// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // Parser combinator framework! // // This file declares several functions which construct parsers, usually taking other parsers as // input, thus making them parser combinators. // // A valid parser is any functor which takes a reference to an input cursor (defined below) as its // input and returns a Maybe. The parser returns null on parse failure, or returns the parsed // result on success. // // An "input cursor" is any type which implements the same interface as IteratorInput, below. Such // a type acts as a pointer to the current input location. When a parser returns successfully, it // will have updated the input cursor to point to the position just past the end of what was parsed. // On failure, the cursor position is unspecified. #ifndef KJ_PARSE_COMMON_H_ #define KJ_PARSE_COMMON_H_ #if defined(__GNUC__) && !KJ_HEADER_WARNINGS #pragma GCC system_header #endif #include "../common.h" #include "../memory.h" #include "../array.h" #include "../tuple.h" #include "../vector.h" namespace kj { namespace parse { template <typename Element, typename Iterator> class IteratorInput { // A parser input implementation based on an iterator range. public: IteratorInput(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : parent(nullptr), pos(begin), end(end), best(begin) {} explicit IteratorInput(IteratorInput& parent) : parent(&parent), pos(parent.pos), end(parent.end), best(parent.pos) {} ~IteratorInput() { if (parent != nullptr) { parent->best = kj::max(kj::max(pos, best), parent->best); } } KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(IteratorInput); void advanceParent() { parent->pos = pos; } void forgetParent() { parent = nullptr; } bool atEnd() { return pos == end; } auto current() -> decltype(*instance<Iterator>()) { KJ_IREQUIRE(!atEnd()); return *pos; } auto consume() -> decltype(*instance<Iterator>()) { KJ_IREQUIRE(!atEnd()); return *pos++; } void next() { KJ_IREQUIRE(!atEnd()); ++pos; } Iterator getBest() { return kj::max(pos, best); } Iterator getPosition() { return pos; } private: IteratorInput* parent; Iterator pos; Iterator end; Iterator best; // furthest we got with any sub-input }; template <typename T> struct OutputType_; template <typename T> struct OutputType_<Maybe<T>> { typedef T Type; }; template <typename Parser, typename Input> using OutputType = typename OutputType_<decltype(instance<Parser&>()(instance<Input&>()))>::Type; // Synonym for the output type of a parser, given the parser type and the input type. // ======================================================================================= template <typename Input, typename Output> class ParserRef { // Acts as a reference to some other parser, with simplified type. The referenced parser // is polymorphic by virtual call rather than templates. For grammars of non-trivial size, // it is important to inject refs into the grammar here and there to prevent the parser types // from becoming ridiculous. Using too many of them can hurt performance, though. public: ParserRef(): parser(nullptr), wrapper(nullptr) {} ParserRef(const ParserRef&) = default; ParserRef(ParserRef&&) = default; ParserRef& operator=(const ParserRef& other) = default; ParserRef& operator=(ParserRef&& other) = default; template <typename Other> constexpr ParserRef(Other&& other) : parser(&other), wrapper(&WrapperImplInstance<Decay<Other>>::instance) { static_assert(kj::isReference<Other>(), "ParseRef should not be assigned to a temporary."); } template <typename Other> inline ParserRef& operator=(Other&& other) { static_assert(kj::isReference<Other>(), "ParseRef should not be assigned to a temporary."); parser = &other; wrapper = &WrapperImplInstance<Decay<Other>>::instance; return *this; } KJ_ALWAYS_INLINE(Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const) { // Always inline in the hopes that this allows branch prediction to kick in so the virtual call // doesn't hurt so much. return wrapper->parse(parser, input); } private: struct Wrapper { virtual Maybe<Output> parse(const void* parser, Input& input) const = 0; }; template <typename ParserImpl> struct WrapperImpl: public Wrapper { Maybe<Output> parse(const void* parser, Input& input) const override { return (*reinterpret_cast<const ParserImpl*>(parser))(input); } }; template <typename ParserImpl> struct WrapperImplInstance { static constexpr WrapperImpl<ParserImpl> instance = WrapperImpl<ParserImpl>(); }; const void* parser; const Wrapper* wrapper; }; template <typename Input, typename Output> template <typename ParserImpl> constexpr ParserRef<Input, Output>::WrapperImpl<ParserImpl> ParserRef<Input, Output>::WrapperImplInstance<ParserImpl>::instance; template <typename Input, typename ParserImpl> constexpr ParserRef<Input, OutputType<ParserImpl, Input>> ref(ParserImpl& impl) { // Constructs a ParserRef. You must specify the input type explicitly, e.g. // `ref<MyInput>(myParser)`. return ParserRef<Input, OutputType<ParserImpl, Input>>(impl); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // any // Output = one token class Any_ { public: template <typename Input> Maybe<Decay<decltype(instance<Input>().consume())>> operator()(Input& input) const { if (input.atEnd()) { return nullptr; } else { return input.consume(); } } }; constexpr Any_ any = Any_(); // A parser which matches any token and simply returns it. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // exactly() // Output = Tuple<> template <typename T> class Exactly_ { public: explicit constexpr Exactly_(T&& expected): expected(expected) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const { if (input.atEnd() || input.current() != expected) { return nullptr; } else { input.next(); return Tuple<>(); } } private: T expected; }; template <typename T> constexpr Exactly_<T> exactly(T&& expected) { // Constructs a parser which succeeds when the input is exactly the token specified. The // result is always the empty tuple. return Exactly_<T>(kj::fwd<T>(expected)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // exactlyConst() // Output = Tuple<> template <typename T, T expected> class ExactlyConst_ { public: explicit constexpr ExactlyConst_() {} template <typename Input> Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const { if (input.atEnd() || input.current() != expected) { return nullptr; } else { input.next(); return Tuple<>(); } } }; template <typename T, T expected> constexpr ExactlyConst_<T, expected> exactlyConst() { // Constructs a parser which succeeds when the input is exactly the token specified. The // result is always the empty tuple. This parser is templated on the token value which may cause // it to perform better -- or worse. Be sure to measure. return ExactlyConst_<T, expected>(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // constResult() template <typename SubParser, typename Result> class ConstResult_ { public: explicit constexpr ConstResult_(SubParser&& subParser, Result&& result) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), result(kj::fwd<Result>(result)) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<Result> operator()(Input& input) const { if (subParser(input) == nullptr) { return nullptr; } else { return result; } } private: SubParser subParser; Result result; }; template <typename SubParser, typename Result> constexpr ConstResult_<SubParser, Result> constResult(SubParser&& subParser, Result&& result) { // Constructs a parser which returns exactly `result` if `subParser` is successful. return ConstResult_<SubParser, Result>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<Result>(result)); } template <typename SubParser> constexpr ConstResult_<SubParser, Tuple<>> discard(SubParser&& subParser) { // Constructs a parser which wraps `subParser` but discards the result. return constResult(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), Tuple<>()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // sequence() // Output = Flattened Tuple of outputs of sub-parsers. template <typename... SubParsers> class Sequence_; template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers> class Sequence_<FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> { public: template <typename T, typename... U> explicit constexpr Sequence_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest) : first(kj::fwd<T>(firstSubParser)), rest(kj::fwd<U>(rest)...) {} template <typename Input> auto operator()(Input& input) const -> Maybe<decltype(tuple( instance<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>>(), instance<OutputType<SubParsers, Input>>()...))> { return parseNext(input); } template <typename Input, typename... InitialParams> auto parseNext(Input& input, InitialParams&&... initialParams) const -> Maybe<decltype(tuple( kj::fwd<InitialParams>(initialParams)..., instance<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>>(), instance<OutputType<SubParsers, Input>>()...))> { KJ_IF_MAYBE(firstResult, first(input)) { return rest.parseNext(input, kj::fwd<InitialParams>(initialParams)..., kj::mv(*firstResult)); } else { return nullptr; } } private: FirstSubParser first; Sequence_<SubParsers...> rest; }; template <> class Sequence_<> { public: template <typename Input> Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const { return parseNext(input); } template <typename Input, typename... Params> auto parseNext(Input& input, Params&&... params) const -> Maybe<decltype(tuple(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...))> { return tuple(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...); } }; template <typename... SubParsers> constexpr Sequence_<SubParsers...> sequence(SubParsers&&... subParsers) { // Constructs a parser that executes each of the parameter parsers in sequence and returns a // tuple of their results. return Sequence_<SubParsers...>(kj::fwd<SubParsers>(subParsers)...); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // many() // Output = Array of output of sub-parser, or just a uint count if the sub-parser returns Tuple<>. template <typename SubParser, bool atLeastOne> class Many_ { template <typename Input, typename Output = OutputType<SubParser, Input>> struct Impl; public: explicit constexpr Many_(SubParser&& subParser) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)) {} template <typename Input> auto operator()(Input& input) const -> decltype(Impl<Input>::apply(instance<const SubParser&>(), input)); private: SubParser subParser; }; template <typename SubParser, bool atLeastOne> template <typename Input, typename Output> struct Many_<SubParser, atLeastOne>::Impl { static Maybe<Array<Output>> apply(const SubParser& subParser, Input& input) { typedef Vector<OutputType<SubParser, Input>> Results; Results results; while (!input.atEnd()) { Input subInput(input); KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(subInput)) { subInput.advanceParent(); results.add(kj::mv(*subResult)); } else { break; } } if (atLeastOne && results.empty()) { return nullptr; } return results.releaseAsArray(); } }; template <typename SubParser, bool atLeastOne> template <typename Input> struct Many_<SubParser, atLeastOne>::Impl<Input, Tuple<>> { // If the sub-parser output is Tuple<>, just return a count. static Maybe<uint> apply(const SubParser& subParser, Input& input) { uint count = 0; while (!input.atEnd()) { Input subInput(input); KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(subInput)) { subInput.advanceParent(); ++count; } else { break; } } if (atLeastOne && count == 0) { return nullptr; } return count; } }; template <typename SubParser, bool atLeastOne> template <typename Input> auto Many_<SubParser, atLeastOne>::operator()(Input& input) const -> decltype(Impl<Input>::apply(instance<const SubParser&>(), input)) { return Impl<Input, OutputType<SubParser, Input>>::apply(subParser, input); } template <typename SubParser> constexpr Many_<SubParser, false> many(SubParser&& subParser) { // Constructs a parser that repeatedly executes the given parser until it fails, returning an // Array of the results (or a uint count if `subParser` returns an empty tuple). return Many_<SubParser, false>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)); } template <typename SubParser> constexpr Many_<SubParser, true> oneOrMore(SubParser&& subParser) { // Like `many()` but the parser must parse at least one item to be successful. return Many_<SubParser, true>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // times() // Output = Array of output of sub-parser, or Tuple<> if sub-parser returns Tuple<>. template <typename SubParser> class Times_ { template <typename Input, typename Output = OutputType<SubParser, Input>> struct Impl; public: explicit constexpr Times_(SubParser&& subParser, uint count) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), count(count) {} template <typename Input> auto operator()(Input& input) const -> decltype(Impl<Input>::apply(instance<const SubParser&>(), instance<uint>(), input)); private: SubParser subParser; uint count; }; template <typename SubParser> template <typename Input, typename Output> struct Times_<SubParser>::Impl { static Maybe<Array<Output>> apply(const SubParser& subParser, uint count, Input& input) { auto results = heapArrayBuilder<OutputType<SubParser, Input>>(count); while (results.size() < count) { if (input.atEnd()) { return nullptr; } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) { results.add(kj::mv(*subResult)); } else { return nullptr; } } return results.finish(); } }; template <typename SubParser> template <typename Input> struct Times_<SubParser>::Impl<Input, Tuple<>> { // If the sub-parser output is Tuple<>, just return a count. static Maybe<Tuple<>> apply(const SubParser& subParser, uint count, Input& input) { uint actualCount = 0; while (actualCount < count) { if (input.atEnd()) { return nullptr; } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) { ++actualCount; } else { return nullptr; } } return tuple(); } }; template <typename SubParser> template <typename Input> auto Times_<SubParser>::operator()(Input& input) const -> decltype(Impl<Input>::apply(instance<const SubParser&>(), instance<uint>(), input)) { return Impl<Input, OutputType<SubParser, Input>>::apply(subParser, count, input); } template <typename SubParser> constexpr Times_<SubParser> times(SubParser&& subParser, uint count) { // Constructs a parser that repeats the subParser exactly `count` times. return Times_<SubParser>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), count); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // optional() // Output = Maybe<output of sub-parser> template <typename SubParser> class Optional_ { public: explicit constexpr Optional_(SubParser&& subParser) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<Maybe<OutputType<SubParser, Input>>> operator()(Input& input) const { typedef Maybe<OutputType<SubParser, Input>> Result; Input subInput(input); KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(subInput)) { subInput.advanceParent(); return Result(kj::mv(*subResult)); } else { return Result(nullptr); } } private: SubParser subParser; }; template <typename SubParser> constexpr Optional_<SubParser> optional(SubParser&& subParser) { // Constructs a parser that accepts zero or one of the given sub-parser, returning a Maybe // of the sub-parser's result. return Optional_<SubParser>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // oneOf() // All SubParsers must have same output type, which becomes the output type of the // OneOfParser. template <typename... SubParsers> class OneOf_; template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers> class OneOf_<FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> { public: explicit constexpr OneOf_(FirstSubParser&& firstSubParser, SubParsers&&... rest) : first(kj::fwd<FirstSubParser>(firstSubParser)), rest(kj::fwd<SubParsers>(rest)...) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>> operator()(Input& input) const { { Input subInput(input); Maybe<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>> firstResult = first(subInput); if (firstResult != nullptr) { subInput.advanceParent(); return kj::mv(firstResult); } } // Hoping for some tail recursion here... return rest(input); } private: FirstSubParser first; OneOf_<SubParsers...> rest; }; template <> class OneOf_<> { public: template <typename Input> decltype(nullptr) operator()(Input& input) const { return nullptr; } }; template <typename... SubParsers> constexpr OneOf_<SubParsers...> oneOf(SubParsers&&... parsers) { // Constructs a parser that accepts one of a set of options. The parser behaves as the first // sub-parser in the list which returns successfully. All of the sub-parsers must return the // same type. return OneOf_<SubParsers...>(kj::fwd<SubParsers>(parsers)...); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // transform() // Output = Result of applying transform functor to input value. If input is a tuple, it is // unpacked to form the transformation parameters. template <typename Position> struct Span { public: inline const Position& begin() const { return begin_; } inline const Position& end() const { return end_; } Span() = default; inline constexpr Span(Position&& begin, Position&& end): begin_(mv(begin)), end_(mv(end)) {} private: Position begin_; Position end_; }; template <typename Position> constexpr Span<Decay<Position>> span(Position&& start, Position&& end) { return Span<Decay<Position>>(kj::fwd<Position>(start), kj::fwd<Position>(end)); } template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc> class Transform_ { public: explicit constexpr Transform_(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& transform) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), transform(kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(transform)) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<decltype(kj::apply(instance<TransformFunc&>(), instance<OutputType<SubParser, Input>&&>()))> operator()(Input& input) const { KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) { return kj::apply(transform, kj::mv(*subResult)); } else { return nullptr; } } private: SubParser subParser; TransformFunc transform; }; template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc> class TransformOrReject_ { public: explicit constexpr TransformOrReject_(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& transform) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), transform(kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(transform)) {} template <typename Input> decltype(kj::apply(instance<TransformFunc&>(), instance<OutputType<SubParser, Input>&&>())) operator()(Input& input) const { KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) { return kj::apply(transform, kj::mv(*subResult)); } else { return nullptr; } } private: SubParser subParser; TransformFunc transform; }; template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc> class TransformWithLocation_ { public: explicit constexpr TransformWithLocation_(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& transform) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), transform(kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(transform)) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<decltype(kj::apply(instance<TransformFunc&>(), instance<Span<Decay<decltype(instance<Input&>().getPosition())>>>(), instance<OutputType<SubParser, Input>&&>()))> operator()(Input& input) const { auto start = input.getPosition(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) { return kj::apply(transform, Span<decltype(start)>(kj::mv(start), input.getPosition()), kj::mv(*subResult)); } else { return nullptr; } } private: SubParser subParser; TransformFunc transform; }; template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc> constexpr Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transform( SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& functor) { // Constructs a parser which executes some other parser and then transforms the result by invoking // `functor` on it. Typically `functor` is a lambda. It is invoked using `kj::apply`, // meaning tuples will be unpacked as arguments. return Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc>( kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(functor)); } template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc> constexpr TransformOrReject_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transformOrReject( SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& functor) { // Like `transform()` except that `functor` returns a `Maybe`. If it returns null, parsing fails, // otherwise the parser's result is the content of the `Maybe`. return TransformOrReject_<SubParser, TransformFunc>( kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(functor)); } template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc> constexpr TransformWithLocation_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transformWithLocation( SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& functor) { // Like `transform` except that `functor` also takes a `Span` as its first parameter specifying // the location of the parsed content. The span's position type is whatever the parser input's // getPosition() returns. return TransformWithLocation_<SubParser, TransformFunc>( kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(functor)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // notLookingAt() // Fails if the given parser succeeds at the current location. template <typename SubParser> class NotLookingAt_ { public: explicit constexpr NotLookingAt_(SubParser&& subParser) : subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)) {} template <typename Input> Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const { Input subInput(input); subInput.forgetParent(); if (subParser(subInput) == nullptr) { return Tuple<>(); } else { return nullptr; } } private: SubParser subParser; }; template <typename SubParser> constexpr NotLookingAt_<SubParser> notLookingAt(SubParser&& subParser) { // Constructs a parser which fails at any position where the given parser succeeds. Otherwise, // it succeeds without consuming any input and returns an empty tuple. return NotLookingAt_<SubParser>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // endOfInput() // Output = Tuple<>, only succeeds if at end-of-input class EndOfInput_ { public: template <typename Input> Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const { if (input.atEnd()) { return Tuple<>(); } else { return nullptr; } } }; constexpr EndOfInput_ endOfInput = EndOfInput_(); // A parser that succeeds only if it is called with no input. } // namespace parse } // namespace kj #endif // KJ_PARSE_COMMON_H_