// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "main.h" #include "debug.h" #include "arena.h" #include "miniposix.h" #include <map> #include <set> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #if _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX 1 #endif #include <windows.h> #include "windows-sanity.h" #else #include <sys/uio.h> #endif namespace kj { // ======================================================================================= TopLevelProcessContext::TopLevelProcessContext(StringPtr programName) : programName(programName), cleanShutdown(getenv("KJ_CLEAN_SHUTDOWN") != nullptr) { printStackTraceOnCrash(); } StringPtr TopLevelProcessContext::getProgramName() { return programName; } void TopLevelProcessContext::exit() { int exitCode = hadErrors ? 1 : 0; if (cleanShutdown) { #if KJ_NO_EXCEPTIONS // This is the best we can do. warning("warning: KJ_CLEAN_SHUTDOWN may not work correctly when compiled " "with -fno-exceptions."); ::exit(exitCode); #else throw CleanShutdownException { exitCode }; #endif } _exit(exitCode); } #if _WIN32 void setStandardIoMode(int fd) { // Set mode to binary if the fd is not a console. HANDLE handle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(fd)); DWORD consoleMode; if (GetConsoleMode(handle, &consoleMode)) { // It's a console. } else { KJ_SYSCALL(_setmode(fd, _O_BINARY)); } } #else void setStandardIoMode(int fd) {} #endif static void writeLineToFd(int fd, StringPtr message) { // Write the given message to the given file descriptor with a trailing newline iff the message // is non-empty and doesn't already have a trailing newline. We use writev() to do this in a // single system call without any copying (OS permitting). if (message.size() == 0) { return; } #if _WIN32 KJ_STACK_ARRAY(char, newlineExpansionBuffer, 2 * (message.size() + 1), 128, 512); char* p = newlineExpansionBuffer.begin(); for(char ch : message) { if(ch == '\n') { *(p++) = '\r'; } *(p++) = ch; } if(!message.endsWith("\n")) { *(p++) = '\r'; *(p++) = '\n'; } size_t newlineExpandedSize = p - newlineExpansionBuffer.begin(); KJ_ASSERT(newlineExpandedSize <= newlineExpansionBuffer.size()); HANDLE handle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(fd)); DWORD consoleMode; bool redirectedToFile = !GetConsoleMode(handle, &consoleMode); DWORD writtenSize; if(redirectedToFile) { WriteFile(handle, newlineExpansionBuffer.begin(), newlineExpandedSize, &writtenSize, nullptr); } else { KJ_STACK_ARRAY(wchar_t, buffer, newlineExpandedSize, 128, 512); size_t finalSize = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, newlineExpansionBuffer.begin(), newlineExpandedSize, buffer.begin(), buffer.size()); KJ_ASSERT(finalSize <= buffer.size()); WriteConsoleW(handle, buffer.begin(), finalSize, &writtenSize, nullptr); } #else // Unfortunately the writev interface requires non-const pointers even though it won't modify // the data. struct iovec vec[2]; vec[0].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(message.begin()); vec[0].iov_len = message.size(); vec[1].iov_base = const_cast<char*>("\n"); vec[1].iov_len = 1; struct iovec* pos = vec; // Only use the second item in the vec if the message doesn't already end with \n. uint count = message.endsWith("\n") ? 1 : 2; for (;;) { ssize_t n = writev(fd, pos, count); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { // This function is meant for writing to stdout and stderr. If writes fail on those FDs // there's not a whole lot we can reasonably do, so just ignore it. return; } } // Update chunks to discard what was successfully written. for (;;) { if (count == 0) { // Done writing. return; } else if (pos->iov_len <= implicitCast<size_t>(n)) { // Wrote this entire chunk. n -= pos->iov_len; ++pos; --count; } else { // Wrote only part of this chunk. Adjust the pointer and then retry. pos->iov_base = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(pos->iov_base) + n; pos->iov_len -= n; break; } } } #endif } void TopLevelProcessContext::warning(StringPtr message) { writeLineToFd(STDERR_FILENO, message); } void TopLevelProcessContext::error(StringPtr message) { hadErrors = true; writeLineToFd(STDERR_FILENO, message); } void TopLevelProcessContext::exitError(StringPtr message) { error(message); exit(); } void TopLevelProcessContext::exitInfo(StringPtr message) { writeLineToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, message); exit(); } void TopLevelProcessContext::increaseLoggingVerbosity() { // At the moment, there is only one log level that isn't enabled by default. _::Debug::setLogLevel(_::Debug::Severity::INFO); } // ======================================================================================= int runMainAndExit(ProcessContext& context, MainFunc&& func, int argc, char* argv[]) { setStandardIoMode(STDIN_FILENO); setStandardIoMode(STDOUT_FILENO); setStandardIoMode(STDERR_FILENO); #if !KJ_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif KJ_ASSERT(argc > 0); KJ_STACK_ARRAY(StringPtr, params, argc - 1, 8, 32); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { params[i - 1] = argv[i]; } KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, runCatchingExceptions([&]() { func(argv[0], params); })) { context.error(str("*** Uncaught exception ***\n", *exception)); } context.exit(); #if !KJ_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (const TopLevelProcessContext::CleanShutdownException& e) { return e.exitCode; } #endif KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT } // ======================================================================================= struct MainBuilder::Impl { inline Impl(ProcessContext& context, StringPtr version, StringPtr briefDescription, StringPtr extendedDescription) : context(context), version(version), briefDescription(briefDescription), extendedDescription(extendedDescription) {} ProcessContext& context; StringPtr version; StringPtr briefDescription; StringPtr extendedDescription; Arena arena; struct CharArrayCompare { inline bool operator()(const ArrayPtr<const char>& a, const ArrayPtr<const char>& b) const { int cmp = memcmp(a.begin(), b.begin(), min(a.size(), b.size())); if (cmp == 0) { return a.size() < b.size(); } else { return cmp < 0; } } }; struct Option { ArrayPtr<OptionName> names; bool hasArg; union { Function<Validity()>* func; Function<Validity(StringPtr)>* funcWithArg; }; StringPtr argTitle; StringPtr helpText; }; class OptionDisplayOrder; std::map<char, Option*> shortOptions; std::map<ArrayPtr<const char>, Option*, CharArrayCompare> longOptions; struct SubCommand { Function<MainFunc()> func; StringPtr helpText; }; std::map<StringPtr, SubCommand> subCommands; struct Arg { StringPtr title; Function<Validity(StringPtr)> callback; uint minCount; uint maxCount; }; Vector<Arg> args; Maybe<Function<Validity()>> finalCallback; Option& addOption(std::initializer_list<OptionName> names, bool hasArg, StringPtr helpText) { KJ_REQUIRE(names.size() > 0, "option must have at least one name"); Option& option = arena.allocate<Option>(); option.names = arena.allocateArray<OptionName>(names.size()); uint i = 0; for (auto& name: names) { option.names[i++] = name; if (name.isLong) { KJ_REQUIRE( longOptions.insert(std::make_pair(StringPtr(name.longName).asArray(), &option)).second, "duplicate option", name.longName); } else { KJ_REQUIRE( shortOptions.insert(std::make_pair(name.shortName, &option)).second, "duplicate option", name.shortName); } } option.hasArg = hasArg; option.helpText = helpText; return option; } Validity printVersion() { context.exitInfo(version); return true; } Validity increaseVerbosity() { context.increaseLoggingVerbosity(); return true; } }; MainBuilder::MainBuilder(ProcessContext& context, StringPtr version, StringPtr briefDescription, StringPtr extendedDescription) : impl(heap<Impl>(context, version, briefDescription, extendedDescription)) { addOption({"verbose"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*impl, increaseVerbosity), "Log informational messages to stderr; useful for debugging."); addOption({"version"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*impl, printVersion), "Print version information and exit."); } MainBuilder::~MainBuilder() noexcept(false) {} MainBuilder& MainBuilder::addOption(std::initializer_list<OptionName> names, Function<Validity()> callback, StringPtr helpText) { impl->addOption(names, false, helpText).func = &impl->arena.copy(kj::mv(callback)); return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::addOptionWithArg(std::initializer_list<OptionName> names, Function<Validity(StringPtr)> callback, StringPtr argumentTitle, StringPtr helpText) { auto& opt = impl->addOption(names, true, helpText); opt.funcWithArg = &impl->arena.copy(kj::mv(callback)); opt.argTitle = argumentTitle; return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::addSubCommand(StringPtr name, Function<MainFunc()> getSubParser, StringPtr helpText) { KJ_REQUIRE(impl->args.size() == 0, "cannot have sub-commands when expecting arguments"); KJ_REQUIRE(impl->finalCallback == nullptr, "cannot have a final callback when accepting sub-commands"); KJ_REQUIRE( impl->subCommands.insert(std::make_pair( name, Impl::SubCommand { kj::mv(getSubParser), helpText })).second, "duplicate sub-command", name); return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::expectArg(StringPtr title, Function<Validity(StringPtr)> callback) { KJ_REQUIRE(impl->subCommands.empty(), "cannot have sub-commands when expecting arguments"); impl->args.add(Impl::Arg { title, kj::mv(callback), 1, 1 }); return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::expectOptionalArg( StringPtr title, Function<Validity(StringPtr)> callback) { KJ_REQUIRE(impl->subCommands.empty(), "cannot have sub-commands when expecting arguments"); impl->args.add(Impl::Arg { title, kj::mv(callback), 0, 1 }); return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::expectZeroOrMoreArgs( StringPtr title, Function<Validity(StringPtr)> callback) { KJ_REQUIRE(impl->subCommands.empty(), "cannot have sub-commands when expecting arguments"); impl->args.add(Impl::Arg { title, kj::mv(callback), 0, UINT_MAX }); return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::expectOneOrMoreArgs( StringPtr title, Function<Validity(StringPtr)> callback) { KJ_REQUIRE(impl->subCommands.empty(), "cannot have sub-commands when expecting arguments"); impl->args.add(Impl::Arg { title, kj::mv(callback), 1, UINT_MAX }); return *this; } MainBuilder& MainBuilder::callAfterParsing(Function<Validity()> callback) { KJ_REQUIRE(impl->finalCallback == nullptr, "callAfterParsing() can only be called once"); KJ_REQUIRE(impl->subCommands.empty(), "cannot have a final callback when accepting sub-commands"); impl->finalCallback = kj::mv(callback); return *this; } class MainBuilder::MainImpl { public: MainImpl(Own<Impl>&& impl): impl(kj::mv(impl)) {} void operator()(StringPtr programName, ArrayPtr<const StringPtr> params); private: Own<Impl> impl; KJ_NORETURN(void usageError(StringPtr programName, StringPtr message)); KJ_NORETURN(void printHelp(StringPtr programName)); void wrapText(Vector<char>& output, StringPtr indent, StringPtr text); }; MainFunc MainBuilder::build() { return MainImpl(kj::mv(impl)); } void MainBuilder::MainImpl::operator()(StringPtr programName, ArrayPtr<const StringPtr> params) { Vector<StringPtr> arguments; for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { StringPtr param = params[i]; if (param == "--") { // "--" ends option parsing. arguments.addAll(params.begin() + i + 1, params.end()); break; } else if (param.startsWith("--")) { // Long option. ArrayPtr<const char> name; Maybe<StringPtr> maybeArg; KJ_IF_MAYBE(pos, param.findFirst('=')) { name = param.slice(2, *pos); maybeArg = param.slice(*pos + 1); } else { name = param.slice(2); } auto iter = impl->longOptions.find(name); if (iter == impl->longOptions.end()) { if (param == "--help") { printHelp(programName); } else { usageError(programName, str("--", name, ": unrecognized option")); } } else { const Impl::Option& option = *iter->second; if (option.hasArg) { // Argument expected. KJ_IF_MAYBE(arg, maybeArg) { // "--foo=blah": "blah" is the argument. KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*option.funcWithArg)(*arg).releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str(param, ": ", *error)); } } else if (i + 1 < params.size() && !(params[i + 1].startsWith("-") && params[i + 1].size() > 1)) { // "--foo blah": "blah" is the argument. ++i; KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*option.funcWithArg)(params[i]).releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str(param, "=", params[i], ": ", *error)); } } else { usageError(programName, str("--", name, ": missing argument")); } } else { // No argument expected. if (maybeArg == nullptr) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*option.func)().releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str(param, ": ", *error)); } } else { usageError(programName, str("--", name, ": option does not accept an argument")); } } } } else if (param.startsWith("-") && param.size() > 1) { // Short option(s). for (uint j = 1; j < param.size(); j++) { char c = param[j]; auto iter = impl->shortOptions.find(c); if (iter == impl->shortOptions.end()) { usageError(programName, str("-", c, ": unrecognized option")); } else { const Impl::Option& option = *iter->second; if (option.hasArg) { // Argument expected. if (j + 1 < param.size()) { // Rest of flag is argument. StringPtr arg = param.slice(j + 1); KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*option.funcWithArg)(arg).releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str("-", c, " ", arg, ": ", *error)); } break; } else if (i + 1 < params.size() && !(params[i + 1].startsWith("-") && params[i + 1].size() > 1)) { // Next parameter is argument. ++i; KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*option.funcWithArg)(params[i]).releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str("-", c, " ", params[i], ": ", *error)); } break; } else { usageError(programName, str("-", c, ": missing argument")); } } else { // No argument expected. KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*option.func)().releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str("-", c, ": ", *error)); } } } } } else if (!impl->subCommands.empty()) { // A sub-command name. auto iter = impl->subCommands.find(param); if (iter != impl->subCommands.end()) { MainFunc subMain = iter->second.func(); subMain(str(programName, ' ', param), params.slice(i + 1, params.size())); return; } else if (param == "help") { if (i + 1 < params.size()) { iter = impl->subCommands.find(params[i + 1]); if (iter != impl->subCommands.end()) { // Run the sub-command with "--help" as the argument. MainFunc subMain = iter->second.func(); StringPtr dummyArg = "--help"; subMain(str(programName, ' ', params[i + 1]), arrayPtr(&dummyArg, 1)); return; } else if (params[i + 1] == "help") { uint count = 0; for (uint j = i + 2; j < params.size() && (params[j] == "help" || params[j] == "--help"); j++) { ++count; } switch (count) { case 0: impl->context.exitInfo("Help about help? We must go deeper..."); break; case 1: impl->context.exitInfo( "Yo dawg, I heard you like help. So I wrote you some help about how to use " "help so you can get help on help."); break; case 2: impl->context.exitInfo("Help, I'm trapped in a help text factory!"); break; default: if (count < 10) { impl->context.exitError("Killed by signal 911 (SIGHELP)"); } else { impl->context.exitInfo("How to keep an idiot busy..."); } break; } } else { usageError(programName, str(params[i + 1], ": unknown command")); } } else { printHelp(programName); } } else { // Arguments are not accepted, so this is an error. usageError(programName, str(param, ": unknown command")); } } else { // Just a regular argument. arguments.add(param); } } // ------------------------------------ // Handle arguments. // ------------------------------------ if (!impl->subCommands.empty()) { usageError(programName, "missing command"); } // Count the number of required arguments, so that we know how to distribute the optional args. uint requiredArgCount = 0; for (auto& argSpec: impl->args) { requiredArgCount += argSpec.minCount; } // Now go through each argument spec and consume arguments with it. StringPtr* argPos = arguments.begin(); for (auto& argSpec: impl->args) { uint i = 0; for (; i < argSpec.minCount; i++) { if (argPos == arguments.end()) { usageError(programName, str("missing argument ", argSpec.title)); } else { KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, argSpec.callback(*argPos).releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str(*argPos, ": ", *error)); } ++argPos; --requiredArgCount; } } // If we have more arguments than we need, and this argument spec will accept extras, give // them to it. for (; i < argSpec.maxCount && arguments.end() - argPos > requiredArgCount; ++i) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, argSpec.callback(*argPos).releaseError()) { usageError(programName, str(*argPos, ": ", *error)); } ++argPos; } } // Did we consume all the arguments? while (argPos < arguments.end()) { usageError(programName, str(*argPos++, ": too many arguments")); } // Run the final callback, if any. KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, impl->finalCallback) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(error, (*f)().releaseError()) { usageError(programName, *error); } } } void MainBuilder::MainImpl::usageError(StringPtr programName, StringPtr message) { impl->context.exitError(kj::str( programName, ": ", message, "\nTry '", programName, " --help' for more information.")); KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT } class MainBuilder::Impl::OptionDisplayOrder { public: bool operator()(const Option* a, const Option* b) { if (a == b) return false; char aShort = '\0'; char bShort = '\0'; for (auto& name: a->names) { if (name.isLong) { if (aShort == '\0') { aShort = name.longName[0]; } } else { aShort = name.shortName; break; } } for (auto& name: b->names) { if (name.isLong) { if (bShort == '\0') { bShort = name.longName[0]; } } else { bShort = name.shortName; break; } } if (aShort < bShort) return true; if (aShort > bShort) return false; StringPtr aLong; StringPtr bLong; for (auto& name: a->names) { if (name.isLong) { aLong = name.longName; break; } } for (auto& name: b->names) { if (name.isLong) { bLong = name.longName; break; } } return aLong < bLong; } }; void MainBuilder::MainImpl::printHelp(StringPtr programName) { Vector<char> text(1024); std::set<const Impl::Option*, Impl::OptionDisplayOrder> sortedOptions; for (auto& entry: impl->shortOptions) { sortedOptions.insert(entry.second); } for (auto& entry: impl->longOptions) { sortedOptions.insert(entry.second); } text.addAll(str("Usage: ", programName, sortedOptions.empty() ? "" : " [<option>...]")); if (impl->subCommands.empty()) { for (auto& arg: impl->args) { text.add(' '); if (arg.minCount == 0) { text.addAll(str("[", arg.title, arg.maxCount > 1 ? "...]" : "]")); } else { text.addAll(str(arg.title, arg.maxCount > 1 ? "..." : "")); } } } else { text.addAll(StringPtr(" <command> [<arg>...]")); } text.addAll(StringPtr("\n\n")); wrapText(text, "", impl->briefDescription); if (!impl->subCommands.empty()) { text.addAll(StringPtr("\nCommands:\n")); size_t maxLen = 0; for (auto& command: impl->subCommands) { maxLen = kj::max(maxLen, command.first.size()); } for (auto& command: impl->subCommands) { text.addAll(StringPtr(" ")); text.addAll(command.first); for (size_t i = command.first.size(); i < maxLen; i++) { text.add(' '); } text.addAll(StringPtr(" ")); text.addAll(command.second.helpText); text.add('\n'); } text.addAll(str( "\nSee '", programName, " help <command>' for more information on a specific command.\n")); } if (!sortedOptions.empty()) { text.addAll(StringPtr("\nOptions:\n")); for (auto opt: sortedOptions) { text.addAll(StringPtr(" ")); bool isFirst = true; for (auto& name: opt->names) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { text.addAll(StringPtr(", ")); } if (name.isLong) { text.addAll(str("--", name.longName)); if (opt->hasArg) { text.addAll(str("=", opt->argTitle)); } } else { text.addAll(str("-", name.shortName)); if (opt->hasArg) { text.addAll(opt->argTitle); } } } text.add('\n'); wrapText(text, " ", opt->helpText); } text.addAll(StringPtr(" --help\n Display this help text and exit.\n")); } if (impl->extendedDescription.size() > 0) { text.add('\n'); wrapText(text, "", impl->extendedDescription); } text.add('\0'); impl->context.exitInfo(String(text.releaseAsArray())); KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT } void MainBuilder::MainImpl::wrapText(Vector<char>& output, StringPtr indent, StringPtr text) { uint width = 80 - indent.size(); while (text.size() > 0) { output.addAll(indent); KJ_IF_MAYBE(lineEnd, text.findFirst('\n')) { if (*lineEnd <= width) { output.addAll(text.slice(0, *lineEnd + 1)); text = text.slice(*lineEnd + 1); continue; } } if (text.size() <= width) { output.addAll(text); output.add('\n'); break; } uint wrapPos = width; for (;; wrapPos--) { if (wrapPos == 0) { // Hmm, no good place to break words. Just break in the middle. wrapPos = width; break; } else if (text[wrapPos] == ' ' && text[wrapPos - 1] != ' ') { // This position is a space and is preceded by a non-space. Wrap here. break; } } output.addAll(text.slice(0, wrapPos)); output.add('\n'); // Skip spaces after the text that was printed. while (text[wrapPos] == ' ') { ++wrapPos; } if (text[wrapPos] == '\n') { // Huh, apparently there were a whole bunch of spaces at the end of the line followed by a // newline. Skip the newline as well so we don't print a blank line. ++wrapPos; } text = text.slice(wrapPos); } } } // namespace kj