// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #define CAPNP_PRIVATE #include "capability.h" #include "message.h" #include "arena.h" #include <kj/refcount.h> #include <kj/debug.h> #include <kj/vector.h> #include <map> #include "generated-header-support.h" namespace capnp { namespace _ { void setGlobalBrokenCapFactoryForLayoutCpp(BrokenCapFactory& factory); // Defined in layout.c++. } // namespace _ namespace { static kj::Own<ClientHook> newNullCap(); class BrokenCapFactoryImpl: public _::BrokenCapFactory { public: kj::Own<ClientHook> newBrokenCap(kj::StringPtr description) override { return capnp::newBrokenCap(description); } kj::Own<ClientHook> newNullCap() override { return capnp::newNullCap(); } }; static BrokenCapFactoryImpl brokenCapFactory; } // namespace ClientHook::ClientHook() { setGlobalBrokenCapFactoryForLayoutCpp(brokenCapFactory); } void* ClientHook::getLocalServer(_::CapabilityServerSetBase& capServerSet) { return nullptr; } // ======================================================================================= Capability::Client::Client(decltype(nullptr)) : hook(newNullCap()) {} Capability::Client::Client(kj::Exception&& exception) : hook(newBrokenCap(kj::mv(exception))) {} kj::Promise<void> Capability::Server::internalUnimplemented( const char* actualInterfaceName, uint64_t requestedTypeId) { return KJ_EXCEPTION(UNIMPLEMENTED, "Requested interface not implemented.", actualInterfaceName, requestedTypeId); } kj::Promise<void> Capability::Server::internalUnimplemented( const char* interfaceName, uint64_t typeId, uint16_t methodId) { return KJ_EXCEPTION(UNIMPLEMENTED, "Method not implemented.", interfaceName, typeId, methodId); } kj::Promise<void> Capability::Server::internalUnimplemented( const char* interfaceName, const char* methodName, uint64_t typeId, uint16_t methodId) { return KJ_EXCEPTION(UNIMPLEMENTED, "Method not implemented.", interfaceName, typeId, methodName, methodId); } ResponseHook::~ResponseHook() noexcept(false) {} kj::Promise<void> ClientHook::whenResolved() { KJ_IF_MAYBE(promise, whenMoreResolved()) { return promise->then([](kj::Own<ClientHook>&& resolution) { return resolution->whenResolved(); }); } else { return kj::READY_NOW; } } // ======================================================================================= static inline uint firstSegmentSize(kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(s, sizeHint) { return s->wordCount; } else { return SUGGESTED_FIRST_SEGMENT_WORDS; } } class LocalResponse final: public ResponseHook, public kj::Refcounted { public: LocalResponse(kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) : message(firstSegmentSize(sizeHint)) {} MallocMessageBuilder message; }; class LocalCallContext final: public CallContextHook, public kj::Refcounted { public: LocalCallContext(kj::Own<MallocMessageBuilder>&& request, kj::Own<ClientHook> clientRef, kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>> cancelAllowedFulfiller) : request(kj::mv(request)), clientRef(kj::mv(clientRef)), cancelAllowedFulfiller(kj::mv(cancelAllowedFulfiller)) {} AnyPointer::Reader getParams() override { KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, request) { return r->get()->getRoot<AnyPointer>(); } else { KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Can't call getParams() after releaseParams()."); } } void releaseParams() override { request = nullptr; } AnyPointer::Builder getResults(kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override { if (response == nullptr) { auto localResponse = kj::refcounted<LocalResponse>(sizeHint); responseBuilder = localResponse->message.getRoot<AnyPointer>(); response = Response<AnyPointer>(responseBuilder.asReader(), kj::mv(localResponse)); } return responseBuilder; } kj::Promise<void> tailCall(kj::Own<RequestHook>&& request) override { auto result = directTailCall(kj::mv(request)); KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, tailCallPipelineFulfiller) { f->get()->fulfill(AnyPointer::Pipeline(kj::mv(result.pipeline))); } return kj::mv(result.promise); } ClientHook::VoidPromiseAndPipeline directTailCall(kj::Own<RequestHook>&& request) override { KJ_REQUIRE(response == nullptr, "Can't call tailCall() after initializing the results struct."); auto promise = request->send(); auto voidPromise = promise.then([this](Response<AnyPointer>&& tailResponse) { response = kj::mv(tailResponse); }); return { kj::mv(voidPromise), PipelineHook::from(kj::mv(promise)) }; } kj::Promise<AnyPointer::Pipeline> onTailCall() override { auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<AnyPointer::Pipeline>(); tailCallPipelineFulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller); return kj::mv(paf.promise); } void allowCancellation() override { cancelAllowedFulfiller->fulfill(); } kj::Own<CallContextHook> addRef() override { return kj::addRef(*this); } kj::Maybe<kj::Own<MallocMessageBuilder>> request; kj::Maybe<Response<AnyPointer>> response; AnyPointer::Builder responseBuilder = nullptr; // only valid if `response` is non-null kj::Own<ClientHook> clientRef; kj::Maybe<kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<AnyPointer::Pipeline>>> tailCallPipelineFulfiller; kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>> cancelAllowedFulfiller; }; class LocalRequest final: public RequestHook { public: inline LocalRequest(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint, kj::Own<ClientHook> client) : message(kj::heap<MallocMessageBuilder>(firstSegmentSize(sizeHint))), interfaceId(interfaceId), methodId(methodId), client(kj::mv(client)) {} RemotePromise<AnyPointer> send() override { KJ_REQUIRE(message.get() != nullptr, "Already called send() on this request."); // For the lambda capture. uint64_t interfaceId = this->interfaceId; uint16_t methodId = this->methodId; auto cancelPaf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>(); auto context = kj::refcounted<LocalCallContext>( kj::mv(message), client->addRef(), kj::mv(cancelPaf.fulfiller)); auto promiseAndPipeline = client->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::addRef(*context)); // We have to make sure the call is not canceled unless permitted. We need to fork the promise // so that if the client drops their copy, the promise isn't necessarily canceled. auto forked = promiseAndPipeline.promise.fork(); // We daemonize one branch, but only after joining it with the promise that fires if // cancellation is allowed. forked.addBranch() .attach(kj::addRef(*context)) .exclusiveJoin(kj::mv(cancelPaf.promise)) .detach([](kj::Exception&&) {}); // ignore exceptions // Now the other branch returns the response from the context. auto promise = forked.addBranch().then(kj::mvCapture(context, [](kj::Own<LocalCallContext>&& context) { context->getResults(MessageSize { 0, 0 }); // force response allocation return kj::mv(KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(context->response)); })); // We return the other branch. return RemotePromise<AnyPointer>( kj::mv(promise), AnyPointer::Pipeline(kj::mv(promiseAndPipeline.pipeline))); } const void* getBrand() override { return nullptr; } kj::Own<MallocMessageBuilder> message; private: uint64_t interfaceId; uint16_t methodId; kj::Own<ClientHook> client; }; // ======================================================================================= // Call queues // // These classes handle pipelining in the case where calls need to be queued in-memory until some // local operation completes. class QueuedPipeline final: public PipelineHook, public kj::Refcounted { // A PipelineHook which simply queues calls while waiting for a PipelineHook to which to forward // them. public: QueuedPipeline(kj::Promise<kj::Own<PipelineHook>>&& promiseParam) : promise(promiseParam.fork()), selfResolutionOp(promise.addBranch().then([this](kj::Own<PipelineHook>&& inner) { redirect = kj::mv(inner); }, [this](kj::Exception&& exception) { redirect = newBrokenPipeline(kj::mv(exception)); }).eagerlyEvaluate(nullptr)) {} kj::Own<PipelineHook> addRef() override { return kj::addRef(*this); } kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) override { auto copy = kj::heapArrayBuilder<PipelineOp>(ops.size()); for (auto& op: ops) { copy.add(op); } return getPipelinedCap(copy.finish()); } kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops) override; private: kj::ForkedPromise<kj::Own<PipelineHook>> promise; kj::Maybe<kj::Own<PipelineHook>> redirect; // Once the promise resolves, this will become non-null and point to the underlying object. kj::Promise<void> selfResolutionOp; // Represents the operation which will set `redirect` when possible. }; class QueuedClient final: public ClientHook, public kj::Refcounted { // A ClientHook which simply queues calls while waiting for a ClientHook to which to forward // them. public: QueuedClient(kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>&& promiseParam) : promise(promiseParam.fork()), selfResolutionOp(promise.addBranch().then([this](kj::Own<ClientHook>&& inner) { redirect = kj::mv(inner); }, [this](kj::Exception&& exception) { redirect = newBrokenCap(kj::mv(exception)); }).eagerlyEvaluate(nullptr)), promiseForCallForwarding(promise.addBranch().fork()), promiseForClientResolution(promise.addBranch().fork()) {} Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall( uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override { auto hook = kj::heap<LocalRequest>( interfaceId, methodId, sizeHint, kj::addRef(*this)); auto root = hook->message->getRoot<AnyPointer>(); return Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer>(root, kj::mv(hook)); } VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override { // This is a bit complicated. We need to initiate this call later on. When we initiate the // call, we'll get a void promise for its completion and a pipeline object. Right now, we have // to produce a similar void promise and pipeline that will eventually be chained to those. // The problem is, these are two independent objects, but they both depend on the result of // one future call. // // So, we need to set up a continuation that will initiate the call later, then we need to // fork the promise for that continuation in order to send the completion promise and the // pipeline to their respective places. // // TODO(perf): Too much reference counting? Can we do better? Maybe a way to fork // Promise<Tuple<T, U>> into Tuple<Promise<T>, Promise<U>>? struct CallResultHolder: public kj::Refcounted { // Essentially acts as a refcounted \VoidPromiseAndPipeline, so that we can create a promise // for it and fork that promise. VoidPromiseAndPipeline content; // One branch of the fork will use content.promise, the other branch will use // content.pipeline. Neither branch will touch the other's piece. inline CallResultHolder(VoidPromiseAndPipeline&& content): content(kj::mv(content)) {} kj::Own<CallResultHolder> addRef() { return kj::addRef(*this); } }; // Create a promise for the call initiation. kj::ForkedPromise<kj::Own<CallResultHolder>> callResultPromise = promiseForCallForwarding.addBranch().then(kj::mvCapture(context, [=](kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context, kj::Own<ClientHook>&& client){ return kj::refcounted<CallResultHolder>( client->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context))); })).fork(); // Create a promise that extracts the pipeline from the call initiation, and construct our // QueuedPipeline to chain to it. auto pipelinePromise = callResultPromise.addBranch().then( [](kj::Own<CallResultHolder>&& callResult){ return kj::mv(callResult->content.pipeline); }); auto pipeline = kj::refcounted<QueuedPipeline>(kj::mv(pipelinePromise)); // Create a promise that simply chains to the void promise produced by the call initiation. auto completionPromise = callResultPromise.addBranch().then( [](kj::Own<CallResultHolder>&& callResult){ return kj::mv(callResult->content.promise); }); // OK, now we can actually return our thing. return VoidPromiseAndPipeline { kj::mv(completionPromise), kj::mv(pipeline) }; } kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override { KJ_IF_MAYBE(inner, redirect) { return **inner; } else { return nullptr; } } kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override { return promiseForClientResolution.addBranch(); } kj::Own<ClientHook> addRef() override { return kj::addRef(*this); } const void* getBrand() override { return nullptr; } private: typedef kj::ForkedPromise<kj::Own<ClientHook>> ClientHookPromiseFork; kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> redirect; // Once the promise resolves, this will become non-null and point to the underlying object. ClientHookPromiseFork promise; // Promise that resolves when we have a new ClientHook to forward to. // // This fork shall only have three branches: `selfResolutionOp`, `promiseForCallForwarding`, and // `promiseForClientResolution`, in that order. kj::Promise<void> selfResolutionOp; // Represents the operation which will set `redirect` when possible. ClientHookPromiseFork promiseForCallForwarding; // When this promise resolves, each queued call will be forwarded to the real client. This needs // to occur *before* any 'whenMoreResolved()' promises resolve, because we want to make sure // previously-queued calls are delivered before any new calls made in response to the resolution. ClientHookPromiseFork promiseForClientResolution; // whenMoreResolved() returns forks of this promise. These must resolve *after* queued calls // have been initiated (so that any calls made in the whenMoreResolved() handler are correctly // delivered after calls made earlier), but *before* any queued calls return (because it might // confuse the application if a queued call returns before the capability on which it was made // resolves). Luckily, we know that queued calls will involve, at the very least, an // eventLoop.evalLater. }; kj::Own<ClientHook> QueuedPipeline::getPipelinedCap(kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, redirect) { return r->get()->getPipelinedCap(kj::mv(ops)); } else { auto clientPromise = promise.addBranch().then(kj::mvCapture(ops, [](kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops, kj::Own<PipelineHook> pipeline) { return pipeline->getPipelinedCap(kj::mv(ops)); })); return kj::refcounted<QueuedClient>(kj::mv(clientPromise)); } } // ======================================================================================= class LocalPipeline final: public PipelineHook, public kj::Refcounted { public: inline LocalPipeline(kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& contextParam) : context(kj::mv(contextParam)), results(context->getResults(MessageSize { 0, 0 })) {} kj::Own<PipelineHook> addRef() { return kj::addRef(*this); } kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) { return results.getPipelinedCap(ops); } private: kj::Own<CallContextHook> context; AnyPointer::Reader results; }; class LocalClient final: public ClientHook, public kj::Refcounted { public: LocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& serverParam) : server(kj::mv(serverParam)) { server->thisHook = this; } LocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& serverParam, _::CapabilityServerSetBase& capServerSet, void* ptr) : server(kj::mv(serverParam)), capServerSet(&capServerSet), ptr(ptr) { server->thisHook = this; } ~LocalClient() noexcept(false) { server->thisHook = nullptr; } Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall( uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override { auto hook = kj::heap<LocalRequest>( interfaceId, methodId, sizeHint, kj::addRef(*this)); auto root = hook->message->getRoot<AnyPointer>(); return Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer>(root, kj::mv(hook)); } VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override { auto contextPtr = context.get(); // We don't want to actually dispatch the call synchronously, because we don't want the callee // to have any side effects before the promise is returned to the caller. This helps avoid // race conditions. // // So, we do an evalLater() here. // // Note also that QueuedClient depends on this evalLater() to ensure that pipelined calls don't // complete before 'whenMoreResolved()' promises resolve. auto promise = kj::evalLater([this,interfaceId,methodId,contextPtr]() { return server->dispatchCall(interfaceId, methodId, CallContext<AnyPointer, AnyPointer>(*contextPtr)); }).attach(kj::addRef(*this)); // We have to fork this promise for the pipeline to receive a copy of the answer. auto forked = promise.fork(); auto pipelinePromise = forked.addBranch().then(kj::mvCapture(context->addRef(), [=](kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) -> kj::Own<PipelineHook> { context->releaseParams(); return kj::refcounted<LocalPipeline>(kj::mv(context)); })); auto tailPipelinePromise = context->onTailCall().then([](AnyPointer::Pipeline&& pipeline) { return kj::mv(pipeline.hook); }); pipelinePromise = pipelinePromise.exclusiveJoin(kj::mv(tailPipelinePromise)); auto completionPromise = forked.addBranch().attach(kj::mv(context)); return VoidPromiseAndPipeline { kj::mv(completionPromise), kj::refcounted<QueuedPipeline>(kj::mv(pipelinePromise)) }; } kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override { return nullptr; } kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override { return nullptr; } kj::Own<ClientHook> addRef() override { return kj::addRef(*this); } const void* getBrand() override { // We have no need to detect local objects. return nullptr; } void* getLocalServer(_::CapabilityServerSetBase& capServerSet) override { if (this->capServerSet == &capServerSet) { return ptr; } else { return nullptr; } } private: kj::Own<Capability::Server> server; _::CapabilityServerSetBase* capServerSet = nullptr; void* ptr = nullptr; }; kj::Own<ClientHook> Capability::Client::makeLocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server) { return kj::refcounted<LocalClient>(kj::mv(server)); } kj::Own<ClientHook> newLocalPromiseClient(kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>&& promise) { return kj::refcounted<QueuedClient>(kj::mv(promise)); } kj::Own<PipelineHook> newLocalPromisePipeline(kj::Promise<kj::Own<PipelineHook>>&& promise) { return kj::refcounted<QueuedPipeline>(kj::mv(promise)); } // ======================================================================================= namespace { class BrokenPipeline final: public PipelineHook, public kj::Refcounted { public: BrokenPipeline(const kj::Exception& exception): exception(exception) {} kj::Own<PipelineHook> addRef() override { return kj::addRef(*this); } kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) override; private: kj::Exception exception; }; class BrokenRequest final: public RequestHook { public: BrokenRequest(const kj::Exception& exception, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) : exception(exception), message(firstSegmentSize(sizeHint)) {} RemotePromise<AnyPointer> send() override { return RemotePromise<AnyPointer>(kj::cp(exception), AnyPointer::Pipeline(kj::refcounted<BrokenPipeline>(exception))); } const void* getBrand() override { return nullptr; } kj::Exception exception; MallocMessageBuilder message; }; class BrokenClient final: public ClientHook, public kj::Refcounted { public: BrokenClient(const kj::Exception& exception, bool resolved, const void* brand = nullptr) : exception(exception), resolved(resolved), brand(brand) {} BrokenClient(const kj::StringPtr description, bool resolved, const void* brand = nullptr) : exception(kj::Exception::Type::FAILED, "", 0, kj::str(description)), resolved(resolved), brand(brand) {} Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall( uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) override { return newBrokenRequest(kj::cp(exception), sizeHint); } VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override { return VoidPromiseAndPipeline { kj::cp(exception), kj::refcounted<BrokenPipeline>(exception) }; } kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override { return nullptr; } kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> whenMoreResolved() override { if (resolved) { return nullptr; } else { return kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>>(kj::cp(exception)); } } kj::Own<ClientHook> addRef() override { return kj::addRef(*this); } const void* getBrand() override { return brand; } private: kj::Exception exception; bool resolved; const void* brand; }; kj::Own<ClientHook> BrokenPipeline::getPipelinedCap(kj::ArrayPtr<const PipelineOp> ops) { return kj::refcounted<BrokenClient>(exception, false); } kj::Own<ClientHook> newNullCap() { // A null capability, unlike other broken capabilities, is considered resolved. return kj::refcounted<BrokenClient>("Called null capability.", true, &ClientHook::NULL_CAPABILITY_BRAND); } } // namespace kj::Own<ClientHook> newBrokenCap(kj::StringPtr reason) { return kj::refcounted<BrokenClient>(reason, false); } kj::Own<ClientHook> newBrokenCap(kj::Exception&& reason) { return kj::refcounted<BrokenClient>(kj::mv(reason), false); } kj::Own<PipelineHook> newBrokenPipeline(kj::Exception&& reason) { return kj::refcounted<BrokenPipeline>(kj::mv(reason)); } Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newBrokenRequest( kj::Exception&& reason, kj::Maybe<MessageSize> sizeHint) { auto hook = kj::heap<BrokenRequest>(kj::mv(reason), sizeHint); auto root = hook->message.getRoot<AnyPointer>(); return Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer>(root, kj::mv(hook)); } // ======================================================================================= ReaderCapabilityTable::ReaderCapabilityTable( kj::Array<kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>>> table) : table(kj::mv(table)) { setGlobalBrokenCapFactoryForLayoutCpp(brokenCapFactory); } kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> ReaderCapabilityTable::extractCap(uint index) { if (index < table.size()) { return table[index].map([](kj::Own<ClientHook>& cap) { return cap->addRef(); }); } else { return nullptr; } } BuilderCapabilityTable::BuilderCapabilityTable() { setGlobalBrokenCapFactoryForLayoutCpp(brokenCapFactory); } kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> BuilderCapabilityTable::extractCap(uint index) { if (index < table.size()) { return table[index].map([](kj::Own<ClientHook>& cap) { return cap->addRef(); }); } else { return nullptr; } } uint BuilderCapabilityTable::injectCap(kj::Own<ClientHook>&& cap) { uint result = table.size(); table.add(kj::mv(cap)); return result; } void BuilderCapabilityTable::dropCap(uint index) { KJ_ASSERT(index < table.size(), "Invalid capability descriptor in message.") { return; } table[index] = nullptr; } // ======================================================================================= // CapabilityServerSet namespace _ { // private Capability::Client CapabilityServerSetBase::addInternal( kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server, void* ptr) { return Capability::Client(kj::refcounted<LocalClient>(kj::mv(server), *this, ptr)); } kj::Promise<void*> CapabilityServerSetBase::getLocalServerInternal(Capability::Client& client) { ClientHook* hook = client.hook.get(); // Get the most-resolved-so-far version of the hook. KJ_IF_MAYBE(h, hook->getResolved()) { hook = h; }; KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, hook->whenMoreResolved()) { // This hook is an unresolved promise. We need to wait for it. return p->attach(hook->addRef()) .then([this](kj::Own<ClientHook>&& resolved) { Capability::Client client(kj::mv(resolved)); return getLocalServerInternal(client); }); } else { return hook->getLocalServer(*this); } } } // namespace _ (private) } // namespace capnp