// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
// Licensed under the MIT License:
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#ifndef CAPNP_RPC_H_
#define CAPNP_RPC_H_

#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(CAPNP_HEADER_WARNINGS)
#pragma GCC system_header

#include "capability.h"
#include "rpc-prelude.h"

namespace capnp {

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
class VatNetwork;
template <typename SturdyRefObjectId>
class SturdyRefRestorer;

template <typename VatId>
class BootstrapFactory: public _::BootstrapFactoryBase {
  // Interface that constructs per-client bootstrap interfaces. Use this if you want each client
  // who connects to see a different bootstrap interface based on their (authenticated) VatId.
  // This allows an application to bootstrap off of the authentication performed at the VatNetwork
  // level. (Typically VatId is some sort of public key.)
  // This is only useful for multi-party networks. For TwoPartyVatNetwork, there's no reason to
  // use a BootstrapFactory; just specify a single bootstrap capability in this case.

  virtual Capability::Client createFor(typename VatId::Reader clientId) = 0;
  // Create a bootstrap capability appropriate for exposing to the given client. VatNetwork will
  // have authenticated the client VatId before this is called.

  Capability::Client baseCreateFor(AnyStruct::Reader clientId) override;

template <typename VatId>
class RpcSystem: public _::RpcSystemBase {
  // Represents the RPC system, which is the portal to objects available on the network.
  // The RPC implementation sits on top of an implementation of `VatNetwork`.  The `VatNetwork`
  // determines how to form connections between vats -- specifically, two-way, private, reliable,
  // sequenced datagram connections.  The RPC implementation determines how to use such connections
  // to manage object references and make method calls.
  // See `makeRpcServer()` and `makeRpcClient()` below for convenient syntax for setting up an
  // `RpcSystem` given a `VatNetwork`.
  // See `ez-rpc.h` for an even simpler interface for setting up RPC in a typical two-party
  // client/server scenario.

  template <typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
            typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
      VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
      kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> bootstrapInterface,
      kj::Maybe<RealmGateway<>::Client> gateway = nullptr);

  template <typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
            typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
      VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
      BootstrapFactory<VatId>& bootstrapFactory,
      kj::Maybe<RealmGateway<>::Client> gateway = nullptr);

  template <typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
            typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult,
            typename LocalSturdyRefObjectId>
      VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
      SturdyRefRestorer<LocalSturdyRefObjectId>& restorer);

  RpcSystem(RpcSystem&& other) = default;

  Capability::Client bootstrap(typename VatId::Reader vatId);
  // Connect to the given vat and return its bootstrap interface.

  Capability::Client restore(typename VatId::Reader hostId, AnyPointer::Reader objectId)
      CAPNP_DEPRECATED("Please transition to using a bootstrap interface instead.");
  // ** DEPRECATED **
  // Restores the given SturdyRef from the network and return the capability representing it.
  // `hostId` identifies the host from which to request the ref, in the format specified by the
  // `VatNetwork` in use.  `objectId` is the object ID in whatever format is expected by said host.
  // This method will be removed in a future version of Cap'n Proto. Instead, please transition
  // to using bootstrap(), which is equivalent to calling restore() with a null `objectId`.
  // You may emulate the old concept of object IDs by exporting a bootstrap interface which has
  // methods that can be used to obtain other capabilities by ID.

  void setFlowLimit(size_t words);
  // Sets the incoming call flow limit. If more than `words` worth of call messages have not yet
  // received responses, the RpcSystem will not read further messages from the stream. This can be
  // used as a crude way to prevent a resource exhaustion attack (or bug) in which a peer makes an
  // excessive number of simultaneous calls that consume the receiver's RAM.
  // There are some caveats. When over the flow limit, all messages are blocked, including returns.
  // If the outstanding calls are themselves waiting on calls going in the opposite direction, the
  // flow limit may prevent those calls from completing, leading to deadlock. However, a
  // sufficiently high limit should make this unlikely.
  // Note that a call's parameter size counts against the flow limit until the call returns, even
  // if the recipient calls releaseParams() to free the parameter memory early. This is because
  // releaseParams() may simply indicate that the parameters have been forwarded to another
  // machine, but are still in-memory there. For illustration, say that Alice made a call to Bob
  // who forwarded the call to Carol. Bob has imposed a flow limit on Alice. Alice's calls are
  // being forwarded to Carol, so Bob never keeps the parameters in-memory for more than a brief
  // period. However, the flow limit counts all calls that haven't returned, even if Bob has
  // already freed the memory they consumed. You might argue that the right solution here is
  // instead for Carol to impose her own flow limit on Bob. This has a serious problem, though:
  // Bob might be forwarding requests to Carol on behalf of many different parties, not just Alice.
  // If Alice can pump enough data to hit the Bob -> Carol flow limit, then those other parties
  // will be disrupted. Thus, we can only really impose the limit on the Alice -> Bob link, which
  // only affects Alice. We need that one flow limit to limit Alice's impact on the whole system,
  // so it has to count all in-flight calls.
  // In Sandstorm, flow limits are imposed by the supervisor on calls coming out of a grain, in
  // order to prevent a grain from inundating the system with in-flight calls. In practice, the
  // main time this happens is when a grain is pushing a large file download and doesn't implement
  // proper cooperative flow control.

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    Capability::Client bootstrapInterface);
// Make an RPC server.  Typical usage (e.g. in a main() function):
//    MyEventLoop eventLoop;
//    kj::WaitScope waitScope(eventLoop);
//    MyNetwork network;
//    MyMainInterface::Client bootstrap = makeMain();
//    auto server = makeRpcServer(network, bootstrap);
//    kj::NEVER_DONE.wait(waitScope);  // run forever
// See also ez-rpc.h, which has simpler instructions for the common case of a two-party
// client-server RPC connection.

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult, typename RealmGatewayClient,
          typename InternalRef = _::InternalRefFromRealmGatewayClient<RealmGatewayClient>,
          typename ExternalRef = _::ExternalRefFromRealmGatewayClient<RealmGatewayClient>>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    Capability::Client bootstrapInterface, RealmGatewayClient gateway);
// Make an RPC server for a VatNetwork that resides in a different realm from the application.
// The given RealmGateway is used to translate SturdyRefs between the app's ("internal") format
// and the network's ("external") format.

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    BootstrapFactory<VatId>& bootstrapFactory);
// Make an RPC server that can serve different bootstrap interfaces to different clients via a
// BootstrapInterface.

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult, typename RealmGatewayClient,
          typename InternalRef = _::InternalRefFromRealmGatewayClient<RealmGatewayClient>,
          typename ExternalRef = _::ExternalRefFromRealmGatewayClient<RealmGatewayClient>>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    BootstrapFactory<VatId>& bootstrapFactory, RealmGatewayClient gateway);
// Make an RPC server that can serve different bootstrap interfaces to different clients via a
// BootstrapInterface and communicates with a different realm than the application is in via a
// RealmGateway.

template <typename VatId, typename LocalSturdyRefObjectId,
          typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId, typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    SturdyRefRestorer<LocalSturdyRefObjectId>& restorer)
    CAPNP_DEPRECATED("Please transition to using a bootstrap interface instead.");
// Create an RPC server which exports multiple main interfaces by object ID. The `restorer` object
// can be used to look up objects by ID.
// Please transition to exporting only one interface, which is known as the "bootstrap" interface.
// For backwards-compatibility with old clients, continue to implement SturdyRefRestorer, but
// return the new bootstrap interface when the request object ID is null. When new clients connect
// and request the bootstrap interface, they will get that interface. Eventually, once all clients
// are updated to request only the bootstrap interface, stop implementing SturdyRefRestorer and
// switch to passing the bootstrap capability itself as the second parameter to `makeRpcServer()`.

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId,
          typename RecipientId, typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcClient(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network);
// Make an RPC client.  Typical usage (e.g. in a main() function):
//    MyEventLoop eventLoop;
//    kj::WaitScope waitScope(eventLoop);
//    MyNetwork network;
//    auto client = makeRpcClient(network);
//    MyCapability::Client cap = client.restore(hostId, objId).castAs<MyCapability>();
//    auto response = cap.fooRequest().send().wait(waitScope);
//    handleMyResponse(response);
// See also ez-rpc.h, which has simpler instructions for the common case of a two-party
// client-server RPC connection.

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult, typename RealmGatewayClient,
          typename InternalRef = _::InternalRefFromRealmGatewayClient<RealmGatewayClient>,
          typename ExternalRef = _::ExternalRefFromRealmGatewayClient<RealmGatewayClient>>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcClient(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    RealmGatewayClient gateway);
// Make an RPC client for a VatNetwork that resides in a different realm from the application.
// The given RealmGateway is used to translate SturdyRefs between the app's ("internal") format
// and the network's ("external") format.

template <typename SturdyRefObjectId>
class SturdyRefRestorer: public _::SturdyRefRestorerBase {
  // ** DEPRECATED **
  // In Cap'n Proto 0.4.x, applications could export multiple main interfaces identified by
  // object IDs. The callback used to map object IDs to objects was `SturdyRefRestorer`, as we
  // imagined this would eventually be used for restoring SturdyRefs as well. In practice, it was
  // never used for real SturdyRefs, only for exporting singleton objects under well-known names.
  // The new preferred strategy is to export only a _single_ such interface, called the
  // "bootstrap interface". That interface can itself have methods for obtaining other objects, of
  // course, but that is up to the app. `SturdyRefRestorer` exists for backwards-compatibility.
  // Hint:  Use SturdyRefRestorer<capnp::Text> to define a server that exports services under
  //   string names.

  virtual Capability::Client restore(typename SturdyRefObjectId::Reader ref) CAPNP_DEPRECATED(
      "Please transition to using bootstrap interfaces instead of SturdyRefRestorer.") = 0;
  // Restore the given object, returning a capability representing it.

  Capability::Client baseRestore(AnyPointer::Reader ref) override final;

// =======================================================================================
// VatNetwork

class OutgoingRpcMessage {
  // A message to be sent by a `VatNetwork`.

  virtual AnyPointer::Builder getBody() = 0;
  // Get the message body, which the caller may fill in any way it wants.  (The standard RPC
  // implementation initializes it as a Message as defined in rpc.capnp.)

  virtual void send() = 0;
  // Send the message, or at least put it in a queue to be sent later.  Note that the builder
  // returned by `getBody()` remains valid at least until the `OutgoingRpcMessage` is destroyed.

class IncomingRpcMessage {
  // A message received from a `VatNetwork`.

  virtual AnyPointer::Reader getBody() = 0;
  // Get the message body, to be interpreted by the caller.  (The standard RPC implementation
  // interprets it as a Message as defined in rpc.capnp.)

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
class VatNetwork: public _::VatNetworkBase {
  // Cap'n Proto RPC operates between vats, where a "vat" is some sort of host of objects.
  // Typically one Cap'n Proto process (in the Unix sense) is one vat.  The RPC system is what
  // allows calls between objects hosted in different vats.
  // The RPC implementation sits on top of an implementation of `VatNetwork`.  The `VatNetwork`
  // determines how to form connections between vats -- specifically, two-way, private, reliable,
  // sequenced datagram connections.  The RPC implementation determines how to use such connections
  // to manage object references and make method calls.
  // The most common implementation of VatNetwork is TwoPartyVatNetwork (rpc-twoparty.h).  Most
  // simple client-server apps will want to use it.  (You may even want to use the EZ RPC
  // interfaces in `ez-rpc.h` and avoid all of this.)
  // TODO(someday):  Provide a standard implementation for the public internet.

  class Connection;

  struct ConnectionAndProvisionId {
    // Result of connecting to a vat introduced by another vat.

    kj::Own<Connection> connection;
    // Connection to the new vat.

    kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage> firstMessage;
    // An already-allocated `OutgoingRpcMessage` associated with `connection`.  The RPC system will
    // construct this as an `Accept` message and send it.

    Orphan<ProvisionId> provisionId;
    // A `ProvisionId` already allocated inside `firstMessage`, which the RPC system will use to
    // build the `Accept` message.

  class Connection: public _::VatNetworkBase::Connection {
    // A two-way RPC connection.
    // This object may represent a connection that doesn't exist yet, but is expected to exist
    // in the future.  In this case, sent messages will automatically be queued and sent once the
    // connection is ready, so that the caller doesn't need to know the difference.

    // Level 0 features ----------------------------------------------

    virtual typename VatId::Reader getPeerVatId() = 0;
    // Returns the connected vat's authenticated VatId. It is the VatNetwork's responsibility to
    // authenticate this, so that the caller can be assured that they are really talking to the
    // identified vat and not an imposter.

    virtual kj::Own<OutgoingRpcMessage> newOutgoingMessage(uint firstSegmentWordSize) override = 0;
    // Allocate a new message to be sent on this connection.
    // If `firstSegmentWordSize` is non-zero, it should be treated as a hint suggesting how large
    // to make the first segment.  This is entirely a hint and the connection may adjust it up or
    // down.  If it is zero, the connection should choose the size itself.

    virtual kj::Promise<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<IncomingRpcMessage>>> receiveIncomingMessage() override = 0;
    // Wait for a message to be received and return it.  If the read stream cleanly terminates,
    // return null.  If any other problem occurs, throw an exception.

    virtual kj::Promise<void> shutdown() override KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
    // Waits until all outgoing messages have been sent, then shuts down the outgoing stream. The
    // returned promise resolves after shutdown is complete.

    AnyStruct::Reader baseGetPeerVatId() override;

  // Level 0 features ------------------------------------------------

  virtual kj::Maybe<kj::Own<Connection>> connect(typename VatId::Reader hostId) = 0;
  // Connect to a VatId.  Note that this method immediately returns a `Connection`, even
  // if the network connection has not yet been established.  Messages can be queued to this
  // connection and will be delivered once it is open.  The caller must attempt to read from the
  // connection to verify that it actually succeeded; the read will fail if the connection
  // couldn't be opened.  Some network implementations may actually start sending messages before
  // hearing back from the server at all, to avoid a round trip.
  // Returns nullptr if `hostId` refers to the local host.

  virtual kj::Promise<kj::Own<Connection>> accept() = 0;
  // Wait for the next incoming connection and return it.

  // Level 4 features ------------------------------------------------
  // TODO(someday)

      baseConnect(AnyStruct::Reader hostId) override final;
  kj::Promise<kj::Own<_::VatNetworkBase::Connection>> baseAccept() override final;

// =======================================================================================
// ***************************************************************************************
// Inline implementation details start here
// ***************************************************************************************
// =======================================================================================

template <typename VatId>
Capability::Client BootstrapFactory<VatId>::baseCreateFor(AnyStruct::Reader clientId) {
  return createFor(clientId.as<VatId>());

template <typename SturdyRef, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
    VatNetwork<SturdyRef, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>::
    baseConnect(AnyStruct::Reader ref) {
  auto maybe = connect(ref.as<SturdyRef>());
  return maybe.map([](kj::Own<Connection>& conn) -> kj::Own<_::VatNetworkBase::Connection> {
    return kj::mv(conn);

template <typename SturdyRef, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
    VatNetwork<SturdyRef, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>::baseAccept() {
  return accept().then(
      [](kj::Own<Connection>&& connection) -> kj::Own<_::VatNetworkBase::Connection> {
    return kj::mv(connection);

template <typename SturdyRef, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
AnyStruct::Reader VatNetwork<
    SturdyRef, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>::
    Connection::baseGetPeerVatId() {
  return getPeerVatId();

template <typename SturdyRef>
Capability::Client SturdyRefRestorer<SturdyRef>::baseRestore(AnyPointer::Reader ref) {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
  return restore(ref.getAs<SturdyRef>());
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <typename VatId>
template <typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
      VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
      kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> bootstrap,
      kj::Maybe<RealmGateway<>::Client> gateway)
    : _::RpcSystemBase(network, kj::mv(bootstrap), kj::mv(gateway)) {}

template <typename VatId>
template <typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
      VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
      BootstrapFactory<VatId>& bootstrapFactory,
      kj::Maybe<RealmGateway<>::Client> gateway)
    : _::RpcSystemBase(network, bootstrapFactory, kj::mv(gateway)) {}

template <typename VatId>
template <typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult,
          typename LocalSturdyRefObjectId>
      VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
      SturdyRefRestorer<LocalSturdyRefObjectId>& restorer)
    : _::RpcSystemBase(network, restorer) {}

template <typename VatId>
Capability::Client RpcSystem<VatId>::bootstrap(typename VatId::Reader vatId) {
  return baseBootstrap(_::PointerHelpers<VatId>::getInternalReader(vatId));

template <typename VatId>
Capability::Client RpcSystem<VatId>::restore(
    typename VatId::Reader hostId, AnyPointer::Reader objectId) {
  return baseRestore(_::PointerHelpers<VatId>::getInternalReader(hostId), objectId);

template <typename VatId>
inline void RpcSystem<VatId>::setFlowLimit(size_t words) {

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    Capability::Client bootstrapInterface) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, kj::mv(bootstrapInterface));

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult,
          typename RealmGatewayClient, typename InternalRef, typename ExternalRef>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    Capability::Client bootstrapInterface, RealmGatewayClient gateway) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, kj::mv(bootstrapInterface),
      gateway.template castAs<RealmGateway<>>());

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    BootstrapFactory<VatId>& bootstrapFactory) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, bootstrapFactory);

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId,
          typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult,
          typename RealmGatewayClient, typename InternalRef, typename ExternalRef>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    BootstrapFactory<VatId>& bootstrapFactory, RealmGatewayClient gateway) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, bootstrapFactory, gateway.template castAs<RealmGateway<>>());

template <typename VatId, typename LocalSturdyRefObjectId,
          typename ProvisionId, typename RecipientId, typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcServer(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    SturdyRefRestorer<LocalSturdyRefObjectId>& restorer) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, restorer);

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId,
          typename RecipientId, typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcClient(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, nullptr);

template <typename VatId, typename ProvisionId,
          typename RecipientId, typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult,
          typename RealmGatewayClient, typename InternalRef, typename ExternalRef>
RpcSystem<VatId> makeRpcClient(
    VatNetwork<VatId, ProvisionId, RecipientId, ThirdPartyCapId, JoinResult>& network,
    RealmGatewayClient gateway) {
  return RpcSystem<VatId>(network, nullptr, gateway.template castAs<RealmGateway<>>());

}  // namespace capnp

#endif  // CAPNP_RPC_H_