// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #pragma once #if defined(__GNUC__) && !KJ_HEADER_WARNINGS #pragma GCC system_header #endif #include "memory.h" #include "array.h" #include "string.h" #include "windows-sanity.h" // work-around macro conflict with `ERROR` namespace kj { class ExceptionImpl; template <typename T> class Function; class Exception { // Exception thrown in case of fatal errors. // // Actually, a subclass of this which also implements std::exception will be thrown, but we hide // that fact from the interface to avoid #including <exception>. public: enum class Type { // What kind of failure? FAILED = 0, // Something went wrong. This is the usual error type. KJ_ASSERT and KJ_REQUIRE throw this // error type. OVERLOADED = 1, // The call failed because of a temporary lack of resources. This could be space resources // (out of memory, out of disk space) or time resources (request queue overflow, operation // timed out). // // The operation might work if tried again, but it should NOT be repeated immediately as this // may simply exacerbate the problem. DISCONNECTED = 2, // The call required communication over a connection that has been lost. The callee will need // to re-establish connections and try again. UNIMPLEMENTED = 3 // The requested method is not implemented. The caller may wish to revert to a fallback // approach based on other methods. // IF YOU ADD A NEW VALUE: // - Update the stringifier. // - Update Cap'n Proto's RPC protocol's Exception.Type enum. }; Exception(Type type, const char* file, int line, String description = nullptr) noexcept; Exception(Type type, String file, int line, String description = nullptr) noexcept; Exception(const Exception& other) noexcept; Exception(Exception&& other) = default; ~Exception() noexcept; const char* getFile() const { return file; } int getLine() const { return line; } Type getType() const { return type; } StringPtr getDescription() const { return description; } ArrayPtr<void* const> getStackTrace() const { return arrayPtr(trace, traceCount); } struct Context { // Describes a bit about what was going on when the exception was thrown. const char* file; int line; String description; Maybe<Own<Context>> next; Context(const char* file, int line, String&& description, Maybe<Own<Context>>&& next) : file(file), line(line), description(mv(description)), next(mv(next)) {} Context(const Context& other) noexcept; }; inline Maybe<const Context&> getContext() const { KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, context) { return **c; } else { return nullptr; } } void wrapContext(const char* file, int line, String&& description); // Wraps the context in a new node. This becomes the head node returned by getContext() -- it // is expected that contexts will be added in reverse order as the exception passes up the // callback stack. KJ_NOINLINE void extendTrace(uint ignoreCount); // Append the current stack trace to the exception's trace, ignoring the first `ignoreCount` // frames (see `getStackTrace()` for discussion of `ignoreCount`). KJ_NOINLINE void truncateCommonTrace(); // Remove the part of the stack trace which the exception shares with the caller of this method. // This is used by the async library to remove the async infrastructure from the stack trace // before replacing it with the async trace. void addTrace(void* ptr); // Append the given pointer to the backtrace, if it is not already full. This is used by the // async library to trace through the promise chain that led to the exception. private: String ownFile; const char* file; int line; Type type; String description; Maybe<Own<Context>> context; void* trace[32]; uint traceCount; friend class ExceptionImpl; }; StringPtr KJ_STRINGIFY(Exception::Type type); String KJ_STRINGIFY(const Exception& e); // ======================================================================================= enum class LogSeverity { INFO, // Information describing what the code is up to, which users may request to see // with a flag like `--verbose`. Does not indicate a problem. Not printed by // default; you must call setLogLevel(INFO) to enable. WARNING, // A problem was detected but execution can continue with correct output. ERROR, // Something is wrong, but execution can continue with garbage output. FATAL, // Something went wrong, and execution cannot continue. DBG // Temporary debug logging. See KJ_DBG. // Make sure to update the stringifier if you add a new severity level. }; StringPtr KJ_STRINGIFY(LogSeverity severity); class ExceptionCallback { // If you don't like C++ exceptions, you may implement and register an ExceptionCallback in order // to perform your own exception handling. For example, a reasonable thing to do is to have // onRecoverableException() set a flag indicating that an error occurred, and then check for that // flag just before writing to storage and/or returning results to the user. If the flag is set, // discard whatever you have and return an error instead. // // ExceptionCallbacks must always be allocated on the stack. When an exception is thrown, the // newest ExceptionCallback on the calling thread's stack is called. The default implementation // of each method calls the next-oldest ExceptionCallback for that thread. Thus the callbacks // behave a lot like try/catch blocks, except that they are called before any stack unwinding // occurs. public: ExceptionCallback(); KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(ExceptionCallback); virtual ~ExceptionCallback() noexcept(false); virtual void onRecoverableException(Exception&& exception); // Called when an exception has been raised, but the calling code has the ability to continue by // producing garbage output. This method _should_ throw the exception, but is allowed to simply // return if garbage output is acceptable. // // The global default implementation throws an exception unless the library was compiled with // -fno-exceptions, in which case it logs an error and returns. virtual void onFatalException(Exception&& exception); // Called when an exception has been raised and the calling code cannot continue. If this method // returns normally, abort() will be called. The method must throw the exception to avoid // aborting. // // The global default implementation throws an exception unless the library was compiled with // -fno-exceptions, in which case it logs an error and returns. virtual void logMessage(LogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line, int contextDepth, String&& text); // Called when something wants to log some debug text. `contextDepth` indicates how many levels // of context the message passed through; it may make sense to indent the message accordingly. // // The global default implementation writes the text to stderr. enum class StackTraceMode { FULL, // Stringifying a stack trace will attempt to determine source file and line numbers. This may // be expensive. For example, on Linux, this shells out to `addr2line`. // // This is the default in debug builds. ADDRESS_ONLY, // Stringifying a stack trace will only generate a list of code addresses. // // This is the default in release builds. NONE // Generating a stack trace will always return an empty array. // // This avoids ever unwinding the stack. On Windows in particular, the stack unwinding library // has been observed to be pretty slow, so exception-heavy code might benefit significantly // from this setting. (But exceptions should be rare...) }; virtual StackTraceMode stackTraceMode(); // Returns the current preferred stack trace mode. virtual Function<void(Function<void()>)> getThreadInitializer(); // Called just before a new thread is spawned using kj::Thread. Returns a function which should // be invoked inside the new thread to initialize the thread's ExceptionCallback. The initializer // function itself receives, as its parameter, the thread's main function, which it must call. protected: ExceptionCallback& next; private: ExceptionCallback(ExceptionCallback& next); class RootExceptionCallback; friend ExceptionCallback& getExceptionCallback(); friend class Thread; }; ExceptionCallback& getExceptionCallback(); // Returns the current exception callback. KJ_NOINLINE KJ_NORETURN(void throwFatalException(kj::Exception&& exception, uint ignoreCount = 0)); // Invoke the exception callback to throw the given fatal exception. If the exception callback // returns, abort. KJ_NOINLINE void throwRecoverableException(kj::Exception&& exception, uint ignoreCount = 0); // Invoke the exception callback to throw the given recoverable exception. If the exception // callback returns, return normally. // ======================================================================================= namespace _ { class Runnable; } template <typename Func> Maybe<Exception> runCatchingExceptions(Func&& func) noexcept; // Executes the given function (usually, a lambda returning nothing) catching any exceptions that // are thrown. Returns the Exception if there was one, or null if the operation completed normally. // Non-KJ exceptions will be wrapped. // // If exception are disabled (e.g. with -fno-exceptions), this will still detect whether any // recoverable exceptions occurred while running the function and will return those. class UnwindDetector { // Utility for detecting when a destructor is called due to unwind. Useful for: // - Avoiding throwing exceptions in this case, which would terminate the program. // - Detecting whether to commit or roll back a transaction. // // To use this class, either inherit privately from it or declare it as a member. The detector // works by comparing the exception state against that when the constructor was called, so for // an object that was actually constructed during exception unwind, it will behave as if no // unwind is taking place. This is usually the desired behavior. public: UnwindDetector(); bool isUnwinding() const; // Returns true if the current thread is in a stack unwind that it wasn't in at the time the // object was constructed. template <typename Func> void catchExceptionsIfUnwinding(Func&& func) const; // Runs the given function (e.g., a lambda). If isUnwinding() is true, any exceptions are // caught and treated as secondary faults, meaning they are considered to be side-effects of the // exception that is unwinding the stack. Otherwise, exceptions are passed through normally. private: uint uncaughtCount; void catchExceptionsAsSecondaryFaults(_::Runnable& runnable) const; }; namespace _ { // private class Runnable { public: virtual void run() = 0; }; template <typename Func> class RunnableImpl: public Runnable { public: RunnableImpl(Func&& func): func(kj::mv(func)) {} void run() override { func(); } private: Func func; }; Maybe<Exception> runCatchingExceptions(Runnable& runnable) noexcept; } // namespace _ (private) template <typename Func> Maybe<Exception> runCatchingExceptions(Func&& func) noexcept { _::RunnableImpl<Decay<Func>> runnable(kj::fwd<Func>(func)); return _::runCatchingExceptions(runnable); } template <typename Func> void UnwindDetector::catchExceptionsIfUnwinding(Func&& func) const { if (isUnwinding()) { _::RunnableImpl<Decay<Func>> runnable(kj::fwd<Func>(func)); catchExceptionsAsSecondaryFaults(runnable); } else { func(); } } #define KJ_ON_SCOPE_SUCCESS(code) \ ::kj::UnwindDetector KJ_UNIQUE_NAME(_kjUnwindDetector); \ KJ_DEFER(if (!KJ_UNIQUE_NAME(_kjUnwindDetector).isUnwinding()) { code; }) // Runs `code` if the current scope is exited normally (not due to an exception). #define KJ_ON_SCOPE_FAILURE(code) \ ::kj::UnwindDetector KJ_UNIQUE_NAME(_kjUnwindDetector); \ KJ_DEFER(if (KJ_UNIQUE_NAME(_kjUnwindDetector).isUnwinding()) { code; }) // Runs `code` if the current scope is exited due to an exception. // ======================================================================================= KJ_NOINLINE ArrayPtr<void* const> getStackTrace(ArrayPtr<void*> space, uint ignoreCount); // Attempt to get the current stack trace, returning a list of pointers to instructions. The // returned array is a slice of `space`. Provide a larger `space` to get a deeper stack trace. // If the platform doesn't support stack traces, returns an empty array. // // `ignoreCount` items will be truncated from the front of the trace. This is useful for chopping // off a prefix of the trace that is uninteresting to the developer because it's just locations // inside the debug infrastructure that is requesting the trace. Be careful to mark functions as // KJ_NOINLINE if you intend to count them in `ignoreCount`. Note that, unfortunately, the // ignored entries will still waste space in the `space` array (and the returned array's `begin()` // is never exactly equal to `space.begin()` due to this effect, even if `ignoreCount` is zero // since `getStackTrace()` needs to ignore its own internal frames). String stringifyStackTrace(ArrayPtr<void* const>); // Convert the stack trace to a string with file names and line numbers. This may involve executing // suprocesses. String stringifyStackTraceAddresses(ArrayPtr<void* const> trace); StringPtr stringifyStackTraceAddresses(ArrayPtr<void* const> trace, ArrayPtr<char> scratch); // Construct a string containing just enough information about a stack trace to be able to convert // it to file and line numbers later using offline tools. This produces a sequence of // space-separated code location identifiers. Each identifier may be an absolute address // (hex number starting with 0x) or may be a module-relative address "<module>@0x<hex>". The // latter case is preferred when ASLR is in effect and has loaded different modules at different // addresses. String getStackTrace(); // Get a stack trace right now and stringify it. Useful for debugging. void printStackTraceOnCrash(); // Registers signal handlers on common "crash" signals like SIGSEGV that will (attempt to) print // a stack trace. You should call this as early as possible on program startup. Programs using // KJ_MAIN get this automatically. kj::StringPtr trimSourceFilename(kj::StringPtr filename); // Given a source code file name, trim off noisy prefixes like "src/" or // "/ekam-provider/canonical/". kj::String getCaughtExceptionType(); // Utility function which attempts to return the human-readable type name of the exception // currently being thrown. This can be called inside a catch block, including a catch (...) block, // for the purpose of error logging. This function is best-effort; on some platforms it may simply // return "(unknown)". } // namespace kj