// Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <temporal@gmail.com> // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "async-io.h" #include "async-unix.h" #include "debug.h" #include <gtest/gtest.h> namespace kj { namespace { TEST(AsyncIo, SimpleNetwork) { auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo(); auto& network = ioContext.provider->getNetwork(); Own<ConnectionReceiver> listener; Own<AsyncIoStream> server; Own<AsyncIoStream> client; char receiveBuffer[4]; auto port = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>(); port.promise.then([&](uint portnum) { return network.parseAddress("localhost", portnum); }).then([&](Own<NetworkAddress>&& result) { return result->connect(); }).then([&](Own<AsyncIoStream>&& result) { client = kj::mv(result); return client->write("foo", 3); }).detach([](kj::Exception&& exception) { ADD_FAILURE() << kj::str(exception).cStr(); }); kj::String result = network.parseAddress("*").then([&](Own<NetworkAddress>&& result) { listener = result->listen(); port.fulfiller->fulfill(listener->getPort()); return listener->accept(); }).then([&](Own<AsyncIoStream>&& result) { server = kj::mv(result); return server->tryRead(receiveBuffer, 3, 4); }).then([&](size_t n) { EXPECT_EQ(3u, n); return heapString(receiveBuffer, n); }).wait(ioContext.waitScope); EXPECT_EQ("foo", result); } String tryParse(WaitScope& waitScope, Network& network, StringPtr text, uint portHint = 0) { return network.parseAddress(text, portHint).wait(waitScope)->toString(); } TEST(AsyncIo, AddressParsing) { auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo(); auto& w = ioContext.waitScope; auto& network = ioContext.provider->getNetwork(); EXPECT_EQ("*:0", tryParse(w, network, "*")); EXPECT_EQ("*:123", tryParse(w, network, "*:123")); EXPECT_EQ("[::]:123", tryParse(w, network, "0::0", 123)); EXPECT_EQ("", tryParse(w, network, "")); EXPECT_EQ("", tryParse(w, network, "", 5678)); EXPECT_EQ("[12ab:cd::34]:321", tryParse(w, network, "[12ab:cd:0::0:34]:321", 432)); EXPECT_EQ("unix:foo/bar/baz", tryParse(w, network, "unix:foo/bar/baz")); // We can parse services by name... EXPECT_EQ("", tryParse(w, network, "", 5678)); EXPECT_EQ("[::]:80", tryParse(w, network, "[::]:http", 5678)); EXPECT_EQ("[12ab:cd::34]:80", tryParse(w, network, "[12ab:cd::34]:http", 5678)); EXPECT_EQ("*:80", tryParse(w, network, "*:http", 5678)); // It would be nice to test DNS lookup here but the test would not be very hermetic. Even // localhost can map to different addresses depending on whether IPv6 is enabled. We do // connect to "localhost" in a different test, though. } TEST(AsyncIo, OneWayPipe) { auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo(); auto pipe = ioContext.provider->newOneWayPipe(); char receiveBuffer[4]; pipe.out->write("foo", 3).detach([](kj::Exception&& exception) { ADD_FAILURE() << kj::str(exception).cStr(); }); kj::String result = pipe.in->tryRead(receiveBuffer, 3, 4).then([&](size_t n) { EXPECT_EQ(3u, n); return heapString(receiveBuffer, n); }).wait(ioContext.waitScope); EXPECT_EQ("foo", result); } TEST(AsyncIo, TwoWayPipe) { auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo(); auto pipe = ioContext.provider->newTwoWayPipe(); char receiveBuffer1[4]; char receiveBuffer2[4]; auto promise = pipe.ends[0]->write("foo", 3).then([&]() { return pipe.ends[0]->tryRead(receiveBuffer1, 3, 4); }).then([&](size_t n) { EXPECT_EQ(3u, n); return heapString(receiveBuffer1, n); }); kj::String result = pipe.ends[1]->write("bar", 3).then([&]() { return pipe.ends[1]->tryRead(receiveBuffer2, 3, 4); }).then([&](size_t n) { EXPECT_EQ(3u, n); return heapString(receiveBuffer2, n); }).wait(ioContext.waitScope); kj::String result2 = promise.wait(ioContext.waitScope); EXPECT_EQ("foo", result); EXPECT_EQ("bar", result2); } TEST(AsyncIo, PipeThread) { auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo(); auto pipeThread = ioContext.provider->newPipeThread( [](AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream, WaitScope& waitScope) { char buf[4]; stream.write("foo", 3).wait(waitScope); EXPECT_EQ(3u, stream.tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait(waitScope)); EXPECT_EQ("bar", heapString(buf, 3)); // Expect disconnect. EXPECT_EQ(0, stream.tryRead(buf, 1, 1).wait(waitScope)); }); char buf[4]; pipeThread.pipe->write("bar", 3).wait(ioContext.waitScope); EXPECT_EQ(3u, pipeThread.pipe->tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait(ioContext.waitScope)); EXPECT_EQ("foo", heapString(buf, 3)); } TEST(AsyncIo, PipeThreadDisconnects) { // Like above, but in this case we expect the main thread to detect the pipe thread disconnecting. auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo(); auto pipeThread = ioContext.provider->newPipeThread( [](AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream, WaitScope& waitScope) { char buf[4]; stream.write("foo", 3).wait(waitScope); EXPECT_EQ(3u, stream.tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait(waitScope)); EXPECT_EQ("bar", heapString(buf, 3)); }); char buf[4]; EXPECT_EQ(3u, pipeThread.pipe->tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait(ioContext.waitScope)); EXPECT_EQ("foo", heapString(buf, 3)); pipeThread.pipe->write("bar", 3).wait(ioContext.waitScope); // Expect disconnect. EXPECT_EQ(0, pipeThread.pipe->tryRead(buf, 1, 1).wait(ioContext.waitScope)); } } // namespace } // namespace kj