// Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <temporal@gmail.com> // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifndef KJ_MEMORY_H_ #define KJ_MEMORY_H_ #include "common.h" namespace kj { // ======================================================================================= // Disposer -- Implementation details. class Disposer { // Abstract interface for a thing that "disposes" of objects, where "disposing" usually means // calling the destructor followed by freeing the underlying memory. `Own<T>` encapsulates an // object pointer with corresponding Disposer. // // Few developers will ever touch this interface. It is primarily useful for those implementing // custom memory allocators. protected: // Do not declare a destructor, as doing so will force a global initializer for each HeapDisposer // instance. Eww! virtual void disposeImpl(void* pointer) const = 0; // Disposes of the object, given a pointer to the beginning of the object. If the object is // polymorphic, this pointer is determined by dynamic_cast<void*>(). For non-polymorphic types, // Own<T> does not allow any casting, so the pointer exactly matches the original one given to // Own<T>. public: template <typename T> void dispose(T* object) const; // Helper wrapper around disposeImpl(). // // If T is polymorphic, calls `disposeImpl(dynamic_cast<void*>(object))`, otherwise calls // `disposeImpl(implicitCast<void*>(object))`. // // Callers must not call dispose() on the same pointer twice, even if the first call throws // an exception. private: template <typename T, bool polymorphic = __is_polymorphic(T)> struct Dispose_; }; template <typename T> class DestructorOnlyDisposer: public Disposer { // A disposer that merely calls the type's destructor and nothing else. public: static const DestructorOnlyDisposer instance; void disposeImpl(void* pointer) const override { reinterpret_cast<T*>(pointer)->~T(); } }; template <typename T> const DestructorOnlyDisposer<T> DestructorOnlyDisposer<T>::instance = DestructorOnlyDisposer<T>(); class NullDisposer: public Disposer { // A disposer that does nothing. public: static const NullDisposer instance; void disposeImpl(void* pointer) const override {} }; // ======================================================================================= // Own<T> -- An owned pointer. template <typename T> class Own { // A transferrable title to a T. When an Own<T> goes out of scope, the object's Disposer is // called to dispose of it. An Own<T> can be efficiently passed by move, without relocating the // underlying object; this transfers ownership. // // This is much like std::unique_ptr, except: // - You cannot release(). An owned object is not necessarily allocated with new (see next // point), so it would be hard to use release() correctly. // - The deleter is made polymorphic by virtual call rather than by template. This is much // more powerful -- it allows the use of custom allocators, freelists, etc. This could // _almost_ be accomplished with unique_ptr by forcing everyone to use something like // std::unique_ptr<T, kj::Deleter>, except that things get hairy in the presence of multiple // inheritance and upcasting, and anyway if you force everyone to use a custom deleter // then you've lost any benefit to interoperating with the "standard" unique_ptr. public: KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(Own); inline Own(): disposer(nullptr), ptr(nullptr) {} inline Own(Own&& other) noexcept : disposer(other.disposer), ptr(other.ptr) { other.ptr = nullptr; } inline Own(Own<RemoveConstOrDisable<T>>&& other) noexcept : disposer(other.disposer), ptr(other.ptr) { other.ptr = nullptr; } template <typename U, typename = EnableIf<canConvert<U*, T*>()>> inline Own(Own<U>&& other) noexcept : disposer(other.disposer), ptr(other.ptr) { static_assert(__is_polymorphic(T), "Casting owned pointers requires that the target type is polymorphic."); other.ptr = nullptr; } inline Own(T* ptr, const Disposer& disposer) noexcept: disposer(&disposer), ptr(ptr) {} ~Own() noexcept(false) { dispose(); } inline Own& operator=(Own&& other) { // Move-assingnment operator. // Careful, this might own `other`. Therefore we have to transfer the pointers first, then // dispose. const Disposer* disposerCopy = disposer; T* ptrCopy = ptr; disposer = other.disposer; ptr = other.ptr; other.ptr = nullptr; if (ptrCopy != nullptr) { disposerCopy->dispose(const_cast<RemoveConst<T>*>(ptrCopy)); } return *this; } inline Own& operator=(decltype(nullptr)) { dispose(); return *this; } template <typename U> Own<U> downcast() { // Downcast the pointer to Own<U>, destroying the original pointer. If this pointer does not // actually point at an instance of U, the results are undefined (throws an exception in debug // mode if RTTI is enabled, otherwise you're on your own). Own<U> result; if (ptr != nullptr) { result.ptr = &kj::downcast<U>(*ptr); result.disposer = disposer; ptr = nullptr; } return result; } inline T* operator->() { return ptr; } inline const T* operator->() const { return ptr; } inline T& operator*() { return *ptr; } inline const T& operator*() const { return *ptr; } inline T* get() { return ptr; } inline const T* get() const { return ptr; } inline operator T*() { return ptr; } inline operator const T*() const { return ptr; } private: const Disposer* disposer; // Only valid if ptr != nullptr. T* ptr; inline explicit Own(decltype(nullptr)): disposer(nullptr), ptr(nullptr) {} inline bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) { return ptr == nullptr; } inline bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) { return ptr != nullptr; } // Only called by Maybe<Own<T>>. inline void dispose() { // Make sure that if an exception is thrown, we are left with a null ptr, so we won't possibly // dispose again. T* ptrCopy = ptr; if (ptrCopy != nullptr) { ptr = nullptr; disposer->dispose(const_cast<RemoveConst<T>*>(ptrCopy)); } } template <typename U> friend class Own; friend class Maybe<Own<T>>; }; namespace _ { // private template <typename T> class OwnOwn { public: inline OwnOwn(Own<T>&& value) noexcept: value(kj::mv(value)) {} inline Own<T>& operator*() { return value; } inline const Own<T>& operator*() const { return value; } inline Own<T>* operator->() { return &value; } inline const Own<T>* operator->() const { return &value; } inline operator Own<T>*() { return value ? &value : nullptr; } inline operator const Own<T>*() const { return value ? &value : nullptr; } private: Own<T> value; }; template <typename T> OwnOwn<T> readMaybe(Maybe<Own<T>>&& maybe) { return OwnOwn<T>(kj::mv(maybe.ptr)); } template <typename T> Own<T>* readMaybe(Maybe<Own<T>>& maybe) { return maybe.ptr ? &maybe.ptr : nullptr; } template <typename T> const Own<T>* readMaybe(const Maybe<Own<T>>& maybe) { return maybe.ptr ? &maybe.ptr : nullptr; } } // namespace _ (private) template <typename T> class Maybe<Own<T>> { public: inline Maybe(): ptr(nullptr) {} inline Maybe(Own<T>&& t) noexcept: ptr(kj::mv(t)) {} inline Maybe(Maybe&& other) noexcept: ptr(kj::mv(other.ptr)) {} template <typename U> inline Maybe(Maybe<Own<U>>&& other): ptr(mv(other.ptr)) {} inline Maybe(decltype(nullptr)) noexcept: ptr(nullptr) {} inline operator Maybe<T&>() { return ptr.get(); } inline operator Maybe<const T&>() const { return ptr.get(); } inline Maybe& operator=(Maybe&& other) { ptr = kj::mv(other.ptr); return *this; } inline bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const { return ptr == nullptr; } inline bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const { return ptr != nullptr; } Own<T>& orDefault(Own<T>& defaultValue) { if (ptr == nullptr) { return defaultValue; } else { return ptr; } } const Own<T>& orDefault(const Own<T>& defaultValue) const { if (ptr == nullptr) { return defaultValue; } else { return ptr; } } template <typename Func> auto map(Func&& f) -> Maybe<decltype(f(instance<Own<T>&>()))> { if (ptr == nullptr) { return nullptr; } else { return f(ptr); } } template <typename Func> auto map(Func&& f) const -> Maybe<decltype(f(instance<const Own<T>&>()))> { if (ptr == nullptr) { return nullptr; } else { return f(ptr); } } // TODO(someday): Once it's safe to require GCC 4.8, use ref qualifiers to provide a version of // map() that uses move semantics if *this is an rvalue. private: Own<T> ptr; template <typename U> friend class Maybe; template <typename U> friend _::OwnOwn<U> _::readMaybe(Maybe<Own<U>>&& maybe); template <typename U> friend Own<U>* _::readMaybe(Maybe<Own<U>>& maybe); template <typename U> friend const Own<U>* _::readMaybe(const Maybe<Own<U>>& maybe); }; namespace _ { // private template <typename T> class HeapDisposer final: public Disposer { public: virtual void disposeImpl(void* pointer) const override { delete reinterpret_cast<T*>(pointer); } static const HeapDisposer instance; }; template <typename T> const HeapDisposer<T> HeapDisposer<T>::instance = HeapDisposer<T>(); } // namespace _ (private) template <typename T, typename... Params> Own<T> heap(Params&&... params) { // heap<T>(...) allocates a T on the heap, forwarding the parameters to its constructor. The // exact heap implementation is unspecified -- for now it is operator new, but you should not // assume this. (Since we know the object size at delete time, we could actually implement an // allocator that is more efficient than operator new.) return Own<T>(new T(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...), _::HeapDisposer<T>::instance); } template <typename T> Own<Decay<T>> heap(T&& orig) { // Allocate a copy (or move) of the argument on the heap. // // The purpose of this overload is to allow you to omit the template parameter as there is only // one argument and the purpose is to copy it. typedef Decay<T> T2; return Own<T2>(new T2(kj::fwd<T>(orig)), _::HeapDisposer<T2>::instance); } // ======================================================================================= // SpaceFor<T> -- assists in manual allocation template <typename T> class SpaceFor { // A class which has the same size and alignment as T but does not call its constructor or // destructor automatically. Instead, call construct() to construct a T in the space, which // returns an Own<T> which will take care of calling T's destructor later. public: inline SpaceFor() {} inline ~SpaceFor() {} template <typename... Params> Own<T> construct(Params&&... params) { ctor(value, kj::fwd<Params>(params)...); return Own<T>(&value, DestructorOnlyDisposer<T>::instance); } private: union { T value; }; }; // ======================================================================================= // Inline implementation details template <typename T> struct Disposer::Dispose_<T, true> { static void dispose(T* object, const Disposer& disposer) { // Note that dynamic_cast<void*> does not require RTTI to be enabled, because the offset to // the top of the object is in the vtable -- as it obviously needs to be to correctly implement // operator delete. disposer.disposeImpl(dynamic_cast<void*>(object)); } }; template <typename T> struct Disposer::Dispose_<T, false> { static void dispose(T* object, const Disposer& disposer) { disposer.disposeImpl(static_cast<void*>(object)); } }; template <typename T> void Disposer::dispose(T* object) const { Dispose_<T>::dispose(object, *this); } } // namespace kj #endif // KJ_MEMORY_H_