode) { switch (value.getType()) { case DynamicValue::UNKNOWN: return kj::strTree("?"); case DynamicValue::VOID: return kj::strTree("void"); case DynamicValue::BOOL: return kj::strTree(value.as<bool>() ? "true" : "false"); case DynamicValue::INT: return kj::strTree(value.as<int64_t>()); case DynamicValue::UINT: return kj::strTree(value.as<uint64_t>()); case DynamicValue::FLOAT: if (which == schema::Type::FLOAT32) { return kj::strTree(value.as<float>()); } else { return kj::strTree(value.as<double>()); } case DynamicValue::TEXT: case DynamicValue::DATA: { // TODO(someday): Data probably shouldn't be printed as a string. kj::ArrayPtr<const char> chars; if (value.getType() == DynamicValue::DATA) { auto reader = value.as<Data>(); chars = kj::arrayPtr(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(reader.begin()), reader.size()); } else { chars = value.as<Text>(); } kj::Vector<char> escaped(chars.size()); for (char c: chars) { switch (c) { case '\a': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\a")); break; case '\b': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\b")); break; case '\f': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\f")); break; case '\n': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\n")); break; case '\r': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\r")); break; case '\t': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\t")); break; case '\v': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\v")); break; case '\'': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\\'")); break; case '\"': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\\"")); break; case '\\': escaped.addAll(kj::StringPtr("\\\\")); break; default: if (c < 0x20) { escaped.add('\\'); escaped.add('x'); uint8_t c2 = c; escaped.add(HEXDIGITS[c2 / 16]); escaped.add(HEXDIGITS[c2 % 16]); } else { escaped.add(c); } break; } } return kj::strTree('"', escaped, '"'); } case DynamicValue::LIST: { auto listValue = value.as<DynamicList>(); auto which = listValue.getSchema().whichElementType(); kj::Array<kj::StringTree> elements = KJ_MAP(element, listValue) { return print(element, which, indent.next(), BARE); }; return kj::strTree('[', indent.delimit(kj::mv(elements), mode), ']'); } case DynamicValue::ENUM: { auto enumValue = value.as<DynamicEnum>(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(enumerant, enumValue.getEnumerant()) { return kj::strTree(enumerant->getProto().getName()); } else { // Unknown enum value; output raw number. return kj::strTree('(', enumValue.getRaw(), ')'); } break; } case DynamicValue::STRUCT: { auto structValue = value.as<DynamicStruct>(); auto unionFields = structValue.getSchema().getUnionFields(); auto nonUnionFields = structValue.getSchema().getNonUnionFields(); kj::Vector<kj::StringTree> printedFields(nonUnionFields.size() + (unionFields.size() != 0)); // We try to write the union field, if any, in proper order with the rest. auto which = structValue.which(); kj::StringTree unionValue; KJ_IF_MAYBE(field, which) { // Even if the union field has its default value, if it is not the default field of the // union then we have to print it anyway. auto fieldProto = field->getProto(); if (fieldProto.getDiscriminantValue() != 0 || structValue.has(*field)) { unionValue = kj::strTree( fieldProto.getName(), " = ", print(structValue.get(*field), whichFieldType(*field), indent.next(), PREFIXED)); } else { which = nullptr; } } for (auto field: nonUnionFields) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(unionField, which) { if (unionField->getIndex() < field.getIndex()) { printedFields.add(kj::mv(unionValue)); which = nullptr; } } if (structValue.has(field)) { printedFields.add(kj::strTree( field.getProto().getName(), " = ", print(structValue.get(field), whichFieldType(field), indent.next(), PREFIXED))); } } if (which != nullptr) { // Union value is last. printedFields.add(kj::mv(unionValue)); } if (mode == PARENTHESIZED) { return indent.delimit(printedFields.releaseAsArray(), mode); } else { return kj::strTree('(', indent.delimit(printedFields.releaseAsArray(), mode), ')'); } } case DynamicValue::INTERFACE: KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Don't know how to print interfaces.") { return kj::String(); } case DynamicValue::OBJECT: return kj::strTree("<opaque object>"); } KJ_UNREACHABLE; } kj::StringTree stringify(DynamicValue::Reader value) { return print(value, schema::Type::STRUCT, Indent(false), BARE); } } // namespace kj::StringTree prettyPrint(DynamicStruct::Reader value) { return print(value, schema::Type::STRUCT, Indent(true), BARE); } kj::StringTree prettyPrint(DynamicList::Reader value) { return print(value, schema::Type::LIST, Indent(true), BARE); } kj::StringTree prettyPrint(DynamicStruct::Builder value) { return prettyPrint(value.asReader()); } kj::StringTree prettyPrint(DynamicList::Builder value) { return prettyPrint(value.asReader()); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicValue::Reader& value) { return stringify(value); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicValue::Builder& value) { return stringify(value.asReader()); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(DynamicEnum value) { return stringify(value); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicObject::Reader& value) { return stringify(value); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicObject::Builder& value) { return stringify(value.asReader()); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicStruct::Reader& value) { return stringify(value); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicStruct::Builder& value) { return stringify(value.asReader()); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicList::Reader& value) { return stringify(value); } kj::StringTree KJ_STRINGIFY(const DynamicList::Builder& value) { return stringify(value.asReader()); } namespace _ { // private kj::StringTree structString(StructReader reader, const RawSchema& schema) { return stringify(DynamicStruct::Reader(StructSchema(&schema), reader)); } } // namespace _ (private) } // namespace capnp